
380 23 17

Riley Murphy

A crisp September morning has the air feeling fresh, a few icy paths and slippery grass.

I headed down the steps, collecting extra batteries from the car.

I heard the snap of a branch and stopped in my steps. Unhooking my gun from my holster, I aimed it at the trees, incase something was lurking.

"Elle if that's you I swear to God, I'm no in the mood."

No response.

I put my gun back and quickly went back into the house. Locking all the doors and closing the curtains, I rushed up the stairs.

"Woah, what's the rush but boy?" Alex smirked, "Code blue. Lock the house."

Alex's smirk faded as he nodded, pushing past me. I headed into my room, seeing a sleeping Dakota on the bed.

I slept on the couch last night. I was mad that the guys didn't want to help me with this. I want to eliminate this threat.

I locked the windows and kept the blinds closed. Kneeling to where her head was? I pushed her hair out of the way.

She looks beautiful.

She stirred in her sleep, opening her eyes slightly, "Are you still mad?" She yawned.

I shook my head, "Code blue Dee. Strap up and be careful." I whispered.

Her eyes widened and she nodded, pushing the covers off her legs.

I ignored the fact that she was wearing nothing but my shirt and undies.

I went to the bathroom and locked those windows, pulling our makeshift curtains shut.

"Hey, what the hell is going on?" Gage asked me, I put my fingers to my lips, "Code blue."

Gage nodded, "I've got upstairs, you help Alex downstairs."

Levi followed shortly after, out of breath. I eyed him and he blushed slightly, "Code-"

"...Blue, I heard. Is Dakota safe?" I nodded. He walked past me as I continued to lock up the rest of the house.

* * *

As soon as the house was locked up and secure, we took coverage in the storage room.

The storage room is full of weapons and has no windows. Two doors.

One to the house, one to the outside. The outside door can only be opened from the inside so we're safe for that.

Everyone was on edge, startling eerily quiet as metal clanged every now and then.

This isn't routine, this is our first code blue since Gage and I were old enough to learn what each code meant.

"Is it a zombie?" Gage asked.

I shrugged, "All I know is a branch snapped from the woods when I was at the car."

"Wait they saw you?" Elle chimed in, looking at me.

"I don't know. I think they did." I admitted. She nodded, sighing.

"Okay. We have the be careful. Whatever it is, they know you're face."

Shit. I should've been more careful.

I took a seat on the wooden bench in the corner of the room. Leaning my head in my hands, I rubbed my hands over my face for the sixth time today.

I don't know why I'm so stressed. We've had drills like this. I think because it's the real thing, I'm freaking out.

Dakota came and sat next to me, leaning her head on my shoulder, "Are you okay?" She asked. I nodded, "For now, yeah. Are you?"

She shrugged, "As good as I can be I guess."

"It'll be okay. I promise."

With a love language like touch, she intertwined her fingers with mine, making my heart do a flip.

I know it's silly, but she makes me better.

"Riley-" I heard. Shooting my head up, I see Alex looking at me, "We're gonna search the perimeter. You four, stay here."

He glared at me, Dakota, Levi and Gage.

They left and locked the door. Leaving us on our own.


That's all that was bestowed among us.

"Guys I have a bad feeling."

All pairs of eyes flickered up to me.

"Should I get Elle?" I shook my head, "No. Just leave it. I'm sure it's nothing,"

My fingertips started to tingle as I got a sinking feeling in my stomach.

"You look pale. Dude you good?" Levi asked me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I nodded my head, "I need to sit down."

My entire body was numb, tingling like it did when Penny and Elaine were hurt.

But they ended up dead. I can't live without my family.

My head is dizzy as I sat down. I tried to hear anything from outside, but I heard nothing.

"Shit, why did they go outside?" I said to myself.

"Okay. I'll help you."

I looked up, seeing Dakota, "What?"

"I'll help you. I'll- go after them with you." She smiled weakly.

"You don't have too. I realised the risk I was putting you all through when I said it in the first place."

Gage shook his head, "No dude, we're family. We help each other." He nodded in my direction and Levi shrugged.

I stayed silent for a while. Of course I want them to help, but I can't put their lives at risk.

"Okay. But we cannot tell them." I pointed to the door leading to outside, "They will freak and say we can't go."

With a hushed voice, we sorted out a plan.

A chill ran down my spine as the doorbell rang suddenly. Dakota gripped my hand in a panic and I put a finger to my lips.

Gage stood up, leaning his ear against the door. I reached for my walkie, clicking it on.

"Are you okay?"

"There's someone at the house..." I whispered.


"Do not go outside." Alex's stern voice was embedded in my head as he demanded me to stay still, "Do you understand me."

"I can't do that Alex."

"Riley if you step foot out that door!"

I shut my eyes, contemplating.

"Riley I swear to God if you don't-"

Without thinking I threw the walkie down and ran to the door, unlocking and locking it again, shoving a chair under the door handle.

Gage, Levi and Dakota were banging on the door from the inside, begging me to come back inside.

I've come out with nothing.

Just my bare hands.

I've entered the danger zone.

* * *


how y'all doin?

yes, riley is an idiot :)

but do you guys notice some of riley's traits? who do they remind you of?


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