twenty nine

292 22 7

Riley Murphy


The only sound I could hear was the sound of my pencil scratching against the paper. I was shading in the city, using my memory to try and capture what I saw.

I could still hear Gage and Alex arguing from outside, but I blocked it out, trying my hardest to focus on something positive. 

There was a soft knock on my bedroom door, "Come in." I said, shoving my drawing things under my pillow.

"Hey." Dakota smiled, "There's um, lunch downstairs, if you're hungry." I nodded, "Thank you." 

She left and I got up, pulling my shirt down as I headed downstairs.

"... I just don't know what's gotten into him. He used to be so mature."

"Yeah I know. He's learning the hardships of life-"

"This isn't life. This shouldn't be the life they have to live." 

I hear Elle and Megan discussing me. I walk in, grabbing a sandwich off the table before taking a bite, "What's going on?" I ask innocently, secretly despising them as they shrug, "Nothing much. Just clearing up. I think we might have to move again." Elle sighs.

"Oh, that sucks." I say, walking into the hall.

"Where are you going?" They call.

"Back to my room, wouldn't want to be somewhere, where I'm too immature."

After successfully making it back to my room, I place the half eaten sandwich on the table, laying flat on my back and staring at the ceiling.

When did my life go so wrong?

"So, there's a supermarket down the road that has an all you can drink aisle, I'm in the mood for some bubbly, what about you?"

I was so distracted I didn't even see Dakota come in.

She has a smirk on her face and is dangling the keys on her finger, "What do you mean?" I sigh, sitting up.

She has black leggings on, a grey hoodie and then black sneakers, "I mean, your favourite drink is whiskey right?" I nod, "Well, there's about 12 bottles of whiskey just sitting on that shelf, waiting to be drank. I mean, no one else is going to have them right?" 

She has a mischievous glint in her eye, glancing at me.

I shrug, "Why the hell not. Beats sitting here and getting yelled at."

I slip some shoes onto my feet and grab my gun, slipping it into my pocket as I follow Dee down the stairs.

We walk straight past Elle and Megan who are too distracted to see us.

"Where are you two going?" Alex asks us, wiping sweat off his forehead, "Just for a drive. I want to clear my head but I didn't want to go alone." Dakota says sweetly, showing them the keys.

Paxton nods, "Just don't tell your Aunt please, she'll kill me." He cowers.

She smiles, "Promise. Lets go."

I slip into the passenger seat as Dakota starts the car, speeding off down the road.

"I always knew you were a reckless driver but I never realised how reckless until now!" I say, slightly shocked as we park and head into the store.

She giggles, "It's my specialty. Making people afraid of my driving."

I scoff, "I wasn't afraid." I tease, walking closer to her, "Oh yeah?" She mocks, "No. I was impressed, actually." I kiss her softly and she pushes me away, "There could be people watching." She gasps, looking around the empty store.

I laugh at her before we head hand in hand to the aisle with the drinks.

"The hard stuff is behind the cabinet." Dakota says, climbing over the cabinet to where the drinks are stored.

"How do we open it?" I ask.

She looks at me dumbly before grabbing a broken piece of floor and throws it at the glass cabinet. It smashes to shit and Dakota sticks the sleeve of her hoodie in, grabbing a few bottles before handing it to me.

I place them on the floor and hold my hand out to her, she takes and jumps down, landing on her feet.

She twirls around my hand, falling back into my chest as we walk down the linoleum floor.

* * * 

"So, I was thinking. If it comes down to it, will you and I get married?" Dakota says drunkenly.

We were laying on the floor side by side as we drank our sorrows away.

"Of course. I mean Elle and Paxton did it, how hard can it be?" I hiccup, finishing the bottle.

I chuck it away and it makes a clanking noise before rolling to a stop.

"Exactly. I think it could be so fun to be married! Dresses, free presents and food- ooh don't forget about the food." She says excitedly, her mouth watering.

"And dancing. Lots of dancing." I point out, my vision fuzzy as I lift my finger up.

I trace the air, making a loop as I laugh slightly.

"What about sex? Will we be doing lots of sex?" She asks suddenly. I sober up at that question, "Um I- I- if you want?" I scratch the back of my head sheepishly, "I want." She grins, giggling.

"Alright then. Sex it is." 

We stay silent for a while. I hear the wine bottle making a pop noise as Dakota pulls it from her lips. Then she swallows and I look at her, "Dakota?" I ask.

She looks at me, "Yeah?"

"Do you hate me?" I ask.

She sits up, "No? Why would I hate you?" She pauses, "What did you do?"

"Nothing yet."

"Then why are you asking?" 

I shrug, breaking the eye contact, "I just feel like the whole world is against me suddenly. Like I can't control my life anymore."

She places her body next to mine. So were comfortable lumped against each other.

"I just feel like it's slipping through my fingers and I can't grab it anymore."

She grabs my hand at the metaphor, twisting her fingers through mine, "I'm still here." She says innocently.

I groan, "I know. You're the only thing that makes sense in my life currently."

She turns to face me, "Then why are you overthinking it? You and I are all we need right now okay? Masons gone, the zombies are decreasing, we're gonna be okay." 

She smiles, the skin of her fingers brushing over the cut on my lip. I shiver lightly, "I just don't want to screw it up." I whispered.

She chuckles, "You're not going to screw it up." 

I look away, "You know how I know?" She shuffles in closer.

"How? Because you're psychic?" I laugh.

She glares at me, "Because I'm on your side. I'm always on your side, okay? Don't forget that." 

Our faces were so close, I could smell the sickly sweet wine vibrating off her lips.

"You're too important to let go of." 

* * * 

I think we ALL know what happens next.

or do we? 

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