Chapter 1

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They appeared to have come from no where, but in the busy hustle and bustle of school letting out no one even noticed, children of various ages swirled around them, from small 6 year old to nearly adults. They stood off to the side near some trees and a bench. "Mother do we really have to be here? There is no way father is going to ever have me marry some Midgardian female." He sneered looking around, "Loki, you know as well as I do the seer has never been wrong, she's here and I would see her and I think you should as well. Now the question is which one..." The woman next to him looked around glancing at the faces closest to them. "Come on." She waved him forward into the school, he followed behind her, trying not to look sullen. Once they entered the school there was far fewer children around as they wandered the halls, his mother searching for the face she had been shown.

He was surprised when they stopped at an open door that had music coming out of it, "There she is, oh Loki she's beautiful." Loki glanced in the room, the young woman was seated at a piano, facing away from them, till he saw her face in the mirrors on the wall. It's true, she was nothing short of stunning, her face was heart shaped, her skin nearly as pale as his own except for two spots on her cheeks which were flushed as she sang a melody he didn't recognize but he could hear enough to know that she sang well, her eyes seemed to be a pale blue but from this far away he wasn't sure, her hair was untamed long brown curls, she seemed short but he wasn't sure of her age, she did seem young... unconscious of being watched she walked away from the piano to some sort of a machine to hit a button which the device began to play more music. He looked her over, she seemed to be wearing tight black pants, a pale blue sweater with another black shirt underneath it. "She seems... young. " he tried to appease his mother without letting her know he was secretly pleased by her. "She isn't done growing, she's still a child, but not for much longer. I believe the seer said she's 16 earth years."

"Excuse me? Are you the ones who called about the tour?" A voice came from behind them, a matronly woman from behind glasses eyed the two of them staring at the young girl, looking the pair over. The woman had honeyed tresses and well dressed, her outfit expensive, she met the woman eyes with a ready smile, "Yes, I'm looking for a school for my son. Figga Odinson. My son Loki." She gestured to Loki who was still watching the girl, who was now gracefully spining and moving in what must be a dance but not one he understood.  "Fine arts program right? Follow me." Frigga began following the woman, grabbing Loki's arm. "Who was that darling creature?" Frigga asked, "Oh that's Eloise Doe, one of our boarding students. She's actually the student who will do your student interview as soon as we're done with the tour." "Lovely girl, we heard her sing and play." The woman looked up, "Thats unusual. She usually won't play for strangers." "Oh I don't think she noticed us. We were just standing in the door." The woman nodded before speaking, "Now Longfellow has a long history of supporting the arts..." Loki tuned the woman out, ignoring his surroundings thinking about the pretty young girl.

Soon they were headed back towards the room where they had last seen... What was her name? "Eloise, are you ready for them?" The woman's voice drew his attention, the young woman was sitting in the hallway, a small book in hand, and another on the ground to the side of her. "Yes Professor.  Give me just a moment to pack up," she finished writing a note on a piece of paper before slipping it in the pages of the bigger book and slipping both into some sort of a bag. "Are you already working on your poetry essay?" The woman asked as Eloise approached, her voice soft, "Yes Professor." The woman inquired, "Who did you chose?" "Edgar Allen Poe ma'am." She stood up, he was surprised at how short she was, she was dwarfed by him but had an unconscious grace about her when she walked that made her seem taller. "This is Mrs. Odinson and her son Loki. Eloise Doe, one of our brightest students." She nodded a polite distant smile on her face, shaking Frigga's hand, and then Lokis, when her eyes met his own emerald green ones and she flushed.

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