
345 20 14

Riley Murphy


After Gage told me that I had a 'crush' on Dakota, I kept thinking about it more.

I mean it made sense, everything he told me.

The stomach butterflies, dreams, protectiveness...

To me it's a little weird, and I want to talk to Alex about it... but I can't.

We left the superstore and had a few bags to carry, "My advice is that we find somewhere to crash tonight, preferably with beds, my back is sore." Levi complains, rubbing his arms.

"Yeah me too, I'm tired and my feet hurt." Dakota sighs.

Gage and I look at each other, "Well you two are definitely siblings aren't you." 

We walk along the road, eyes open for anything that says motel.

I walk idly behind them, my mind running wild with all these thoughts.

I have a crush... on Dakota.

A crush?

What exactly is a crush?

"You okay back here?" Her voice sweet voice rings out.

I look up and see Dakota smiling at me, "Yeah, I'm just- thinking." I smile back.

"Oh look, I think the boys have found a place to stay!" She says, lifting her hand to point to where Levi and Gage are!

We walk over, "What's the sitch?" I joke, "Motel, doesn't look to shabby, but we haven't checked it out yet."

"Okay, you know the drill. I'll take back, you take the front and you two are on the middle."

We drop the bags by the entrance and walk off to our desired areas. I'm at the back.

Scoping out each room, each nook and cranny as well as the empty pools, storage areas and anywhere else creepy crawlies could be hiding.

Every room we go in, we check the cupboards and closets, just to be sure.

"Clear." I hear three times before we meet back at the entrance.

"I guess we just pick a room?" I suggest, "Each room has either two singles or a double, do we neighbour?"

I don't like the idea of neighbouring but if it's our only option, then we do it.

"Yeah, sure-"

"I'll go with Levi." Gage says quickly.

I look at Dakota who's smirking slightly. She looks at me and raises her eyebrows.

I dismiss her look as we haul ourselves to the front two rooms, getting settled in.

"At least we have pillows and a blanket now, right?" I call out to Dakota, who is exploring the room.

"Yeah, we won't freeze our asses off!" She comes back in to set up her stuff.

"What do you say that Elle and the others are the on their way to look for us, right now." Dakota laughs, looking at me, "One hundred and ten percent they're out looking for us! I bet they have no idea we're in America right now." I smirk back.

"I feel kind of bad though, leaving them with only a note." She sighed, pulling her sleeves over her hands, I shrug, "Me too. But we did what we have to. And besides, it'll be worth it when we finally get our hands on them."

She snorts, "I think you've gone a little stir crazy. I mean, I get you want to find them but what do we do once we have them? I know we're not going to kill them." 

I stay quiet, not meeting her eyes.

"No, no way are we killing them Riley, you said we wouldn't." Dakota said, standing up.

I was leaning against the door frame, hands crossed over my chest.

"We are not killing them, Riley. Promise me you won't." She said.

She was right in front of me, her small 5'7 frame standing under my 6'2 one.

"I can't promise you anything." I announced, meeting her brazen blue eyes. Her brows furrowed and her lips twitched, "Riley-"

"Dakota- no. I can't and I won't. These- people have been torturing my family for years, okay? I don't want to sit idly by for another 70 years, while these assholes hurt the only family I have." I cruse myself when my voice breaks and turn my head.

She hasn't said anything but I can feel her eyes on me, "My Mom always said that if you were in danger to look the attacker in the eye, makes them feel weak, merciful."

"If you're in a vulnerable position they won't take pity on you, but if you're in a place where you hold more power than they bestow, they'll back down, afraid to get hit." She continued. "We hold more power than they do. Because from what we know, there's only two of them, and four of us plus Elle, Alex and Megan if we turn back now." Dakota said in a stern voice, putting emphasis on the 'if'.

I shook my head, "If you guys want to turn back, be my guest. But I can't guarantee that you'll make it back there alive, especially if you go into the lions den, blind."

Her eyes were full of anger as we dominated each other. My fists clenched by my side, my fingernails digging into the raw skin in my palms as I tried to control myself. 

"Think what you want. If I have them, and they're on the verge of giving up, I will place my gun between his eyes and pull the trigger, and I won't feel guilty about it." I mumbled to her, watching her eyes widen.

I stormed out of the room, slamming the door and heading off down the road.

Just calm down Riley, don't do anything you'll regret later on.

I headed down the path, cursing myself for not remembering my walkie. Thankfully my gun is still strapped to my side and my knife is lodged in the pocket of my shoe.

Although I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up, I chose to ignore it like an idiot. I felt eyes watching me but kept walking.

I even swear I heard footsteps scuttle around behind me, but you know what I did? I kept walking.

Which is probably why I ended up this situation... one that I'm not sure how to get myself out of.

* * *

what do you think his situation is??

also HEY, sorry its taken me SO LONG to upload, I've been super busy with school/work/exams and Christmas is soon so I'm just so drained.

new chapters coming soon :)

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