Chapter 33

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Fallout Boy

Eloise POV

It had been nearly 6 weeks since they'd arrived and the days blurred together, the Grandmaster loved parties and festivals, which left her exhausted from smiling, trying to pretend that she was enjoying herself.

In the mornings, she would slip out, trying to gleam any information that might be useful to them to aid in their escape, while Loki stayed with the Grandmaster, keeping them in his good graces.

She enjoyed scouting among the streets, Loki was too recognizable without his illusions and he was better suited to dealing with the Grandmaster anyway, she couldn't always control her facial expressions.

Both of them had been fending off his advances, fortunately they had mutually agreed for appearances everyone else thought they were involved with each other.

Outside the room they were overly affectionate, but never kissed on the lips.

Inside their room they rarely touched  except for when sleeping, due to their being only one bed, they slept together and always ended up wrapped around each other, but other than unconscious nighttime cuddling, Loki seemed to be keeping his distance, sticking to her request to wait till they were back on Asgard.

But she caught him looking at her a lot with an affectionate, happy look that gave her butterflies in her stomach.

That morning she rushed back to their apartment, excited, she had the first piece of the puzzle to how they would escape.

Loki was waiting for her, his hands behind his back, staring out the window at the world below them.

"How was it today?"

She threw down the shaw she had kept over her head before joining him.

"Not good, he's bored and it's making him restless, he cannot find a decent grand champion and it's making him volital."

"My day was a little more fruitful."

She slapped down  a piece of paper with numbers written on it.

He picked it up off the side table, "This is?"

"The codes to the elevator that goes down to where the Grandmaster keeps all his ships."

She couldn't help grinning as she could almost see Loki's mind begin to work.

"I'm impressed, how did you get this?"

His voice was full of pride.

"Remember when I said I was a bit of a trouble maker and with a pension for learning things I shouldn't have when I was a child?"

He frowned at her, "Yes?"

"Pick pocketing was one of those skills. I saw them handing out the codes and I stole it off one of the guards."

She turned and grabbed an apple out of the bowl on their table, not meeting his eyes, truthfully she was a little embarrassed that she knew how to and that she was good at it.


His voice was soft and he came over and softly pulled her face up to his, "Its alright, you did nothing wrong by doing this."

She nodded, and leaned her face into his touch, he leaned his face into hers, running his nose along her cheek softly, before leaning forward his lips over hers when a knock at the door interrupted them.

He let out a grumble, the paper vanished, she knew he put it in his interdimentional pocket where no one put him could it out, and moved to answer the door while she sat down eating her apple.

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