twenty three

281 21 7

Riley Murphy


After the unnerving feeling of having someone's eyes on me, I stood up. 

Tingles shot down my back as goosebumps rose in their place.

I peered out my window, shutting the curtains before exiting my room.

I headed into the bathroom where I saw Gage brushing his teeth. He wiggled his eyebrows at me as I picked up my toothbrush.

"So, you and Levi have been spending a lot of time together, huh?" I smirked, lifting my toothbrush to my mouth. Gage coughed and choked on the paste before he wiped his mouth.

"W-what?" He stuttered, staring at me wide eyed.

"No I'm just curious, are you guys friends or?"

"We've always been friends." Gage said in a small voice, "No I know. I'm just wondering if there's something else going on?" I said, spitting out my foamy mouth.

"Like what, Riley? If there's something you want to say then just say it!"

I lifted my shirt over my head, flinging it into the empty hamper.

"I don't want to say anything dude, I'm just wondering."

"What about you and Dakota then hmm? You guys have always been super close, is there something going on there that I should know about?" Gage said.

I shrugged, "Hopefully I mean- I know I like her, it's just a matter of time."

He blinked, "Okay well, I didn't think you would actually admit it." He mumbled. I smirked, ruffling his hair, "We've both secrets, it's not a crime." Gage rolled his eyes.

"Yeah I know, but Levi's my friend too, I just wanna make sure you're both okay and-"

"And what? Finish your sentence." Gage threatened.

I threw my arms up in surrender, pulling out the first aid kit from the drawer.

"I didn't say anything." I winced, cradling my aching shoulder.

"Cover your bruise man, that's nasty." Gage gagged, shielding his eyes.

"Why don't you cover yours?" I grinned, nodding to his neck.

His face paled as he started in the mirror, terror in his eyes as he rubbed at his neck.

I cut off the excess bandage and placed the first aid kit back in the drawer, "So are you two past the friendship stage or?" I tease.

Gage pushes past me, storming down the hall.

I laugh until I hear the door slam.

"BOYS!" Elle screams to us.

* * *

Tip-toeing down the hall to Dakota's room, I gently rasp my knuckles against her door. She mumbles a come in. I open the door, sliding inside before closing it again.

Her head hasn't even lifted off the pillow.

I smile, sneaking in beside her.

"Why was Elle yelling at you guys just now?" She asked in her sleepy voice.

I chuckled, "Oh you know, just Gage and I being idiots."

She turned in my arms, so her head was on my chest. Her room was a lot lighter than mine so I could see the silhouette of her face against the sky light.

Don't Talk To Me | BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now