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Riley Murphy

I let out a humorless laugh, feeling my way around the cramped room for a bed.

"I have no idea." Running my hands through my wet hair, I fidget slightly, feeling overwhelmed. "Well hey, at least we're alone for a bit. No nagging family members or annoying best friends." I hear sarcasm in her voice... but I know that's her way of masking anxiety.

"Yeah I guess." I whisper.

"I still have my walkie and gun, so we're pretty set for now." She shrugs. I feel the bed dip beside me and her head rests on my shoulder, "We have to think positively. If our family can do it, so can we. Remember all those stories your Aunt and brother would tell us about how they almost died? How Alex and Elle fell down the elevator shaft?" 

I chuckled at the memory. I remember, I didn't believe them until everyone else chimed in and said it was a true story. How do you survive an elevator shaft falling 50 feet? Who knows.

"Yeah, this is just a storm. Nothing we can't handle."

Even though this storm caused a power line to fall and crash into our only source of getting back home which is 4 hours away!

But like Dee said, think positively. 

Even though I can still hear the weeping of the trees outside and the patter of rain on the roof, this room is kind of cosy. "See if you can feel around for some matches or a candle. Something we can use for light." 

I got up from the bed, hearing the squeaky springs from the baseboard pink back up in action.

Sticking my arms out like a zombie, (no pun intended) I started to feel around. My fingers traced over things that only feel like books, some squishy thing that smells like old socks and some stale Jesus crackers!

"Is it getting lighter in here or is it just me?" I asked, calling out to Dakota. When I returned, her head was poked out the window, "It's not just you."

When her face found mine again, I expected a smile. But it was the opposite. There was a frown, a worrisome frown. That didn't reach her ears.

My clothes were beginning to make me extremely cold and I knew that if we didn't get out of them soon we'd freeze to death!

"What do you mean?" I ask, taking her place in front of the window. Surely enough, blue skies were returning and the ground was clearing up, almost dry!

"Is this town cursed?" I mumbled, "Feels like it." Dee added.

Shivering from nerves and the cold, I opened the door, only to find the heat of Canada returning and making the squishy water in my socks warm again, "This is so weird."

"Tell me about it. First it's super duper hot, then is storms to the point of no return and here we are, back to square one, except we have no car!"

Just then, I heard the crackle of an intercom. Running towards Dakota's walkie, I reached for it and switched it on. The fibers were a little disconnected but it still worked, "We need to get a better signal." I ignored what she said and continued working on the device.

I switched the channels, tuned the volume and even did something to the battery. I could just make out Elle's voice, but I couldn't understand what she was saying, "Dee, we need more batteries." When I didn't hear a reply, I turned around, "Dee-"

"In here!" Her voice echoed from a nearby grocer and I slipped my head inside. She smiled weakly at me and showed me a packet of batteries she had in her hand. I took them from her and slipped them inside, "There's an antennae over here that we could use to maybe try and filter the walkie through, it should work I mean- there's no reason why it shouldn't." 

I gave her the walkie as she stood on two chairs and then climbed up some stacked boxes. I felt my chest tighten and tingle with worry as she stood on one leg, balancing on the wobbly makeshift-ladder. 

I held it still, ready to catch her if she fell.

"Hello?" I heard through the walkie, "Alpha Omega can you guys hear us? H-hello come in? Do you copy?"

"Elle? Elle, we're okay! There was a storm that totaled our car but we're okay now. Hiding in a grocer!" Dakota said with a smile, "Did you check the store before you entered it?"

My shoulder was beginning to throb violently as I held it with little pressure. Something moved from the corner of my eye and my fingers holstered my gun, slipping it out, "Dee, stay there and stay still." I heard her voice still talking, quietly though.

"BEHIND YOU!" A voice screamed, I whipped around and fired three shots, without even looking. I heard a body thump to the ground and peeked one eye open to find a zombie on the floor. 

"W-what was that? Why was there a g-g-gunss-s-s-s-shot?" 

The connection is cutting out now, making it harder to communicate, "There was a zombie, we're both fine, I promise." 

I tried my hardest to make out the garbled noise but it was no use, "Dee, we gotta go. This will start to decompose and attract something more deadly, come on."

I held my hand up for her to grab onto and she took it, still twisting the knobs to find anything to connect us. 

As she stepped down, her foot slipped and the walkie fell, echoing a loud crack on the floor as millions of plastic pieces scattered. Dakota lurched forward and I heard her scream before I felt her, landing smack-bang right on top of me, much to my luck!

I groaned and she groaned, lifting my head up. I blinked. She had a guilty look on her face. 

Pain ripped through my shoulder and I flinched in agony, almost crying as my shoulder burned with unwanted pressure, "I-I think you dislocated my shoulder..." I said in a sing-song voice. Dakota's eyes went wide, her hands flailing, "Shit, do I need to pop it back in?"

Lifting my gun to aim it at the doorway, "Yeah but not here, we're being targeted."

* * * 

hey guysss

hope you're enjoying it so far!

just a quick reminder that if you're a new reader, i should warn you that this is a pre-quel, so there will be some parts in the book that are from the two previous books and if you would like it to make sense, i suggest going and reading those first and then coming back <3

but, if you are re-reading and you would like to comment, please don't spoil it for others. just use the hashtag #rr and leave it at that. i love the support guys but please don't ruin it for anyone else.

luv u all xoxox

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