twenty seven

276 20 12

Riley Murphy


I watched his dead body slowly stop moving as the four bullet holes began to seep blood. 

I felt oddly proud, watching this monster die under my watch. But I was terrified with myself of what I had just done.

I had blood on my hands, and my arms and legs and everywhere else.

I felt weak, defeated.

I had just taken a life. A bad persons life but still.

I didn't know this feeling existed until now.


The gun clattered to the ground as it fell from my fingers.

I began to shake, not even understanding what was happening.

I heard footsteps pelting against the footsteps as I turned on my heel.

The tears had finally fallen from my eyes as I saw the worried and shocked faces of my family.

"Riley..." Elle started.

I shook my head, starting off down the road as I took off running.

Somewhere, anywhere where I don't have to look in the eyes of anyone.

I'm too ashamed.

* * *

The sun had gone down now as I sat on an old log near the beach.

My arms had goosebumps as it had gotten colder as the night went on. I shivered, only to realise that I should probably start heading back.

I rubbed my eyes, wiping any remaining tears from them as I stood up, throwing the stick I was holding into the water.

The wind tasted salty as it whipped through my clothes, making me cringe as my cuts stung.

I didn't even react when I heard the soft patter of rain, or the scuttle of a crab along the waterfront.

Nothing seemed real to me anymore.

I trudged up the path to my house, hands in my pockets as I tried to keep in any warmth.

I could see lights on and sighed, what if I just ran away? Life would be so much easier.

I walked around the back of the house, hesitantly opening the back door.

I made sure to make a noise when it closed, to let them know I was home. 

I swear the air stilled as I walked up the stairs, my feet dragging along the rug as I pushed my way through to my room.

Anxiety filled me as I sat down on my bed. My back hunched and I put my head in my hands, feeling the overwhelming urge to cry again. 

I heard the creak of the door open and I didn't look up. I knew who it was by the sound of their footsteps.

I felt her before I saw her. She took my hands away and held them in her own hands, kissing my palms as her hand reached up to touch my cheek.

I finally met the teary eyes of Dakota, who's lip quivered as she sat on the bed next to me.

She didn't say anything.

"Please don't be afraid of me." I whispered, choking on my breath, "I couldn't handle it if you were afraid of me."

Dakota pulled me into her arms, tears once again falling down my cheeks.

"I could never be afraid of you." She whispered back, kissing the top of my head, "I'm on your side, Riles."

I never heard such sweeter words come out of her beautiful mouth,

"We're just worried, we love you and- can't bare to see you like this." 

I pulled away from her, my fists clenching by my side.

"Don't do that." She said quickly, intertwining her fingers through mine to stop me from hurting myself.

"Come on, lets have a shower, get some of this blood and dirt of you huh?" She smiled, to relieve some tension.

I nodded my head. She pulled me to my feet, glancing back at me every so often as if I was going to break any second.

I heard slight whispering from downstairs as we walked down the hallway.

Gage's door was closed and I felt angry again.

"Don't worry about him, okay? He'll come around." Dakota said, sensing my sadness.

We got to the bathroom and Dee turned on the water, before locking the door.

"Okay, I'm gonna t-touch you now, okay? Is that okay?" She asked me.

I nodded.

The glass doors of the shower started to fog up as the room started to get hot.

I felt Dakota's shaky fingers go to the hem of my shirt. She was on her tip toes as she managed to get it over my head.

"You're smiling because I'm short, aren't you?" Dakota giggled. I shrugged. My hands went to her hair, pulling the hair tie out of it and placing it on the bench.

She unbuckled my belt before sliding it through the loops. It clanged to the floor.

Before she could get to my pants, I motioned to her, "You wanna undress me?" She asked. I nodded, "Okay." 

I lifted her shirt over her head, trying to ignore the fact that we were both about to be naked in a shower together.

She took off her pants as I took off mine.

I got in first, turning it to cold quickly before Dakota slipped in after me.

The water wet my hair, the droplets hitting my skin before I submerged myself.

I stayed completely still, my body frozen as the floor below us turned red. 

Dakotas hands went to my face, "Riley, look at me." She said worryingly, "Look at me, okay?" She tried to focus on my eyes but I was too far gone.

I held my breath when she bought our lips close. Our mouths colliding once more as she slid her hands down my shoulders and across my back.

My eyes closed involuntarily as my hands decided to wander her waist. She moved us under the water and I knew this was her attempt to distract me. 

It was working.

I flinched when she grabbed my hands.

I bit her bottom lip, eliciting a moan from her as our tongues met. She moved my hands to her body where she slowly moved them upwards.

I felt my heart rate get faster as I tried to ignore it.

"Dakota-" I managed to say, "Shh its okay." She whispered, breathless as my hands came in contact with her boobs. I swear I almost fainted.

She pressed her body to mine as my hands started moving around slightly.

She tugged at my hair, making me groan, "Oh my God Riley-" My name rolled off her tongue like honey as my knees felt weak again.

"You're so hot." I mustered out, hearing her giggle.

"You're not too bad yourself, handsome." 

* * * 

heyyyyy guyyyys

so I need to hear ur honest opinion:

DO I right a dirty chapter? yes or no?

because I want too, but I'm not sure if you guys would be into it??

and when I say dirty I mean... D I R T Y ;)

lemme know!

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