thirty six

270 22 5

Riley Murphy


I had fallen asleep by Dakota's side for the past three days.

And every time Alex had to pry me off her.

I think I'm trying to distract myself from the fact that this is more serious than it seems.

Currently, I was at our warehouse, sorting inventory for the new move. Since we haven't gotten the electricity or anything like that up and running at our new house, we have to keep the food cold somehow.

I sighed, tapping my forehead with the pen as write down how many days worth of food we have.

I was alone, needing to clear my head for a while as I tried to busy myself. Since my mind was filled with only Dakota.

A crackle came through the walkie and I reached for it, wincing slightly as my shoulder ached more than ever.

"Hey." I said, holding it to my mouth, "Hey, how fast can you get home?" Alex asked me, I shot up, "Why? What's wrong?" 

I had already locked the gate to the Warehouse, "It's nothing bad."

His voice cut out after that as I began the drive home, taking a whole 7 minutes before I parked in the new driveway.

I got out, nerves itching at my skin as I entered the house, seeing Elle curled up on the couch with a mug of something in her hand.

She was staring blankly into nothing, her eyes teary and bloodshot.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked, taking a seat next to her. She looked at me, a tear rolling down her cheek. She smiled weakly and nodded, "Just- overwhelmed." 

My eyes widened slightly, "Is the baby okay?" I said quietly, not wanting to stress her out.

Elle's hands went to her stomach as she rubbed her shirt, lips quivering, "I don't know." She whispered to me, leaning her head on my shoulder.

I felt a wave emotion wash over me as I heard footsteps retreat down the stairs. I peered over my shoulder, seeing Alex.

"Hey." I mumbled. 

He nodded at me as his face fell. He frowned and looked at the ground before his eyes returned to Elle, anguish washing over his features.

"How'd things go at the Warehouse?" Alex asked.

I shrugged, "The same. I've got the notes in the car." I said to him. 

"So why'd you need me home?" I cut him off, standing up as I put my hands in my pockets, rolling on the balls of my feet.

Alex's lips turned upward slightly, "Someones been asking for you." He said, nodding carefully to the stairs.

My eyes widened and I felt all giddy inside as I made a beeline to Dakota's room.

My heart raced in my chest as I opened her door slightly, seeing her sitting up.

I peeked my head around the door, closing it. She turned her head and grinned at me, her hands reaching up.

"I can't believe you're awake!" I cried, sitting on the bed beside her, "Finally!" I whispered into her hair as I hugged her tightly. 

"Where we you?" She asked me innocently, her eyes blinking.

"Doing inventory. I left early this morning and I still haven't finished it." I chuckled, grabbing her hand. It was cold, and the nail polish she had on was chipped.

I rubbed my fingers over her knuckles, careful not to brush the cuts.

"You're healing nicely." Dakota smiled, eyeing my face. I shrugged, "My face doesn't hurt anymore so that's a bonus." 

"How do you feel though? I mean, you went through something pretty traumatic." I said carefully, watching her face.

She sighed and leaned back onto the wall, "I'm better than I probably should be." She paused, "I mean my body is sore and I can still remember everything that happened but- I'm not upset or anything like that. I don't know why." Dakota chuckled uncomfortably, like she wasn't sure that what she was saying was right.

"Hey, you don't need to doubt yourself. It's okay not to be okay. But it's also okay, to be totally fine with everything. I'm just glad you're healing." 

It was then I noticed my stuff sprawled out on the other side of the room. I cocked my head, looking at it questioningly, "Why is my stuff in here?" I asked.

"Well, I asked Alex if it were okay for you to stay with me, instead of in your own room." She bit her lip. I squinted my eyes, "Are you feeling okay?" I joked, slapping my head against her forehead.

She giggled, "Well, you and I both hate being alone. And that way, it's easier I don't know, talk." 

I nodded, understanding what she meant, "I'm not complaining. I'm just wondering, that's all."

"And, it gives us a spare room, for Elle's baby." Dakota smiled brightly.

My mood darkened immediately and I looked down at our conjoined hands, "What is it?" Dakota asked me, "What happened?" 

"We don't know if Elle-" I took a shaky breath, the backs of my eyes stinging, "We don't know if Elle's baby is going to be okay." 

Dakota's lips trembled as she pulled the sleeves of her hoodie down, "We managed to pull her out of the explosion quicker than you, but she was still banged up. She wasn't taking care of herself."

"Has she spoken to Megan?" Dakota said in a small voice. I shrugged my shoulders, "I'm not sure."

Everything was silent for a little while and I felt myself get tired. I situated myself next to her and lay my head on the pillow, closing my eyes.

Although it was hard to focus when all I could hear was the bellowing laughter from Gage and Levi.

I prayed that they wouldn't come in but low and behold, the door opened and the smiling faces of my two idiot friends came in.

"Hey sis, I got you this." Levi said, chucking something at Dakota.

But instead of Dakota catching it, it landed on my stomach. I winced, growling at him.

"Oops, sorry bro."

They had a conversation quickly before exiting the room, "So, you and the guys made up then?" She smirked, kissing my cheek before slowly moving under the covers.

She clenched her teeth as her arms shook. I frowned, hating that she was in pain.

"Hey Riley." I heard Alex's voice enter the room. I looked up at him.

 "Are you sure you closed the gate when you left the warehouse?" 

* * * 

hi all

first off- THANK U FOR 990 READS.

holy crap that's amazing. I never thought the third book would get as much love as it is and I can't thank u enough.

there is so much more in store for this book and I can't wait to share it with u guys.

love u all immensely 

- a. x

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