forty two

502 23 7

Riley Murphy


I followed Gage to the house where Levi was hot on our trail. I couldn't seem to figure out the root of the problem.

"Wait, what's going on?" Alex yelled as Gage and Levi started fighting again.

"Nothing Dad, stay out of it." Gage hissed.

"No. What is going on, tell me, right now."

Gage huffed, rolling his eyes, "I- I can't. Not yet."

My eyes widened and I knew what this was about, "They just- got into a disagreement about their room, no biggie." I covered, seeing Gage and Levi go down the hall.

"Don't lie for them, what's going on?" He questioned me.

I shook my head, "I really can't tell you bro, you'll have to ask him yourself."

Alex groaned and shrugged me off, where I sat on the couch looking out the window.

Dakota plopped down next to me, her head on my shoulder, "Do you wanna have sex?"

* * * 

That night at dinner I was exhausted and nearly falling into my plate after all the moving we'd down.

Dakota and I had pushed the bed to the centre of the room, stripped the sheets and put new ones on. After that, we looked through the books that were on the bookshelf and took out the ones we didn't want, before replacing it with out stuff.

Like pens and coloured pencils, paper, sunglasses, guns, bullets, grenades.

Yeah, so it got a little more dangerous as you looked harder!

But I was so knackered and my shoulder was killing me. I was so happy to go to sleep tonight.

Gage and Levi were still glaring at each other, no one had said a word as Quinn and Will carried the conversation. 

Veronica interrupted their conversation to talk about herself, which lightened the mood a tiny bit as we all tried to ignore their brooding personalities.

Suddenly, Gage stood up, his chair scraping against the floor as he placed his bowl in the sink.

"Gage, where are you going honey?" Megan asked softly, "To my room, Mom. Don't worry about it."

"He's going to cry again." Levi mocked, earning a slap from Dakota.

Gage stopped in his tracks, "This is why I'm not talking to you. Your stupid, petty remarks toward me. Just because I won't tell a secret. It's a secret for a reason, Levi."

Levi stood up suddenly, "Just tell them, half of them know anyway."

Gage looked at Levi, his face twitching before he turned to the table, "Mom, Dad- I'm Gay. And Levi and I WERE dating before he pissed me off. There, happy." Gage hissed.

Elle choked on her food while Alex laughed, "Yeah we know. We were waiting for the time you told us. Paxton, you owe me a round of bullets." Alex taunted.

"You guys bet on us?" 

Elle shrugged, "Hey, we knew buddy. But we didn't want to push you." She smirked, taking a sip of wine.

Gage growled and Levi smirked, hooking an arm around Gage's shoulder who surprisingly didn't move it, "Do you feel better now?" 

Gage nodded.

"Wait, is that what you and Riley were fighting about this whole time?" Megan spoke, putting two and two together.

"I say I'm Gay and that's what you're worried about?" Gage scoffs, "Is it?"

I nod, "Yep. I found out and he got pissed at me, end of story."

"No, there's more to it than that." Gage laughed.

Quinn, Will and Veronica looked confused as we all laughed at Gage and Levi, who got annoyed with us and left back to their cabin.

"Thank you for dinner." I said quickly, wiping my mouth with the napkin as I took mine and Dakota's plates to the sink.

We ran across the tall grass, hands interlocked as rain sprinkled down softly.

Dakota giggled as we got inside our cabin. I turned on the single torch on the bedside table as we hopped under the covers, our clothes disappearing to the floor.

I sighed with content as I felt Dakota's skin flush against mine.

"We're home!"

* * * 

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