
306 21 20

Riley Murphy


I blinked open my one good eye as the other remained swollen shut.

Goddamn that hurts.

I try to sit up and feel all the blood rush from my head to my fingers, and then to my feet. I'm wobbling about, but I can't see anything.

"Hello?" I call out, my throat hurts, "HEY." I scream, using the last of my strength to bang on the door, "Let me out you pussy!" The metal door is clanging against the frame as I continue to assault it.

I feel anxiety creep to the back of my throat.

This is what Elle and Alex must've felt every time they were taken. I can't imagine what it would do to someones mindset after having it happen for years.

I've only been here for 5 minutes and I want to throw up.

"Hey, let me out-" I'm cut off when the doors open. 

A guy stands in front of me, a giant smirk on his face as he looks me up and down, "Did your brother ever teach you not to walk around on your own?" He said evily, grabbing my by the elbow.

I tried to swing it out of his grip but he just gripped me tighter.

"Let go of me, dick." I hissed.

He threw me into a wall and I cried out in pain, my shoulder aching. 

"Who even are you? Why are you-"

"Oh shut up would you? I'm not here to kill you." The guy hissed at me, closing the heavy doors behind him.

I took a step back, wanting to get away from this guy, "My names Pierce." He said, holding out his hand. I stared at his hand and them him, slapping it away from me.

"What do you want, Pierce." I mocked.

"You need to get out of here, find your friends and go back to your family." His tone had turned serious and I looked him in the eyes, he seemed sincere.

"What do you know about me and my family?" I said defensively.

"Has your Aunt ever told you the story of Mason?" 

My blood ran cold, I nodded slightly, eyeing him up and down, "Well, when you reach them, tell them that Mason didn't die when he was shot. Nor did he drown or get blown up. He's still perfectly in tact and running around."

I felt the colour drain from my face as I took in what Pierce said.

"Why are you helping me? What do you want?"

Pierce handed me a gun, I took it quickly, "Lets just say I owe it to my family to make sure no one else dies. Now take this and run!"

"I don't know the way out of here." I said.

"When I open this door, there's a hallway with a purple ceiling, take that and turn left. There should be a vent, it's big enough to crawl through. Keep going in a straight line until you reach the fans. You should be able to pop one of the fans out. But then you have to swim."

My eyes widened, "Swim? Where the hell are we?"

Pierce looked around, "Were on top of a lake. And I would've signalled to your friends but walkies don't work, which is why he brought you here."

I nodded, "Thank you man, I mean it." I said.

He nodded back, "It's not a far swim, just across the lake and then you head through the woods, you'll recognise where are you from there." 

I heard a clang erupt from somewhere and Pierce's eyes widened, "Go, quickly, I'll hold him off."

I was still skeptical on whether I could trust him, but I took the route anyway, my ears on high alert as I took off down the hallway with the purple ceiling.

"Vent, vent... where's the vent!" My eyes spotted a silver gate on the bottom of the wall that looked big enough to crawl through. The screws were halfway out already so I just pulled it off.

Climbing inside, I take off down the vent. I can hear yelling and my blood turns cold when I hear a gunshot.

Oh my God.

I gripped the gun that Pierce gave me, thanking him silently as I continued to crawl. I turned left when I saw that left was the only way to go and kept going straight.

I heard the sweet sound of a fan and almost cried.

"Thank you God." I whispered.

Suddenly, there was a gunshot. I looked behind me and saw a hole in the vent.

"SHIT." I whisper-yelled, crawling faster across the vent as I saw the fans up ahead.

The gunshots were getting louder.

One flew right past my hand as I basically slid to where the fan was.

This is NOT how I want to die.

I balanced on the palms of my hands, using my feet to kick the fast spinning fan.

It was budging out, only slightly as holes were being made in the vent.

I tried to hear where he was but the only thing I could hear was the fan and running water, this is what Pierce must've meant when he said we were on top of a lake.

I managed to get the fan out and looked over the edge, breathing in, I squeezed my eyes shut, preparing myself to swim.

"AH, FUCK." I called abruptly, clutching my arm as a bullet grazed my bicep.

I threw myself off the edge, landing feet first into the freezing cold lake as I swam to the surface. I tried to avoid the flying bullet holes as I submerged under the water.

I just need to get to the shore and then I'll be fine. His aim is shitty anyway, he won't be able to hit me from that far away.

"Say hi to Elle for me!" Mason cackled.

I made it to the shore, looking back as a trail of blood was left in it's path.

"I fucking hate that guy." I mumble, limping through the woods.

I could see the edge of a road from the line of the forest and sprinted faster than I'd ever sprinted in my life.

I slowed my run to a jog when I felt I was safe enough to slow down.

Pierce was right though, I do recognise the road.

It's the road connected to the house where I grew up.

Which means not only am I in Washington...

But I'm 8 hours away from Dakota, Gage and Levi.

* * * 

 *insert demon emoji*

hehehe, did u expect that??

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