
333 21 5

Riley Murphy


When I saw the signage for a superstore I got excited, "We can probably hide out here for a few hours, grab some stuff, eat some stuff and rest before we have to go again."

"I'm guessing this means we can't drive around for a while?" Levi whines, I shake my head, "Not until we know that they won't chase us off the road again." I say.

We enter the dark superstore. I hear nothing but silence. Which is a good sign, but I don't want to jinx it.

There is light provided from the windows so at least we'll be able to see.

"Split up, but don't go far. Grab as much as you can and meet back here in an hour."

We split off into our separate aisles, all set on the items we need to get.

Levi is on food and drink. Gage is on medicine and medical supplies. Dakota is on clothes and bedding. And I'm on weapons and other random stuff we might need.

Like, toilet paper, a deck of cards, paper and pen, stuff like that!

* * * 

I found a random cart in the middle of the aisles and grabbed it to haul stuff in.

It's been about a half hour and the cart is half-full. 

I wince when I reach for a packet of toilet paper. It drops on the floor and I growl, bending down to pick it up. My shoulder is killing me.

I landed on it when I rolled out of the car. It feels like I popped it out of its socket. 

Ignoring the aching pain, I continue on with the shop.

I hear a shriek and look up, "Sorry guys, I saw a spider." Levi announces. I hear say 'ew' and them make a 'ugh' sound after and smile to myself.

"My brother huh, always so dramatic." I hear a voice say. I spin around to see Dakota. She has a bunch of shirts and pants and a few pairs of socks in her hand. She chucks them into the cart and leans against a shelf.

"Going good so far?" She yawns, pulling the strap of her tank top back onto her shoulder.

I nod, trying to ignore the hot flushes that are shooting down my arm.

"Are you okay? You look pale?" Dee asks me, looking at me with concern, I shake my head, "No I'm fine, I'm just hungry and tired." I shrug.

I grab the cart and push it along the aisles, Dakota following behind me.

While she grabs something from the next aisle over, I reach down to pick up some flashlights.

I make a noise when something touches my shoulder, "Sorry... it's just me." Dakota's sweet voice says.

"Oh hey, sorry." I apologise.

I stand up straight. She's staring at me with a look I can't decipher.

Without knowing, she throws something at me, "Catch." It hits me in the arm and I groan, clutching my shoulder, "I knew it. You liar!" She hissed.

I push her away, "I'm fine Dakota."

"You are not fine. Now sit down and shut up." She points to the floor and I roll my eyes. But I oblige anyway.

Dakota peels my shirt off me and I wince. She gasps and I look at her face, "What?" I ask, "You're bleeding, idiot." She mumbles the last part and stands up quickly digging around in the cart for something to wrap it with.

"I'm fine Dee, you're making a big deal out of nothing." I push her away.

She takes her index finger and pokes my shoulder with it. I pretend it doesn't hurt, but after a while it stings and she glares at me, "Why would you not tell me it hurts? Or at least Gage... come on Riley, you've gotta look after yourself." She sighs.

"Look I'm sorry, okay? But if I'm not worried, you shouldn't be either." 

Dakota's ignoring me now as she pushes me head to the side. She sits in the space between my legs and tends to my wounds whilst I wince every time it hurts.

"It wouldn't hurt this much if you would take care of it." She argues, looking at me.

I meet her eyes and smile slightly, glancing down at the compromised position we're in. My legs were spread apart whilst she was sitting between them. 

Not to mention the fact that our faces were awfully close together, not that I'm complaining, I could watch her all day.

Her deep blue eyes, dimples and freckles. 

"This might hurt so uh- squeeze me if it does and I'll go gentler." She almost whispered.

Our eyes hadn't left each other as she grabbed my hands and placed them on her waist. My fingers twitched as I felt the outline of her waist.

She went back to my shoulder and I stung only slightly. Her breathing hitched when she moved closer as did mine. 

"Hey Riley-" Dakota said, I was about to answer her when I was cut off by a burning sensation on my skin. I squeezed her waist, trying not to hurt her as I closed my eyes and winced, "Ow, fuck!" I said loudly, biting my lip.

I opened my eyes slightly to see Dakota staring at me intently, her eyebrows furrowed, "I'm sorry." She mumbled, a slight smile on her face. She dragged her thumb down my cheek as our eyes locked again.

This is crazy feeling I'm feeling its... euphoric.

"Hey guys- what the hell did I just walk into?" Gage and Levi say, rushing over to us. They stopped half-way as we sat on the floor.

"Um, sis?" Levi questioned. Dakota rolled her eyes but got off me, "Riley over here has hurt his shoulder, even worse than last time." She growled, showing them the bloodied rag.

Gage looked away, "Gross dude."

"We came over to see what was wrong, not walk in on an orgy!" Levi shrieked, covering his neyes with his pink and purple fingernails.

"Dude, I need to talk to you." I say suddenly, interrupting their conversation, "Me?" Riley points to him, "Yes you, idiot." 

I yank him to a few aisles over. I slide down the wall and Gage does the same, "What's up?" He asks.

"I need your help?"

"Use a condom." He blurts out. I glare at him, "I hate you." I start to get up, "I'm kidding man, sit down. What's up?"

I sigh, "I feel... weird." 

His eyes widen, "Like a bad feeling weird?"

I shake my head, "Like... whenever I'm with Dakota and I can't stop looking at her. And I feel this weird bubbly feeling in my stomach whenever I'm around her."

Gage is grinning from ear to ear as I explain my feelings, "I want to protect her all the time and I just... I don't know, I don't know what to do." I shrug.

"That my friend... is a crush." 

* * * 



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