Chapter 6

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Loki POV

As he passed, his eyes lingered on Thor when he noticed a shadow move drawing his eye behind his brother. "Hello again, pet." His eyes swept over her, someone had given her a dress the very shade of her eye color, her hair had been pulled back into a braid so he could see more of her face, her skin looked pale and soft except for the bruises on her throat, he felt a stab at his head bruises you gave her,  he was surprised she didn't look absolutely terrified of him, instead she calmly studied him as he gazed at her. Blue met green in a staring match, and he honestly wasn't sure if she would be the one to break first till he heard a low growl from Thor who stepped in front of her, pushing her further behind him. "Temper, temper brother." He mocked as the guard behind him shoved forward and the doors shut behind him.

Eloise POV

"Really Thor its OK, I'm fine," Eloise was trying calm Thor down, "Honestly, I got the feeling he was trying to intimidate me, and I'm not about to have that." They were almost back to the medical wing, and she was having to nearly run to keep up with his long strides, "Lady Eloise, I know Loki if he is trying some game I need to know so he can be stopped." Thor was agitated, she tried calming him down, reassuring him Loki wasn't going to make her afraid, "Thor, I meant exactly what I said, he didn't harm me till I startled him and then I provoked him." "Still he shouldn't have dared to try and intimidate you." She couldn't help but feel like he was being a bit over protective.  "Relax Thor, it's not a big deal. Not exactly like I'll be seeing a ton of him, he'll be locked up till his trial and then I'll get to go home. What did he do by the way?"

Thor looked extremely uncomfortable, "He killed a lot of people and destroyed a good portion of New York City trying to subjugate the earth to become king." His eyes searched her face for a reaction. "Ohhhh so that's what he was talking about." She thought back to her conversations with him, "You knew?" "Not, exactly. He did tell me he killed something like 80 people in 2 days and then he refused to let me go after the doctor checked me out because he said I lived too close to Stark Tower."  Thor looked surprised at her revelation, "That is unusual that he would care.  I will inform the Allfather there is more to your story that what you initially said." She cringed thinking back to his over the top reactions and not really want him to think she had purposeful hidden anything from him. "I didn't mean to hide anything, it's just been alot. I mean I'm still not even sure this is all real." She gestured around, "I mean Asgard isn't supposed to be real and yet here I stand having a conversation with the God of Thunder. " Thor chuckled in response. "This is where I leave you Lady Eloise, if you will allow me when you are released I would be proud to give you a tour of Asgard." She couldn't help but smile, "That would be lovely."

Loki POV

Loki had long since tuned out Odins yelling and ranting, his mind was back on the little midgardian he had sent back here and who was bold enough to stand her ground against him, when something knocked him to the ground and Thor dropped Mjölnir on his chest, holding him in place. "What is your game with the girl?" "Thor!" Frigga yelled taking a few steps down, "I have no game, perhaps you should tell them Frigga, since everyone seems so concerned with my motives..." he smirked, enjoying the chaos, "Or did you never discuss with Odin that the seer predicted that that delicious little mortal would be my wife?" He barely got to enjoy the shocked expressions of Odin and Thor before Thor hit him and  he blacked out.

When he came to he was back in his  cell laid out on his cot, Frigga sitting across from him, "Why do you insist on aggravating your father and brother?" She asked him in a wearied voice, "He is not my father."  Frigga seemed to ignore his comment, "Now, you are going to tell me exactly how you managed to get her all the way here without the Bifrost." "I used the tesseract and pushed her thru... I didn't mean to hurt her. I just- I can't explain it. But I knew if I didn't get her help she would have died." Loki couldn't meet her eyes, he regreted what he'd done on earth but hurting one mortal girl shamed him even more, the guilt had been eating away at him, "Does that upset you?" Friggas eyes squinted as she saw past his pretenses, "I- it shouldn't, she means nothing to me. She's an insignificant mortal." "That may be my wayward son, but despite being an, as you put it insignificant mortal, she's already stood her ground and told Odin what you did for her, and I suspect there is even more to the story than what she's already said." She stood, "Your father has asked me to go and speak with her, about the details of her attack and what you did." She paused, her gaze probing her son, "Tell me, what happened son?"

