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Riley Murphy

We were all lounging around the house, listening to Elles rules.

"No one is to leave unless they're in groups of 3 or more. It's too dangerous."

We nodded and agreed, "If Riley is right, and there is another... threat out there. We can't take any chances."

It was mid-day the next day when we had woken up and come downstairs.

Elle thought it was safer if we just stayed in the same house for the time being. It's big enough, but it'll drive me insane.

She droned on and on about safety and rules and everything else.

Once she was finished, we were 'dismissed'.

I went outside.

It was getting colder now, the Fall air of September bringing a chill to my body. I shivered slightly as the sky was a sickly pale white color.

When Elle talked about her past experiences, with things like threats and the zombies, she talked about a thing called PTSD, which is apparently when you get nightmares.

And I didn't sleep last night.

I left the house, climbing to my safe space.

A walkie talkie was strapped to the loop on my jeans as I used the ladder to lean against the roof.

I sat with my arms hooked over my knees, keeping in the warmth. I thought back to yesterday and closed my eyes slightly, remembering how it felt to think I was going die.

Even though I'm alive.

It was quiet. The air wasn't moving, like all time had stood still. I played with the metal ring on my finger and twisted it round.

I looked up over the horizon, seeing the non-existent sun. It was just... blank. A small mist fell over the world as fog slowly drifted.

White skies, fog and mist. That's never a good combination.

I inhaled deeply, smelling fresh air.

I heard a clunk beside me and then a grunt as someone tired to hoist themselves up. Dakotas face was red as she pulled herself up.

I laughed, "Do you need some help?"

"Shut up, I got it." She groaned, rolling onto the roof. Dusting off the germs from her body, she sat beside me, "Hello."

She smiled cheerily.

"Hi, you okay?" She shrugged, "Yeah. You?"


We sat in silence. I watched the silent city, as nothing moved. But something caught my eye, something that was moving. 

Smoke coming from a building in the city. I saw very faintly, the outline of a car that was speeding away.

Widening my eyes, oh shit.

"Come with me, quickly." I said.

"What? I just got here."

Don't Talk To Me | BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now