Chapter 2

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Loki POV

"Well?" Frigga demanded once they were back in her rooms on Asgard, "She seems nice." He tried to keep his face blank, "Nice," she scoffed, "Son she is identical to you. She is beautiful, intelligent, kind, a fitting match for you. I will talk to your father about the seers visions and about bringing her to Asgard when she is old enough." He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, uncertainty welling up inside him, "What if she doesn't like me? What if she perfers Thor just like everyone else?" He asked, "Oh my son," Frigga pulled him into a hug, "She is going to love you."

7 years later

"So when are you going to let me take you out on a date sweetheart?" Eloise sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose, while holding her hot chocolate, murder is illegal, murder is illegal,  murder is illegal, she chanted to herself before she blew out a breath and tried to calmly respond, "Derek we go thru this everyday, and the answer is always the same, I will not go on a date with you." "Come on sweet heart I think you'd really like me if you got to know me." He pushed closer to her, as she slipped her bag over her shoulder preparing to leave. "Derek, I don't like anyone. So for the last time, my answer is no, will always be no. Got it?!" He shoved past her, knocking her to the ground. "Miss are you alright?" A hand extended out to her, as a clean cut man with ice blue eyes helped her to her feet and picked up her spilled hot chocolate, "I'm fine. You know how it is, most guys like that think no means take me I'm yours." She brushed off her pants, making sure she was still presentable, "Here let me get you another drink, what was it?" "Thats not necessary." "Don't worry about it, it's the 10th drink so it's free."

"Barton, I did not come here to watch you rescue damsels in distress." She turned to stare up at a tall dark haired man in a black suit, his hair was lanky and smoothed back away from his face, which might have once been handsome but now was blanched white his bright blue eyes, shifting around uneasily. "I didn't ask to be saved nor did I need it." She snapped, glancing at the man,"Sorry sir. Can't stand to see a woman get pushed around though." Barton replied, handing her the hot chocolate.  She stared at the stranger, something seemed vaugly familiar about him. "What are you staring at woman?" She shook her head, "Nothing you just look familiar thats all." "I can assure you we have never met." He hissed. "Anyway Barton, thanks for the impromptu rescue, as unnecessary as it was. You're a peach." She waved at Barton and walked out the door.

Loki POV

That night at the undercover lab, he paced around, unable to sleep, his thought on the young woman Barton spoke to, You just look familiar thats all her voice echoed in his mind. As unlikely as it was she had looked and sounded familiar too. "Barton," he barked at the man standing before him waiting for instructions, "Tell me about the girl from today, do you know her?" "No sir, just over heard their conversation while I was waiting for the drink order. He asked her out, she declined, he asked again and she declined again, then he knocked into her. Seemed like he asks her out frequently." "Tomorrow, go get drinks again and keep an eye on her. Find out who she is, and if the man approaches her again, make sure he learns not to." "It would be my genuine pleasure sir."

Loki followed Barton cloaking himself in his magic to watch their interaction. She was slim, attractive, if one could call any midgardian female attractive he sneered to himself, she was wearing a navy blue sleeveless dress, her hair pulled up into a bun except for a few tendrils that had escaped and was reading a book she'd pulled out of her bag. "Hows it going damsel in distress?" Barton strode past her to the counter to order. "Aren't you a cheeky bastard?" She grinned at him from over her book. "I have been told that from time to time." "I can see why," "Any sign of our friend today? I'd like to have a word with him on how we treat ladies." He asked the barista. She shook her head no, "Still got about 5 minutes before he's due." "Mind if I sit here?" Barton asked, "Its a free country." She replied not looking up from her book. "So what is your name? Since you already know mine." "Well more specifically I suspect it's your last name, so in the business of being fair, it's Doe." "Hot chocolate for Eloise." "Damn thanks for blowing my cover, Kate." She reached over grabbing her drink off the counter. "Sorry" the barista shrugged. "Nice to meet you Eloise." Barton reached out to shake her hand. 

She glanced behind him, her face shifting from a smile to distaste. "How about that date now sweetheart?" Derek asked as he strode up to her, sliding right past the man who sat in front of her, she rolled her eyes, "Not gonna happen you halfwit." She tried to walk past him, when he grabbed her arm. "Nobody tells me no." "I can in about 7 different languages, now let go." Barton suddenly grabbed the man and slammed his head into the counter. "I believe the young lady said no sir. Now you are gonna get up and walk out of here and never come back. And if you ever see this young lady again you are not to say a word to her just leave. Got it?" "Yes." The man whimpered.  Barton released him and he ran out.

Eloise left shortly afterwards. Loki's heart was beating out of his chest.  Eloise Doe that name. The little girl had indeed grown up, he would still tower over her but now the top of her head would just rest under his chin, What was he thinking, she'd never be that close to him. No one with a face like that would want a monster like you, a sinister voice whispered in his head. Still  his own voice whispered back, Mother was never wrong and it would be unfortunate if she was killed while he acquired a throne. The sinister voice snarled back, Frigga is not YOUR MOTHER! "Barton, what did you find out about her." "Eloise Doe, age 23, resident of New York, ward of the state when she was found at 3 years old, bounced around from foster home to foster home till she was 10 when she was boarded at the Longfellow Academy of the Arts in Chicago. Graduated from there at 18 with the highest honors, studied at NYU, has a masters degree in the fine arts. She currently owns an apartment downtown Manhattan, not far from Stark tower. No known relationships  or personal connections or afflilations. No known information about her prior to when she was found at three years old at a hospital in Chicago, no information ever been discovered about her parents. She was found with Bank account information that ensured she'd be well cared for, which is odd. Clearly somebody cared about her then."

He uneasily thought about how close she was to Stark Tower. "Sir?" "Yes Barton?" "Do you want me to bring her here?" "No just leave me her information." The mellewing quim is nothing, focus on your task, on getting your throne the sinister voice snarled, if you want her afterward then take her. She won't be in a position to say no to a God.  His own voice joined in Thats true, she wouldn't dare turn down a God.

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