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Riley Muprhy


"Oh my God." Alex shouted, diverting all attention to us. Elle did a double take as she ran to us, pulling me, Dakota and Levi in a sandwich hug. 

After Elle was done death glaring me, Alex gave me a hug, "Don't ever pull that shit again, you understand?" I nod, "Yep." I said with my head down.

"You're an idiot, you understand that." Paxton said, glaring at me. He smacked me upside the head, "What the hell were you thinking?" He said. He didn't say anything after that, just hugged me. I hugged him back.

Megan started to cry as she ran to her son, embracing him in a hug. She was a short lady now so Gage had to bend down to hug his Mom.

"You four have a lot of explaining to do." Elle said quietly, looking directly at me.

"Why are you targeting me? They agreed to come with me." I said defensively, "I recognise your handwriting, Riley." She said angrily, holding up the note we wrote just over a week ago.

"I told you guys Dakota should've written it." I mumbled.

"It doesn't matter who wrote what. It matters that you guys are home now, safe." Elle said, wiping away a tear.

Paxton pulled Elle to his side as she relaxed, "Can we talk later, Riley was shot." Dakota told them.

Everyones eyes widened and they yelled, "Why didn't you start with that?"

"I wasn't shot. The bullet grazed my arm, I'm fine."

Elle rolled her eyes, yanking my arm, "After I'm done putting a bandage on this, you four are not leaving this table until we talk, understand?" 

We all nod with our heads low as Elle drags me into the bathroom.

* * * 


That's what was written on their faces as I told them about Mason.

"But he- died. I killed him, I killed him with my own two hands." Elle said, blinking.

I shook my head and felt my brain move around, "He's alive, Elle. He's the one that's been chasing us, for years now."

"But how come he's come out of the shadows now? After all these years." Paxton interrupted. I shrugged, "My guess is he has something big planned. After all, he did kidnap me and take me to the warehouse over the lake, near Washington."

Alex head snapped up, "You guys went back to America?"

Oh shit, "Did I forget to mention that?" I said sheepishly, rubbing my hand over the back of my neck, "No wonder you idiots were kidnapped." 

"Look we left for you, okay? We were sick and tired of seeing you guys get treated like shit. Thrown around, tortured." I spat, "We had to do something."

"Technically I was dragged against my own will." Levi mumbled and I glared at him, "We all wanted to help." Dakota butted in, placing a hand in mine, "It was just bad timing and bad luck." She smiled weakly.

"But Pierce-"

"Pierce is alive?" Alex said hopefully, "Not anymore." I shook my head, "Mason shot him while Was crawling through the vents.

"So what do we do now, do we leave?"

"No. There's one of him and 8 of us." 

All eyes locked to each other, "We have an advantage." An evil smile played on Elle's lips, "We've always had the advantage. The only issue is what we don't have." Alex said.

"What do you mean?" Levi questioned, "I mean- yeah, we have people. But he has a fortress. You said it was the old warehouse, across the lake from our house?" Alex said, looking to me. I nodded.

"That warehouse is bulletproof. It's 4 stories and has more bunkers than you could count. Theres too many places to hide and so many places to have weapons and bombs. If we go and attack-"

"It's a suicide mission." Dakota finishes his sentence.

Alex nods.

"Then it's settled, we wait for him to come to us."

* * * 

I was laying in bed wide away with my arms crossed against my chest.

I could open my other eyes now thankfully as the swelling was going down.

Every time I moved to quickly the left side of my body cried in pain. As I had a faulty shoulder and now a hole in my left bicep.

I had too many things on my mind as my head raced with endless plans and bad things I wanted to do to Mason. My fists clenched just thinking about his stupid face.

I want to hurt him, badly. 

But I know that after the stunt we just pulled, no one is going to let us out of there sites that easily.

The house was completely silent as it fell to midnight. I heard soft footsteps scurry down the hall and my door opened. I looked up, seeing Dakota.

I sat up, watching as her long brown hair fell down her back and over her shoulders.

"Hey." She said, closing my door.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked, switching on my lamp.

She shrugged, rubbing her arms up and down, "I couldn't sleep." 

I opened the covers for her and she climbed in. I could feel the heat radiating off her body and felt tired already.

I lay down again, feeling her body shift to fit with mine. Dakota's head lay flat on my chest as her hand found mine. Our fingers intertwined again as our legs tangled together.

"I was so worried about you, Riley." She started, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I know. And I'm so sorry for-"

"I wasn't finished."

I shut my mouth.

"But I was also angry." 

"Angry that you didn't try harder to-" Her voice cracked, "To try and live."

I sighed, closing my eyes, "I know you've given up Riles but- I need you." She sniffed.

"I need you to stay alive. If not for me then... do it for Elle. Or Gage or your brother just- Riley be careful. We can't lose you because if we did... we'd be lost." 

I stayed silent. Mainly because I was at a loss for words.

She was rambling and I think it's adorable, but I can hear the truth in her words and I nod slowly, "I can't promise I'll stay alive-" I started.

She sucked in a breath, "But I'll be careful. But believe me when I say that I would die, before any of you get hurt, do you understand?" I whispered.

I had rolled onto my side now, facing her. She was biting her lips, tears glistening on her cheeks.

I moved my arm up her side, until my thumb caressed her cheek and my hand rested on her neck, "I won't let anything happen to you, I promise." 

She nodded, "I know. But we're a team, Riley. You, me Gage and Levi- we need to each other." I felt my heart sink at her words and my reckless actions replayed in my mind.

I winced when my shoulder ached after I rolled onto my back again, "You need to be more careful. You're the best shot we have at overcoming this thing, we can't have you injured all the time." Dakota said, gently massaging my arm.

I closed my arm, her touch bringing some relief to my constant pain.

"You're an angel sent from heaven, Dee." I whispered, feeling tired.

* * *



I love these two :)

watch out tho... drama coming soon >:)

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