
367 23 19

Riley Murphy

I leaned my head against the shower door, feeling the water cascade down my back.

It was burning me, washing away my worries.

In less than 10 hours, we would be gone. Secretly roaming the streets looking for the person that is threatening my family.

They can't be far. They were at our house earlier, and we would've heard their car.

So we won't be gone long. I don't think.

I've been thinking about the letter. Why to write. How to write it. What to say?

How do I word to my brother that his child, two adopted kids and brother have gone off looking for the person who is trying to harm them?

That's right, you don't!

I clenched my fists, angry that my mind isn't working. It's focusing too much on many different things.

One minute it's to the zombies. The second it's to this letter, the third it's to this fucking coward hurting my family.

And then every other minute it's to Dakota. The only person who makes me feel sane. I can't get her out of my head.

Closing my eyes, I feel a breeze brush past my legs. I open my eyes to see what it was and almost jump back.

"Dee? What the hell are you doing?" I say, placing my hand over my heart.

I didn't dare look down. Staring only into her eyes.

She had an amused face, eyes sparkling.

"You've been in the shower forever, using all the hot water."

"So you decided to come in?" My voice cracked and I cursed it for giving me away.

She shrugged, "Save water."

Her head emerged under the water. The steam singed the air and she gripped my hands like the water bit her.

Pulling me under, I fell into her, holding my weight by standing my ground. Her back arched against the cold wall, her body flush against mine.

I winced, did it just get hot in here?

I placed my hands around each side of her head, our faces close together.

I looked down to her lips, licking my own as my eyes went back up to hers.

The air got thick, making it hard to breathe.

I looked down, her chest was rising and falling, heavy breathes emitting from her. I put my shaking hand down, slowly trailing it up.

I snakes it up the length of her thigh, using my index finger to trickle it up her toned stomach and soft skin.

My hand rested on her chest, brushing the thin straps of hair off her shoulder.

I swallowed, noticing her neck. She took my hand and wrapped it around her neck, causing me to flinch.

My back was hot, scorching under the water and I didn't want to move.

"Touch me." She whispered in my ear. I closed my eyes, leaning my head onto her shoulder as she giggled, sliding her own hands down my stomach.

Her fingers trailed my abs and I revelled in the feeling.

I held her waist, my hands running over her hips. Holding her against me, her arms were tangled around my neck, sliding into my hair.

My heat was on fire, I was embarrassed to admit that I'm extremely turned on.

Her breasts were pressed against my chest and I tried my hardest not notice.

"Fuck Dee..." I mumbled, holding her face in my hands.

"...What the hell is taking so long bro? I need to piss get out!" Gage's voice came through the door.

We pulled apart, snapping me out of reality.

"I um- I'll just-"


I quickly exited the shower, pulling a towel over my waist as I opened the door. The fresh air of outside caused goosebumps to rise on my skin.

I shivered slightly, entering the bedroom.

I leaned my head against the bedroom door. What the fuck just happened?

"You okay bro?" Gage asked me. I turned around.

Gage was shirtless, walking out of the bathroom, "Yeah I uh- yeah."

Levi walked in a second later and looked between the two of us, "What were you two doing?" I said, a slight smile pulling at my lips.

"Nothing. I was changing and Levi was in the shower."

Us boys shared a room. Since this was our second escape home.

"Whatever." I shrugged.

I dropped the towel and got changed, ruffling my hair up so it didn't look as messy.

"You're crazy man." I heard Gage chuckle through the door, "Crazy."

I know.

After I changed, I left the room, seeing how dark it had become since my hour long shower.

I'm gonna need a cold one after this.

I sat on my bed, thinking about what just happened. Does she feel the same as me?

What do I even feel?

Alex had taught me about crushes and everything that happens when you turn into a 'man'.

And I've done... stuff. But all I have is my imagination.

I groaned, falling back onto my bed.

"You good dude?" Gage asked me, smirking as he saw my flustered expression.

"Peachy." I growled.

He smacked me in the leg and left.

Now onto my next task... writing this letter.

I had the pen, paper and the words.

I even had a reason as to why we were leaving, but it seems that writing the letter is harder than I thought.

I've never had to do anything like this, so I don't know how.

Levi, Gage and Dakota had entered the room now, watching me hesitate.

Dear Alex, Megan, Paxton and Elle,

Please don't be disappointed.

We have decided to leave. Venture off into the city to set a plan.

Of all the stories you've told us, good and bad. We want to help. I, personally feel helpless. Sitting idly by why you all fight for your lives.

You don't have to anymore. You have us. You raised us to fight, and we're going to fight.

We're going to help you find the person who is not only threatening you, but us too. We will capture them and we will hurt them.

And we will make it back, alive.

We will be fine. Please don't worry or set out to look for us. We'll be back soon.

I promise.

Love, Riley, Gage, Levi and Dakota x

* * *

hey y'all,

don't be mad at me hehe!

they'll be fine...

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