
501 28 4

Riley Murphy

Hobbling to the door and pushing it open, fresh air is revealed and I feel a tiny bit better.

After I close the door, I realise the sky is getting darker. Must be getting close to night.

My stomach growls from lack of food and I realise how malnourished and thirsty I am.

I hadn't noticed until now, but a small trail of red liquid is has trickled down Dakota's head. My eyes widen as I do a double take and realize it's blood, "Dakota you're bleeding." I warn her. She presses two fingers to her head and when she pulls it back, it's dry.

"No biggie, it was from earlier. It's dry now!" Baffled, I ignore her 'dryness' and make a mental note to dress it as soon as possible.

"What? So back to the motel?"

I shrug, "If it has beds, a bathroom and a kitchen then I say we're fine." I smile.

Returning it with a half smile, we make the descent back to the motels, pushing open the first door we see.

There's two single beds, a broken bathroom and a torn up kitchen.

"I guess this is our home for the time being." I shrugged, feeling fatigued.

I yawn, shivering slightly from the wet clothes that are turning damp, making my skin crawl with the cold.

I heard Dakotas wandering footsteps, "We need to get out of these clothes before we catch pneumonia."

I nodded, agreeing with her. Taking off my shoes, shorts, shirt and jersey that I had tied around my waist, I placed them over the back of the chair, leaving them to dry.

"Oh geez- privacy." Dakota squealed, covering her eyes. I shrugged, climbing under the covers.

Dakota strips off her clothes.

I try to be respectful and not look... but it's kind of hard when she's getting naked right in front of me.

Fortunately for her, she kept her bra and undies on. Unfortunate for me though.

She frowned as she got into bed. I heard the stale bed covers crinkle as she moved around.

Once there was stillness around us, I breathed slightly, unknowing what to do.

The room was completely dark now. Frail curtains not bothering to hide the gaping window facing the beds.

I turn over, leaning on my bare arm to face Dakota, who I can tell is having a battle with her thoughts.

She stays completely still, her arms crossed over her chest, fingers interlocked.

"Riles?" She asks, using my nickname.

"Yeah Dee?"

"Can we push the beds together?" A smirk forms on my face, "If you want."

Hopping up immediately, so follow shortly behind her, using the last of my strength to push the beds together.

Tucking the sheets so they don't come loose, we climb in. I can feel her body heat from here.

I want to touch her, but I know it's wrong.

She shivers slightly, causing me to turn my head, "Are you cold?" I ask, "A little."

Without asking first, I hesitantly run my fingers up her back, feeling goosebumps rise in its place.

She's cold.

Slipping my arm around her tanned waist, my other arms flops lazily, sleep taking over my body.

Don't Talk To Me | BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now