forty one

330 18 8

Riley Muphy


The next couple of days, we invited the Weston's over for dinner. We got to know them a little better, find out there history.

But after they had left and gone back to their farm, I was washing dishes with Alex who was awfully quiet.

"Are you okay? You're quiet." I said, drying the last plate and putting it on the drying rack.

Alex nodded, "Yeah, no I'm fine. I'm just, thinking." He sent me a half smile and placed his hands back in the soapy water.

"Anything I can help you with?" I asked him, Alex sighed, "You know how Quinn and Will invited us to live on their farm, with them?" He told me, pulling the plug.

I nodded, turning to face him, "Well, they have a couple cabins out back that are just sitting there, waiting to be used. And they uh- invited us to live there." His face held a guilty look and I frowned, "So why do you look so upset about it then?"

He sat down at the table, "Because. We just moved into this place I mean, literally. And I hate asking you guys to pack up your lives and move again. It's not fair." He said.

I sat down opposite him, "You're right, it's not fair. But neither is life, dude. We could die at any given day from zombies, disease or natural disasters. Every day we are literally risking our lives." I said.

"But that's what we do in order to stay alive, okay? We move. And maybe this farm could be a game changer for us. Elle's always wanted to have a garden right? This could be her chance to have one. We could teach Will and Quinn and Veronica how to fight I mean- this could be our chance to live a semi normal life."

"Quit the pep-talk. We're already going." Paxton interrupted us.

He was standing in the doorway with Elle by his side, gushing.

"We just went down there and it's completely safe. No zombies, no traps or anything like that."

"So it's not far then?" I stood up. Paxton shook his head, "Down the road from that row of shops Alex picked you guys up from the other day."

"So, what do we do?"

"Tomorrow we pack up and leave again. But Riley, you're right. What we do everyday, we do to survive." Paxton looked me dead in the eye before walking out with Elle.

"When did you get so wise?" Alex smirked, throwing a hand over my shoulder.

I shrugged, "I'm not sure. My brothers and idiot so I don't where I got my smart genes from." I teased.

+ + + 

Paxton was right when he said their farm was safe.

I was exploring the cabins with Dakota, who was laughing at the stability of our lives so far. She was admiring the rooms and kept finding new things to love.

We stumbled into the last room. This one was a little dustier, though.

It had a high roof with a small fireplace to one side, a double bed with plain white covers, a beside table with a broken lamp. Dakota fell in love with the place.

"Can we have this one, please." She gushed, holding onto my hands. I shrugged, "Sure." I smirked. She kissed me in satisfaction as I walked us back to the bed.

A cloud of dust erupted from the covers and I coughed, quickly jumping off it. "I'm glad Elle brought our old blankets. This one smells like old people." Dakota laughed, coughing.

There was a small shelf with a single book on it and I wiped my finger across it, a thick layer of dust building on my finger.

The rest of the room was plain though. A desk with a swivel chair pushed into the corner, a bookshelf filled with books and old knick knacks, while the middle of the room had a cool rug.

"This place is perfect. I can't wait to stay here." 

(A/N; this is their cabin. picture it without the TV and table though lol)

 picture it without the TV and table though lol)

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It was small and perfect for us.

* * * 

We had helped the rest of the adults load the stuff into their cabins while we explored the land. There was a huge wheat field filled with crops that were waiting to be chopped.

Elle almost cried when she spotted a huge vegetable she could refurbish as well an old swing like the one we had at the old house. Unfortunately the one Paxton built her didn't survive the last earthquake back in Washington, so we've been searching for one ever since.

Veronica insisted on showing us her room. It was white with a bed pushed into the corner, a dresser and a desk, with heaps of toys, games and stuffed animals on the floor.

"How old are you again?" I teased. She rolled her eyes and showed us around the rest of the house.

It was a loft house, so the mezzanine floor had two couches, an old TV stand and a bookcase, while the bottom of it had a fireplace, a kitchen, a bathroom off to the side and obviously a couple bedrooms.

"You have no idea how grateful we are, honestly." Elle thanked Quinn who shook her head, "It's the least we could do. Thank you for staying." 

Alex helped us make our rooms feel like our own as we unloaded our stuff.

Dakota took the right side, because she's OCD like that, while I took the left, because I only have a small amount of stuff.

"Why do you have so many bras, God." I freaked out, noticing how full the right side of the dresser was. Dee slapped me, "Because I am a woman." She pouted.

I smirked, staring at her boobs, "Yes you are." 

She slapped me again, "Why do you have such little underwear hmm?"

I shrugged, "Because I'm a man." 

Suddenly, I heard arguing outside and looked out the open door, seeing Levi and Gage face to face, with angry looks on their faces.

"What's going on?" I asked.

Gage looked at me and huffed, "Ugh! Don't Talk To Me."

* * * 

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