thirty three

275 21 11

Riley Murphy


My head hurt. I had cried for hours in Dakota's arms who thankfully didn't say a word.

We were on Dakota's bedroom floor before but thankfully we moved to the bed where I was now  laying beside Dee, my hand on her leg.

She stroked my hair, pulling her fingers through the rough strands of my brown hair as her breath hits my skin softly. 

She looks so beautiful when she's distracted. Her face is babyish almost. Long eyelashes, soft lips, smooth skin. 

I heard a knock at the door and heard Dakota called for them to come in.

It was Elle. My breath hitched and I tried to stay still, hoping they wouldn't notice.

"Are you alright?" Dakota spoke gently.

"I heard you guys." She whispered, sitting on the end of the bed.

The bed squeaked as she sat down and I felt her place a hand on my back. 

Elle watched him, "Does he really think that we don't love him?" Her voice was barely above a whisper as more tears fell down her cheeks.

There was slight shuffling on the bed before I heard Elle sigh, "He's just upset." 

Guilt flooded my body and I felt the need to cry grow stronger. 

I'm such a bad person. 

Elle sighed, "I watched him grow up. I raised him, you know?" She nodded, "I just wish he'd talk to me. Or Alex, or Paxton! Even Megan, she's a freaking therapist!" 

"I know. I'm working on it. He's just... been through a lot. More than you know and more than he lets on." 

"That's for sure." 

I looked up at her face and saw tears in her eyes, "Did you know that when he was about 3 or 4, he snuck out of his room and managed to turn on the kitchen sink." Elle smiled, "He flooded the whole floor. We didn't realise until we woke up the next morning and found him curled up in a ball, asleep on the couch."

Dee giggled, "That sounds like something he'd do." 

"Well, I'll leave you to it."

Before she could leave, Dakota called out.

"He loves you, you know that right?" 

Elle nodded, "I know."

The door was closed again and we were left in silence. 

Darkness welcomed us as the night sky continued to grow, stars appearing on every inch of the sky as the moon came into vision.

Dakota sniffled a little and the sound tugged at my heartstrings.

She shuffled down into the bed and placed her hand on my chest, the heat from her fingers warming my cold chest.

What did I do to deserve her? To deserve my family? I've done nothing but bring them pain.

My hand reached up and my thumb wiped away the remaining tears on her face. She gasped at the sudden contact, obviously not expecting it.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled.

There was silence, "I know." 

* * * 

When I woke up the next morning, my eyes were heavy. I managed to peel them open and noticed an empty bed.

Don't Talk To Me | BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now