Eloise POV

After meeting the Allfather, Eloise felt exhausted and fell into a fitful sleep. When she awoke she found Frigga once again seated next to her. "Hello dear," she greeted her with a warm smile. "Eir tells me you are well enough to be moved to regular rooms and I thought I might accompany you." "Ummm thank you." "It is my pleasure my dear." Frigga pulled her up, lacing her arm thru hers as they left the medical wing. "How are you feeling?" "Fine I suppose, overwhelmed, this is all alot to take in." "I suppose it is very different. I remember feeling the same the time we visited Earth." "I remember that day." "Here we are. The Allfather has granted you rooms very close to the royal families, I've asked Thor to keep an eye on you, just till you've learned your way around." Frigga released her arm to open the door and she gasped at the room, the room was huge and golden as were most rooms in the palace, with a large bed with pale blue silk bedding, a desk with several empty bookshelves begging to be filled, and a balcony over looking Asgard. "Its beautiful, thank you so much." "You are very welcome my dear. You'll find dresses aplenty in the closet and you have your own personal bath so you don't have to use the public bath houses."

Frigga drew her over to a small settie, "I would like to hear what happened between you and my son, The All-father can be very intimidating when he is upset and it would be understandable if you edited events." Frigga's face was full of tender concern, she squeezed Eloise's hand, "I only wish to help."

Eloise let out a breath she'd been holding, Frigga had a way of making her feel at ease, "Well, at first we met in a coffee shop just after a friend  or possibly a co-worker of his, I'm not sure of their relationship, but they definitely knew each other, spoke to me after I turned down a man for a date," Frigga's eyebrows turned down in confusion, "A date? I am not familiar with this term." "Ummm he want to go out somewhere together, believed he was entitled to a relationship. " "Ah courtship! You turned him down?" "He was not the sort of man I would be interested in, he was rude, brash, and was only interested in..." she paused unable to say sex infront of a queen, she blushed, "Ah, I believe I understand what you aren't saying, he wanted to be intimate with you."

"Yes, it wasn't the first time I turned him down. Loki was rather rude and impatient about him stopping to help, yet his friend was back the next day. He actually got rid of him in a very inventive way." She smiled as she thought back to her Derek getting his face slammed into the counter. "I didn't see Loki for a few days till I was coming home with a co-worker from a concert when he tried to kiss me, I pushed him off of me and I tried to walk away." She didn't realize her hands were shaking, "I'm sorry I haven't had much to process what happened." "It is alright my dear, I am all to aware of how rough the world can be on women. You need not go into detail if you do not wish to. I do wish to know if you were hurt." Frigga's gentle speech gave her the confidence to speak, "He slammed me back into the wall and choked me, he would have raped me but Loki stopped him. I didn't know what happened at the time but he broke his neck, then he took me some place, I didn't see where and he had a doctor check and make sure that I wasn't hurt. He stayed with me and we talked for a while before I fell asleep. When I woke up his coat was on me and he was sleeping againstthe door, when I got up to get a drink, he seemed like he was having a nightmare. I tried to wake him but I startled him." She looked down at her hands, she was twisting the gold ring on her thumb, which she only did when she was anxious. "He thought I had been trying to leave and it made him angry and then I lost my temper and provoked him. I really don't think he wanted to hurt me. And then I woke up here." Frigga caught her off guard pulling her into a hug. After a moment she returned in gratefully. 

"That was a very trying ordeal, my dear, you must rest and try to enjoy yourself here." Frigga released her giving her a warming smile. "Go to bed now, no one will hurt you here and you can rest easy." Frigga got up and started to leave but stopped at the door. "Sleep well my dear." Eloise flopped down on the bed and burrowed under the covers, quickly drifting off to sleep.

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