Chapter 66

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Loki's POV

"The Allfather has summoned you to the war council Prince Loki."

He looked up from the words of Shakespeare, ever since Eloise had given him the complete works he read it over and over, it was one of his favorites, it was one the few things that could distract him from worrying about Eloise.

With a snap he shut the book and got to his feet, straightened his overcoat, and transported himself to the war council room.

"You sent for me Allfather."

There was an open chair on Odin's left hand side directly across from Thor, "Thank you for coming son. It would seem Surtur has been releasing fire demons upon Midgard again. I will be sending both Thor and you and an elite contingents Einherjar to deal with Surtur as you see fit."

Odin dismissed the council, Loki got up and turned to follow Thor intent on seeking more information about what had happen, when the gruff voice called him back.

"Loki, a word."

Odin, leaned back against his chair, his face even more lined with weariness.

Once the room was empty, Odin rose to his feet, walking over to his two ravens, Huginn and Muninn.

"How are you finding married life?"

"Delightful other than the fact that my wife is not here where I know she is safe," he couldn't help but hiss.

"She has been well, I have been sending Huginn and Muninn to keep me abreast of her progress. She crossed the river Grogu earlier today, I believe by this evening she shall find Idunn's orchard."

Loki looked up in surprise, but remained silent.

"I know you think me cruel for this but truly, if she is to stay here and have a life with you, she must be equal to it, a life here on Asgard is not easy."

"She is."

"Go, I am sure you have preparations to make. May the norns bless you my son."

Quickly he transported himself back to their rooms, and cleared a space off of his desk, Odins beard this present situation is getting out of hand, and pulled out a quill and paper.

My Dearest Eloise,

By the time you read this I shall already be in Muspelheim. Surtr is rousing the fire demons for an attack on Midgard. Do not fear, Thor and I shall put a stop to it, before the convergence, which he no doubt plans to use. I shall contact you as soon as I return, you may even get back before I will. I have left instructions with my mother so I will know you are well cared for in my absence.

You are never far from my thoughts, I wish you were here so I could have your blessing before I take my leave.

I love you,


With a flourish of green he sent the letter to Eloise's bag before going to seek out his mother.

Frigga was seated in her garden, reading beneath a bower of roses, "Mother."

"Loki, I was so hoping to see you before you left."

Frigga stood up, pulling him into a warm embrace instantly soothing him, "Now tell me son how are you?"

She pushed him on to the bench she had been seated on, resuming her seat next to him.

"I would feel a lot better if Eloise was here and not currently somewhere in the mountains on the back of a horse."

"Unfortunately life does not usually wait for everything to go smoothly my son. I was with Odin this morning when Huginn returned, she safely crossed the river which would be her biggest hurtle. Be at peace."

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