twenty one

305 22 26

Riley Murphy


My eyelids felt heavy as I peeled them open, still surrounded by darkness. 

I looked to my side and realised I was no longer in my bed.

"What the fu-" I said, but was cut off when I heard the sound of shackles.

My hands and feet were shackled to a concrete floor.

My eyes widened in shock as I realised where I was...

Back in the bunker, in Mason's place. I felt my body shake with fear as a manic laugh echoed throughout my ears.

Make it stop, I shouted. MAKE IT STOP...

I felt a hand cover my mouth so I couldn't shout, and it felt like I was underwater, when my breath was taken away from me and I was drowning.

Consumed by the fear that I was dying alone.

I saw a flash of light and squeezed my eyes shut, gasping for air as I saw a figure being dragged away. It was Dakota.

Not only is she in my dreams, but in my nightmares too.

I tried to call for her, I tried to reach her but I was too weak. She was eventually pulled away from me and I felt defeated, absolutely shattered.

I felt my heart squeeze and started to thrash around.

The water felt heavier as a weight was on my chest.

"... Riley." A voice chanted.

"Riley." It repeated,

"RILEY." They screamed.

I opened my eyes and shot up in my bed, seeing a light being switched on.

The worried faces of Alex, Elle, Paxton Megan, Gage, Levi and Dakota were all looking back at me.

Dakota threw her arms around me and I held her tightly, not wanting to let go.

"Y-you were gone. You were taken... away from me I- I tried to save you but I couldn't." Tears formed in my eyes as I looked over her beautiful, tired face. Her cheeks were hot and her eyes were red.

"You scared me half to death." She whispered in my ear, pulling away.

"What the hell just happened?" Gage said groggily, rubbing his eyes, "Nothing I uh- had a nightmare." I said with a shaky voice.

Dakota placed her head on my shoulder, "He was lucid dreaming." Elle butt in, "What's that?"

"When your body is aware you're dreaming, but you have no control over what you're doing. So that's why you may have felt like it was real." I leaned my head against the wall, yawning slightly.

"You're good for tonight, yeah?" Levi nodded to Dee. She smiled weakly as everyone left my room, talking quietly amongst themselves.

I lay back down as Dakota switched the light off, crawling back in beside me.

"Are you okay?" She asked, running her index finger along my bare chest. I nodded, "I think so, yeah. It just felt so... real." I added.

Her leg draped over mine and I felt tingles shoot up my spine, "What were you dreaming about?"

I sighed, "I woke up and- I was back in Mason's place." I said, remembering my nightmare from moments ago.

"I was chained to this floor and the ceiling and it felt like I was being stretched apart."

"Then I heard his voice and screamed to make it stop- I was underwater. And then I saw you."

"Me?" She said, shocked. 

I laughed slightly, "What?" 

"Nothing it's just- you're in my nightmares now, too."

"Is that a good thing?" She said.

"No I mean- you're in my head all the time. You're in my thoughts, my dreams and now my nightmares. It's like I can't get rid of you." I joked. She giggled, "Sounds like you're quite smitten with me."

I felt a smile tug at my lips, "Well- where would I be without you, huh?" I teased, pulling her to my side.

"Probably lying in a ditch somewhere with your head being eaten by zombies."

"Or worse- blown off by Mason." I shivered, "God that dude pisses me off."

* * * 

When I woke up the next morning, my whole body ached. Like what I experienced in my dream had actually come true.

Everything I touched felt cold and my limbs felt like they were 10 times heavier.

I sat at the kitchen table with Dakota face down asleep. I could barely keep my eyes open.

I lifted the spoon, my hand shaking as I brought the soup to my mouth.

Megan was in the kitchen, making a lot of noise, "Hi Mom." Gage said, kissing his Mom's cheek as Levi trailed in behind him.

My spoon clattered to the table and Dakota jumped, glaring at me.

"What?" Megan said, looking at me.

"N-nothing um- I saw a bug." 

I couldn't help the grin that made it's way to my face as Gage and Levi looked at me weirdly, sitting down opposite us.

"Morning." Alex announced, making a gross kissy-noise to Megan who laughed at us when we all grimaced, "Not here Dad, please?" Gage whined, covering his eyes.

"Oh be quiet you, it's called Love!" 

Elle and Paxton made an appearance too, wearing their matching pyjamas.

"Well don't you two look cozy." 

"Shut up, I feel horrible." Elle growled, sitting down at the table.

Paxton stood behind her and made a face at us as if to say 'don't get on her bad side' as he massaged her shoulders.

"Someone was up half the night complaining of a stomach ache." 

Elle rubbed her temples, "I hate feeling like this God- why couldn't this happen to you Riley." She pointed.

I put my hands up in surrender, "What? Why me?" 

"Look at you, you're young. You can handle it." She shrugged.

Gage stifled a snort, "You're only 19 years older than me." 

"Yeah, 19 years that I'll never get back." She mocked. I opened my mouth and feigned hurt, "You're mean." I taunted.

Elle stayed quiet, her face contorting from humour to pain.

"Hold that thought-" She grimaced, quickly jumping up from the chair and speed-walking down the hall.

"What is that all about?" Dakota asked, following after them.

Alex and Megan made a face, smirking, "No, I know that look. What are you two hiding?" Gage seethed, eyeing them both.

"Nothing, we know nothing." 

I felt the ends of my fingertips tingle. But it wasn't like the tingles I had before, this was a good one.

"You guys are definitely hiding something." I agreed with Gage, "And why do you say that?" Alex mocked, putting me into a headlock.

"Because my fingertips are tingling and it's not a bad feeling this time, it's a good one. So on that note, I'm gonna go find my Aunt."

* * * 

what do u guys think is up with Elle?

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