
290 22 9

Riley Murphy


Dakota's naked body was pressed firmly against mine. I could feel the goosebumps rise on her skin as my fingers trailed upwards on her thigh.

"You have no idea what you do to me." I muster, kissing her swollen lips as she cries out.

Eyes rolling to the back of her head as she comes down from her high, grinning at me as she rocks back and forth.

I groan, our voices echoing through the empty store as we lay on the cold floor.

My back is sticking to the floor as small beads of sweat form on my forehead.

I smugly grin when Dakota's boobs are in my face, right there for me to see.

"You're such a boy." She teases, I pout.

She climbs off my body, laying next to me. I hear her sigh as the floor cools her hot body down. I pull my jacket over us, leaving my chest exposed.

"Wow..." She starts.

"Wow is right. You're amazing." 

She flips her hair over her shoulder, "What can I say. Years of practice." She jokes.

* * * 

As we pull up to the house a couple hours later, I can't help but laugh at the state of the house.

"It looks even worse than before." I snort, covering my mouth.

We were both tipsy, well- drunk.

Two bottles of whiskey straight will do that to you. But apparently Dee only needs one bottle of wine to set her off.

I could hear the extra bottle clanging in the back seat as we hid them with the floor mats.

"They won't find them." Dakota slurred, opening the passenger door.

We hopped out, stumbling over one another as we made our way into the house.

"You're back. That was a long time for... clearing your head." Alex says, his voice faltering when he sees us, "What the hell happened to you two?" He asked.

I shrug, "We went for a walk. A long one, and it was tiring. I'm going to shower." I say quickly.

Before I can make it to the stairs, I'm pulled back by Alex. I stumble back and thankfully land on the couch.

"What is your problem?" He asks me.

I roll my eyes, "This again? I'm not even home for five minutes and I'm already getting lectured?" 

"Because you're irresponsible and immature, that's why."

"What have I done wrong? We told you where we were going, I don't know why it's such a big deal?" I yell back, standing up.

"The deal is because there is still danger out there." Alex taunts.

"Where? Where Alex? Because from what I recall, Mason is dead. You all watched me kill him." I growled, "And we haven't seem zombies for weeks, months even. So don't get all fatherly on me now when you and I both know you just want someone to control." I hiss, earning a slap from Alex.

Dakota gasps from behind Alex and I bit my lip, feeling my cut reopen.

"Is that Whiskey? Are you fucking drunk Riley?" Alex screams, glaring at me, "So what if I am?"

"You are nineteen-"

"Exactly! I'm nineteen Alex. And from the stories I've heard, you were all drinking by that age too.  Don't be on my ass about drinking when Elle told me about your twentieth birthday, and your twenty first and your twenty second!"

Alex is breathing, hard, "I'm stepping up here, trying to raise you right, teach you lessons. Like my parents did with me-"

"My parents." I scoff, "Did you forget that your parents are also my parents?" I put emphasis on the 'my'. "I never knew them, Alex. So excuse me for being all teen rebellious. I forgot that you never did anything bad in your life because you're the golden child." 

"Don't turn that shit on me." Alex spat, pointing his finger at my chest, "You and I are the same. But you're my baby brother, of course I'm going to be hard on you."

"You have a kid for that. Focus on him first before you control my life." 

"Don't bring Gage into this Riley-" Alex rubs his temples, "Too late. He hates me and apparently so do you. Just another person to add to the never ending list of why Riley is a fuck up." I snapped.

I focused all of my frustration and rage into my burning palms as I felt the liquid trail down my fingers.

"Stop trying to control me when I've given up." I mumble.

I left him sulking in the living room as I walked calmly to my room, closing the door before getting the urge to throw shit about in my room.

I turned around, seeing a flash of dirty blonde hair before I felt lips encase mine. I kissed Dakota back without a second glance as she pushed me to my bed.

"You being all angry was kind of hot." She bit her lip, lifting her hoodie over her head. My eyes bulged out of my head when I saw that she wasn't wearing a bra.

"You're insane." I whisper shout, her lips coming back to mine again.

"Thank you." She shrugs.

I try to be quiet, to let them know that I'm still angry. But when Dakota's fingers trail up my chest and to my neck where she leaves hickeys, I can't help myself, "Let them hear us. Payback for what they said." She winked.

I ripped my shirt off excitedly before getting to work.

* * *

Dakota shivered under my touch as we both fell asleep.

I could smell dinner wafting through to my room but I didn't budge. 

My stomach sounds like a car that won't start but I don't want to give them the satisfaction of going down there. All they're going to do is yell me for being disrespectful.

Last time I checked, my brother is the one who slapped me?

I couldn't fall asleep though, my mind is too occupied with other things. 

Like the fact that my stomach is swarming with bad feelings, and that I'm afraid to fall asleep because of the nightmares.

My life is so insanely good yet so insanely bad.

* * * 


I proMISE there's going to be a lot more excitement soon >:)

I just had to... let the dust settle before you know, things start to explode.

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