twenty six

275 20 2

Riley Murphy


I managed to slip past them.

I hadn't heard anyone calling my name yet so for now... I was in the clear.

Thankfully the front part of the house wasn't on fire. It was just smashed... to bits. 

The roof where Dakota and I were only a few minutes ago was now in a pile on the driveway, thrown onto the road and even in the yard next to ours.

There was tiny shards of glass scattered everywhere from where the window was blown in. The wall was gone, revealing the inside of the house.

It was broken.

And we'd have to move... again.

I limped down the driveway, my whole body begging for me to go back.

I know that I'm making a bad decision, but it has to be done.

I made it to the road, looking both left and right before deciding to go right.

"MASON." I called, "I know you're here." 

I realised my mistake when I went to go grab my gun and it wasn't there. My blood pressure tightened as I tried to calm myself down.

You can't go back now Riley, just go for it.

"Show yourself, you coward!" I spat, baring my teeth as I looked around for him.

He can't have gone far. Surely he would have wanted to watch the explosion.

I listened for the rustle of leaves or the snap of a branch, anything out of the ordinary to show any signs that he was near.

"Pussy." I insulted.

I was about to turn around and go home when I heard a slow clap.

The hair on my arms and the back of my neck stood up as I turned my head, my anger bubbling as I saw Mason with a smirk on his face.

"Well done, that was quite the performance." He chuckled. 

My eyes went to his jeans briefly. There was an indent on the side of his pants where I could tell was some sort of weapon.

"Are you going to insult me more? Use more childish insults? Because... my feelings are so hurt." He feigned hurt, putting his hand on his heart.

I clenched my fists. 

I ran at him, knocking him over as I slammed my elbow into his stomach.

I felt him punching me in the back as I struggled to keep him down. I managed to put my knee on his windpipe, but just as I went to punch him he flipped me over, basically twisting my ankle in the process.

He was on top of me now. 

I managed to block most of his punches but he got a few good ones in there.

"Give up now Riley, you're never going to win." Mason said heavily, eyes wide and evil.

"I'm not going to give up until you're taking your last breath." I managed to say.

He mimicked my moves, placing his hand around my throat before replacing it with his knee. I struggled to breathe, clawing at his leg with my hands. 

He kneeled beside me, "Well, fortunately for me, I won't be the one dying today. I already tried it, didn't like it too much."

I socked him in the face, he rolled off me. I heard a crack and I pray I broke his nose. There was blood dripping down both of our clothes as we stood with our knuckles ready.

I could hear shouts from my family, calling my name.

"You better go back to your family, wouldn't want them to worry about you." He smirked.

I ignored him and tried to swing again.

He grabbed my fist, twisting it and pushing me to the ground.

"You're a coward Mason." I hissed, "A fucking stupid one at that. Do you really think your Mom would be proud of you after everything you've done to my family, huh? Do you?" I hit him where it hurts. His facade faltered for only a fraction of a second and he almost looked lost.

"Don't talk about my Mother like you knew her. You don't even have one, you never even knew her. You were raised by 4 idiots teens who got kidnapped more times than you can count on your hands. Do you really think they did you any favours, kid?" Mason yelled, grabbing my chin as he looked me dead in the eye.

His fist collided with my already bruised jaw and I tasted the metallic taste of blood. I groaned in pain, my eyebrows furrowing together as tears brimmed in my eyes. 

Spitting it to the ground beside me, I watched him reach for his gun.

My eyes widened.

His hands were shaking as he grabbed me by the throat.

He yanked me up so I was standing up. I stumbled backwards, catching myself.

Mason wasted no time in lifting his arm up, holding the gun right between my eyes. I put my arms up in the air, "What? No goodbye, no last words?" He grinned.

I shrugged, "I guess you're right, I have nothing left to live for."

We were both standing there, breathing heavy as his finger went for the trigger.

I felt my heart beat a million times per minute as I waited for the right moment.

Just as he was about to kill me, I used my fist to bump it out of his hands. It clattered to the ground and I wasted no time in tackling him.

We rolled around. His elbow came in contact with my temple and I temporary blacked out. I saw Mason going for the gun so I used my feet to swing him to the ground.

"... I don't think so." I hissed, bending down the pick up the gun.

"Come on kid, think about it. You know all the stories your Aunt and brother have told you, killing someone will haunt you for the rest of your life." He taunted.

I lifted the gun to his face, just like he had moments ago.

"RILEY!" I heard my name being screamed.

I ignored the pleading voices of my family.

"Well maybe I just don't care anymore." I took a step forward. "You have hurt my family for long enough. It's time you spent a little quality time with your Mom eh?" I smirked, "How does that sound?" 

I pressed the gun to the underside of his chin. He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt.

"RILEY!" I heard again, "You will regret it for the rest of your life if you shoot him." 

I couldn't recognise the voice. It was too fuzzy.

I aimed the gun down.

My hand was shaking as I pulled the trigger.

The smell of gunpowder filled the air as it filtered into my nose. My hand was shaking.

The ringing of the gun still beating in my ears as the trigger went off again.

And again.

And again,

* * * 

hi *runs away*

don't be mad!!

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