Chapter 44

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Eloise POV

She was practically bouncing up and down watching from the window, practically willing the bifrost to open.

Thor had been gone a week and he'd promised to return before Loki's birthday and that was tomorrow, and Thor had agreed to go shopping on earth for her.

Lightening hit the bifrost and she took off running for the entrance to the Palace.

"Lady Eloise!"


He grabbed her up pulling her into a bone crushing hug and spun her around like a tiny child.

Setting her on her feet, he grinned at her his face glowing.

"I believed you requested this my lady." He held out a brown paper bag to her, taking it from him she clutched it to her chest.

"Thank you so much Thor, I owe you big time!"

"Yes, I request many poptarts in exchange for this most laborious of tasks."

"You got it big guy, as many as you want. So how was Jane?"

She'd never seen Thor blush so hard, she squealed before he could say a word.

"Isn't this a touching scene?"

She turned to face Loki, quickly holding her package behind her back, she smiled at him, she could hear just a touch of jealousy in his voice.

"Thor was just going to tell me all about his visit with Jane."

She reached out to him with her free hand, stroking the side of his hand with her thumb, his cold expression melting under her touch.

"So, I take it from your blush you two are back together?"

She looked back at Thor.

"Yes, you were right, she did wait for me."


Loki was looking at her with a strange half smile that made her feel like her insides had turned into molten lava.

"What? I ship them. I can't help but root for star crossed lovers."

"I am glad to hear that. But I am afraid we are all going to be late to dinner, Volstagg is probably going to eat everything and then we'll all starve."

"I'll meet you guys there."

She tucked the bag under her arm and set off for her room.

She leaned against the door and opened the paper bag, pulling out a beautiful leather bound copy of the complete works of William Shakespeare.

"Its perfect."

She quickly hid it before heading back down to the dinning hall.

Everyone seemed slightly louder and excited for tomorrow night.

She sat down next to Sif, craning her neck looking for one dark haired God of Mischief, when she heard Volstagg curse and knock over his tankard.

She turned and came face to face with a snake, slithering across the table at her.

"Brother." Thor's voice gave a warning.

"Its alright Thor, nice try but I'm not scared of snakes Loki."

She picked up the snake, letting his cool body wrap around her arm, before dropping a kiss on his little snake head.

Suddenly Loki rematiralized and the both fell over and on to the floor with a crash.

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