twenty five

282 25 11

Riley Murphy


All was well in the Murphy/Donovan/Price house.

Elle and Paxton had no idea that Mason was in the house and I don't plan on telling them either.

Dakota and I promised not to tell them unless something was up.

"Woah, did you get into a fight with a fish?" Paxton smirked at me, "What the hell are you talking about?" I sneered.

"Your lips dude." He chuckled, making a circular motion with his finger around his lips.

"Very discreet." 

I groaned, throwing my head back, "Don't tell Elle, please?"

"Don't tell Elle what? That you've been sucking face with Dakota?" Elle announces, walking into the room, "Elle already kno-ows." She says in a sing-song voice.

"How did you find out?"

"I went to ask Dakota about a shirt she borrowed from me and low and behold, there's a hickey the size of a golfball on her neck, care to explain that?" She smacked me upside the head and rolled her eyes.

"We already have one kid on the way, we don't need another."

"Give him a break, it was the kids first kiss, I hope." Paxton eyes me.

I nod, thinking back to literally 10 minutes ago, "Nice." Paxton congratulated, high-fiving me.

"You better make sure Levi doesn't find out, you know he'll go ape shit on you." Elle snorts, "Levi and Dakota are twins, I'm pretty sure they have this like, spidey sense twist thing going on." Paxton shivered.

Elle suddenly grabs Paxtons arm, "What is it?" I ask.

"Oh my God, what if we have twins?" Her eyes go wide.

"We won't have twins babe." Paxton assured her.

"But how do you know?"

* * * 

Alex signalled earlier and said they were on their way back as the sun was beginning to set over the hills. The clouds were gone and there was an amazing sunset with orange, red and blue hues!

It's an hours drive away so they shouldn't be too far.

But to say I'm not too thrilled to see Gage and Levi again is an understatement.

My face still hurts, my jaw is still aching and my anger is still rising.

"What do we do?" Dakota asks me, sitting down beside me.

"What do you mean?" She shrugs, "You're fighting with Gage and Levi, Levi's my brother, I'm on your side, we kissed and on top of that... Elle and Paxton know."

I breathed out, "Oh right... that." 

"Yeah... that." 

I was sitting on the roof outside my room. There's a ledge that lets you climb out all the way to the edge. 

I looked out over the yard, "Where do you think Mason is right now?" I asked, "Hopefully far away from here." She said.

"Do you... think wha he said was a little, I don't know-"

"Double sided? Yes, extremely." She finished my sentence.

"I don't like how he said, welcome to the neighbourhood, you know? How he said it so calmly. It's like he meant in a way we would feel on edge about it."

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