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Riley Murphy 


I hobbled up the long road, seeing the house that was once my home.

I felt emotional actually. The windows had been blown in, the wood was burnt and everything we had worked towards was gone.

They never told me what happened to the house, just that we had to move, quickly. I gritted my teeth and felt angry at Mason for what he did.

How dare he force us to move from our home?

"Riley?" I hear someone call.

I turn around, making eye contact with Dakota. My eyes widen in disbelief.

"RILEY." Gage and Dakota scream at the same time.

"I'm fine-"

Dakota throws herself into my arms and I can feel her tears wetting my t-shirt. I stumbled back, holding onto her for dear life as I relax my body "Oh my God, we were so worried. You didn't come home and we heard gunshots and fireworks- oh my-" 

I blink my one good eye and clutched my arm again.

"Oh my God- you're hurt. Guys, he's hurt."

"Dude, were you shot?" Gage shouts, pulling my arm forward. He inspects my arm, pulling at the ripped material as blood soaked his fingers.

Dakota was still clung to me as I used my one good hand to comfort her, "I'm sorry about what I said. I felt so guilty and wanted to apologise, then you didn't come home and I-'

"It's okay, I'm sorry too, for what I said. It was out of line but- I'm not mad, I promise. I'm just glad you guys are okay!" 

Levi pulled his sister off me, "Why did you guys come all the way to Washington?" I ask, looking to Gage, "It was just kind of a feeling, you know? I felt drawn back to the house."

I nodded, hooking my arm around Dakota's shoulder as she hugged me, "I'm fine. They- took me."

"Who?" Gage threatened.

I sighed, running my hands through my hair, "It's Mason."

Dakota forced me to lay down in the back seat. My head was on her lap as she avoided my eyes. Although her hand was running through my hair so she can't have been that mad at me.

"Wait, how long was I gone?" I ask.

Gage and Levi make eye contact in the front seat, "Why?"

"Because it's an 8 hour drive from the border to here, and I know you guys, you wouldn't risk it." 

Dakota bit her lip and I reached up to wipe a lone tear that dripped down her face.

"Four days." 

I blinked, "F-four days?" I stuttered. Gage nodded, "We thought you were dead, dude." 

"I thought I was dead. I only woke up from that... place like 3 hours ago." 

"Yeah well you look like you've been dragged through a pit of nails." Levi snorts, "Thanks man, much appreciated." 

All was silent in the car, until the voice of Pierce echoed in my head, "We need to go back."

"That's what we're doing."

"No I mean, back to Canada. To Alex and the others." I said.

Gage stopped the car and turned to look at me, "Did you hit your head or something?" 

I sat up, feeling dizzy.

"Look- there was a guy, Pierce. He helped me escape."

"Pierce was the one Elle told us about, right?" I nodded, "He said we needed to go back. It's just Mason. He has no army, no intel, nothing. He can't hurt us if we have four walls, big guns and there's seven of us against him, right?" 

Levi nodded, "True. But are you sure Pierce won't rat us out."

I nodded, "When I was escaping, Pierce gave me his only gun, and I heard a gunshot fire when I was crawling in the vents." My voice lowered.

"Lets just uh- keep going then." 

The car started again and I leaned my head against the window, watching raindrops race each other.

I felt a warm hand cover mine and I didn't need to look to see who it was. Our fingers interlocked and I brought her hand up to my lips, kissing her knuckles.

We held hands for majority of the drive, until it got dark and we decided to stop for the night.

"We leave first thing, we can't take any chances."

* * *

To say I was nervous was an understatement. 

We were standing in front of our house where we could see lights on.

But the air felt thick, tension filled.

"I'm scared. My Mom's gonna beat my ass." Gage quivered.

I smiled, "Don't worry. We're all gonna get our asses handed to us." I sighed, "We just have to go in there and brave the adults, and then we tell them what happened, deal?"

"Yeah but can we wait for a few more minutes, I like not be grounded." Gage said, Levi agreed, "Me too. Maybe we can just turn back, wait for them to find us."

"Guys- we got this. They'll be happier to see us than they will be angry."

"But they'll still be angry." Dakota said.

"You guys just don't want to be on my side today, do you?" I breathed out.

"But we have to go before I bleed out on the driveway and they find me laying here all dead and gross." I said. Levi nodded his head, "Okay, after you guys." 

None of us moved, "Lets just- come on."

After taking one step I immediately wanted to turn back and run but I kept walking.

My whole body was shaking with fear and well, pain as we approached the door.

"Do we knock or?" Gage asked.

Dakotas fingers touched the front door slightly and it opened, creaking.

"I guess we just- go in?" 

We walked along the creaking floorboards, hearing voices in the kitchen.

 "Oh fuck here goes nothing." Gage whispers.

"What do we even say, 'hey we're home, sorry for taking so long?" Dakota said sarcastically, I shrugged, "Just walk in?"

My heart was hammering harder against my chest as I got closer to the kitchen door. I couldn't hear what they were saying but the voices sounded stressed.

I felt terrible for putting that kind of pressure on them.

I pushed open the door and immediately I hear metal clang to the floor.

"Hi?" I say, sheepishly.

* * * 


ya'll, I'm sorry- 

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