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Riley Murphy

The house was quiet.

So quiet I could hear my heart beating in my head.

It was racing, causing my body to fill with adrenaline. I'm scared, don't get me wrong.

But I need to do this.

I basically tip-toed through the house, staying as quiet as I can so I don't make any noise.

I know I'm going to get in trouble, that's a given.

The doorbell went off once, I don't even know why we have a goddamn doorbell. Levi thought it would be funny to install one.

I could see the front door in the distance.

My fingers shook as I reached for the door handle. Having a mental argument with myself if I should open it.

I unlocked the 4 locks and twisted the handle, pulling it open and protecting myself behind the door. I peered through the crack, seeing nothing.

Emerging from the dark, I peeked my head around the door corner. There's nothing there.

What the hell is going on?

There's no wires, no threatening notes, nothing. Frowning, confusion clouded my features.

Who rang the doorbell?

* * *

To say I was growled at was an understatement. I was yelled at and Elle even tempted to slap me.

But she loves me too much.

I sat around the dinner table with the rest of them. I poked at my food, to freaked out to eat.

The shadow of a hand reaching across the table startled me and my fork clattered against the plate.

"Riley, you're so jumpy." A hand was placed in mine under the tables as Dakota continued to eat.

Ever since the house burned down and creepy things have been happening, we've been hiding out at our 'second home' which is another house that contains our weapons, food and such.

Thankfully we could salvage that stuff.

I think with everything that's happened I've just been more scared than usual.

I apologised for the noise and continued to eat.

I didn't feel hungry anymore so I stayed with my family while they talked amongst themselves.

"Mom." Gage muttered. I followed his eyes, "Was that there before?"

Megan turned her head, gasping in response.

There was a wooden arrow, just laying on the ground. Elle swallowed, taking a deep breath.

"No fucking way." She growled, "Everyone to Riley's room, now."

"Wait Dad, what's going on." Gage yelled.

"Just go. We'll find you I promise."

As we rushed to my room I couldn't help but think to myself, is this our new normal?

All I heard was the pounding footsteps of my family behind me. I made sure the door was locked and secured before I checked if everyone was okay.

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