
447 26 13

Riley Murphy

After hours of sulking and staying quiet, we made it back to the motel.

Our resident home for the time being.

I look to my right and see Dakota staring at the roof, a frown on her face.

"I know that look, what are you planning."

She smiles, "What if we just hot wire our way out of here. We know how too."

I sighed. I've considered it. In fact, I've  been close to doing it.

"We can try, but I doubt it'll work. Considering that these cars are old. Really old. Some have mould growing from the wheels."

She slumps into the pillow again, excitement fading from her eyes.

"Look I'm sorry but I don't want to risk it."

Crossing my arms over my chest, I take a mental note of the thin material I'm wearing.

"Remind me when we get back to bring extra clothes. In case we ever get stuck in this predicament again."


Turning my head again, I realised that she's mad at me. Her back is facing me and I can practically see the scowl on her face.


Do I apologise?

What would Aunty Elle say in a situation like this?

Dakota got up and I heard the bathroom door slam. I flinched, yep. She's mad alright.

I stayed laying on the bed, facing the ceiling.

I heard a mumbled voice come from the bathroom, "You okay?"

"Shut up." She snapped. I kept my mouth shut.

"Riley- can you come in here." She said a second later.

Standing on the hard ground, I walked to the tiny bathroom. I shook the handle and it was locked, "You need to-" click "Thank you."

I pushed in and saw her glare at me from the mirror, "What's wrong?" I asked.

"I have an- issue." She blushed a deep red and looked down, "What's wrong?"

She didn't speak but looked up at me. Am I expected to know?

"What? I'm confused?"

'You're so stupid." She rolled her eyes, "I started my period."

This time, I blushed. Oh, "W-what can I do? I mean do I need to get you something?"

"Well there's no stores around?"

"Can't you just like... squeeze it all out?"

Her lips turned into a smile.

I know that's not how it works, but I just wanted to see her smile.

She shook her head, "You're an idiot. Help me." She giggled.

"What am I supposed to do? Stick my finger up there-"

"Gross! You're disgusting!" She laughed, pushing my slightly. I smiled with her, "I seriously don't know what you want me to do."

"Can you go find some toilet paper, please?"

I nodded, "Sure."

Once I got back, Dakota shooed me out of the bathroom, insisting I wait outside the door.

I sat on the floor, against the wall as I wanted, "How much longer?" I sighed.

The door unlocked and she came out, looking down at me, "Done."

Don't Talk To Me | BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now