
365 25 1

Riley Murphy


After pondering for a few minutes, wracking our brains on what to do, no one had come up with a plan.

"How are we going to do this? We need a plan!" Gage said.

"We can either cross the border, or stay here? You guys choose!" Levi announced, frowning.

I crossed my hands over my chest, staring.

Do we cross into America, or stay in Canada?

"See, here's my problem... America has been taken over my zombies, Canada has been taken over my zombies... both countries look the same." Dakota said grimly, rolling her eyes.

Gage sighed, "Says someone who's named after an American state, and was born in Canada." He teased.

She raised her middle finger and flipped him off, "Okay you two, take it down a notch. Why don't we just... wait for them to come to us." I said.

"That's a horrible idea!" Gage said, throwing his arms around.

"It is not." I argued, rolling my arms.

"Boys, stop fighting for goodness sake!" Dakota said, interrupting us.

She rubbed her temples and look between us three boys, "It's not a good idea but it's not a bad one either. There are pros and cons to plans, always. So we need to dish out the details and find the best possible solution. Now, can we do that in a civil manner... or not." She glared.

I looked down.

The boys frowned, bowing their heads.

"Okay. Let's figure out a game plan."

* * *

Hours later, the sun had risen and the morning air was crisp and cold.

I shivered, seeing my breath in front of me.

I had a weird feeling in my stomach, no doubt feeling guilty about leaving my brother and the others behind.

I know we were all thinking it.

We were sitting in this car, completely silent and staring out the windows.

There's not turning back now, we made this promise and we can't take it back.

It's only a matter of time before something happens, and we need to be there first.

"Remember the rules, don't attract noise and if there is noise loud enough to awaken the dead, we-"

"Run." We all said together.

I nodded my head, leaning my chin on the palm of my hand.

My knees touched the steering wheel as I lowered my head, trying to connect two wires.

"The engines will be frozen over as soon as winter hits. We need to be careful."

As the two wires sparked together, I pressed my foot on the brake. The car rumbled to life.

"Right. Let's go..." I mumble to myself.

I stare at the border. The 'Welcome to America' sign half wilted and broken in half.

I held my breath as I crossed the border, slowly easing forward.

As soon as the back wheels went over the centre line I breathed.

"Why is it a whole lot scarier going into American than it is going into Canada?" Gage announced. I shrugged my cold shoulders, "Because we left this place behind and now we're going back."

"If Elle knew we were back in America she would kill us."

I agreed.

As we drove, the overgrown weeds and piles of rubble caught my attention.

I don't remember it being this bad...

"Did something happen that we don't know about?" Gage asked.

"You noticed it too?"

"Noticed what?" Levi said, after being eerily silent. "When we arrived in Canada, the drive to the border was never this... broken. The ground was clear of rubble and there wasn't that much glass on the ground..."

"That's what you get when there's a psycho driving around trying to kill people."

"True... but would they destroy buildings? What does that have to do with their murderous tendencies?" I joked, my face in a straight line.

"Well sometimes people who have a desire to kill like to leave clues, so their victims know they're coming. Or they're just strange and like to destroy things..." Dakota said.

I turned my head to look at her and she shrugged, "What?"

"What books have you been reading?" I snorted.

She looked away and ignored me.

I felt a chill run down my spine and the hair on my arms stood up.

"Did it just get colder in here or is it just me?" I asked, "It's just you and your weird spidey senses."

I glared at Gage in the rear-view mirror.

"What the hell is that?" Levi suddenly said. I turned my head and pressed on the brakes. We went flying forward and I groaned, "Sorry."

Levi pointed to something outside, "What are you looking at?" I asked.

"Do you not see that red dot?" Levi said, "What red dot dude?" Gage said.

Suddenly, a huge bang was heard on the car and we all jumped.

"What... the fuck." Dakota whispered.

I was breathing loud, I could hear my heartbeat in my ears as I stayed completely still.

Slowly and gently, I cut the engine, letting the keys dangle.

"What's going on?" Dakota whispered to me, her wide eyes full of fear staring at me.

I looked at the boys in the back, they both looked freaked out.

"It wasn't heavy enough to be a body... but it wasn't light enough to be a tree branch."

"Yeah it uh... made a dent." Levi said, nodding up.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I took a breath, "Okay... we keep driving. Then we stop and... see what it was, okay?"

I nod, they all agree.

As we drive, the silence is eerie. Almost too quiet for my liking.

The weather is too still, the air is too thick and the sky is too... grey.

It's hot and cold and sweaty at the same time.

Like nothing fits.

We're passing through neighbourhoods... houses that are torn down, broken and shattered.

My stomach sinks.

We're so far away.

From everything.

My family taught me to fight. And that's all I know. 

I didn't grow up learning my ABC's or shapes and colors...

I grew up with a gun in my hand and knife strapped to my hip.

It's all I've ever known.

And it's all I'll continue to do until the day I die.

* * *


*runs away*

don't be mad!!!

i've been super busy and depressed lately so i haven't had the time nor motivation to upload!

but i pinky promise i'll be uploading soon!

love u all xx

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