Chapter 17

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Loki POV

"You, I want enough food for two brought to my room."

He snarled at the first maid he saw.

"Yes my prince." She stuttered.

"That wasn't nice."

"I don't care."

He could hear her practically running behind him.

"Slow down!"


She ground to a halt suddenly, forcing him to turn around.

"Come on."

"Where are we going?"

"I am supposed to look after you and you have to keep an eye on me so come on."

"Tell me where we're going."

Obstently she planted her feet, crossed her arms, she clearly didn't intend on moving.

Time to show her why you are the God of Mischief.

He gave her a feral grin.

"Last warning pet."

When she didn't move, he grabbed her and tossed her over his shoulder.

"Put me down!"

Her ferocity astounded him, if he had been human he would have had quiet a struggle on his hands as she squirmed and kicked against him, her little fists beating against his back.

"Stop it woman before you reinjur yourself, Eir's healings only do so much good."

She still against him, good girl, he happily thought, her hand struck like a snake, grabbing a fistful of his hair before she resumed kicking him.

"Put me down! I'll scream!"

He chuckled, "Pet no one is going to help you, apart from maybe my brother and I can almost guarantee he has either down at the training arena or he laid back down in that bed and is sleeping. Now would you be so kind-"

He couldn't finish his sentence, at that exact moment her foot collided with his balls and the both went down in a tumble, he grunted in pain rolling off of her as she sat up grasping at her side.

"Owwww damnable hellhiem woman must you be so unpleasant?"

"You were rude first, you could just tell me where we have to go in such a hurry."

"You were standing right there when I ordered food for both of us and then I was going to suggest going to bed," she gave him a furious look, "To sleep."


Her expression softened, and she opened her mouth to speak, "Lady Eloise!"

She groaned and got to her feet in a hurry with a martyred expression as Fandral approached them.

He grabbed her hand and kissed it as he pulled her to her feet, "Tales of your exploits to free Loki already spread throughout the palace my lady."

She gave him a barely concealed look of loathing without answering as he looked down at Loki.

"Loki I see your time in the dungeon have made you no less graceful."

Loki got to his feet, "Fandral."

Fandral took her hand again, Loki watched with amusement as he could tell she wanted nothing more than to rip her hand away from him.

"I hope you have not forgotten about our future stroll in the gardens my lady."

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