thirty one

276 21 26

Riley Murphy


My sour mood continues as I relish in the fact I only got 12 minutes of sleep.

Anxiety is coursing through my veins and I feel like I might explode. 

I pass Elle in the hallway, and she looks like she hasn't slept a wink either. Glad the feeling is mutual. She glared at me before rolling her eyes, closing the bathroom door in my face as I walked past.

I skipped down the stairs, seeing Paxton strapping on his gun.

"Little man." He smirked, "Don't call me that." I said.

"You're with me today." 

"And where am I going with you?" I took a bite from my apple, sitting on the arm of the couch.

"On the hunt for a new house. Surprise, we can't stay here." He said grimly.

I shrug, "Cool."

I finish my apple, throwing the core in the bin as I head to my room, getting ready for the day.

There's always something lurking in the shadows. Usually zombies, sometimes animals. 

One time I found a really big spider and chased Levi around the room with it. His gay ass screamed and cried. He didn't talk to me for two days!

I smiled at the memory, strapping on my gear before heading down the stairs again.

"We're off now." Paxton called, hearing mumbled goodbyes.

"So is it just us going?" I ask, looking around. "Alex is going with Gage and Levi." He said.

"And let me guess, no one wanted to deal with me?" I said, opening the trunk of the car. Paxton shrugs, "They just-"

"Don't want want to deal with me, yeah. I got it." I grinned, "You don't need to lie to make sure my feelings aren't hurt. They're not." I slapped his back and he relaxed a smidge.

I'm hurt.

I see Alex, Gage and Levi exit the house and keep my gaze on the floor, helping Paxton load the back.

"You've got west, we've got east." Paxton said to Alex.

"Alright, catch you back here." 

As we were about to leave, Dakota skipped out, "Wait." 

She walked straight to me and planted a fat kiss on my lips, moaning slightly before being pulled away by Levi, "See you later honey." She smirked.

I hadn't see Dakota since she slipped out of my room last night. 

Levi glared at me before I caught his eyes and he looked away, dragging Dakota back into the house with him!

After closing the passenger door, Paxton smirks at me, "That seems to me going well then." He says. I shrug, "Yeah I guess." I don't give him any information.

"What? Thats it? You're not going to tell me anything?" 

I shake my head, "Why not? We're friends."

"You could be Elle's spy for all I know." I glare. He chuckles, "The woman terrifies me. I love her but damn, she'd have my head."

* * * 

We're driving along the shoreline. My head is rested in the palm of hand as I gaze out the window. We've been gone for only an hour, browsing the streets and slowing the car as we entered neighbourhoods.

The radio crackles and I turn my head, picking it up and turning it on, "What?" I say. Paxton snatches the walkie off me, "What?"

"There's been an e-" There was a crash and then silence, "Just get- explosion... home-" 

My eyes widened as I tried to make out what they said. Paxton immediately swerved the car around and started speeding down the dangerous roads.

He sped around the corner too quickly and almost crashed into a bunch of wilted fences. 

"Slow down Pax, God. Are you trying to kill us?" I yelled, looking at him.

"Sorry, I'm just anxious." He said to me, slowing down a tad.

"Try and signal for Elle and Megan." Paxton nodded to the walkie in his hands. I take it off him and turn the knobs before I hear a high pitched squeal. "We're in range?" I say, confused.

"They must not be near the walkie. Don't worry, we're almost home."

We get to our street about 5 minutes earlier than intended. I'm pretty sure we left a few skid marks.

The car barely stopped running before we both hopped out and ran into the house.

There were cardboard boxes and bags filled with stuff sitting in the driveway. 

"We're here? Is everyone okay?" Paxton called, pushing the front door open.

I walked in behind him, "Don't be so dramatic. Everyones fine." Elle said.

Paxton slung an arm around Elle's shoulder, his face relaxing, "What happened?" He asked.

I leaned against the doorframe, feeling awkward. 

Nobody acknowledged I was back. I know I'm probably overreacting but I shouldn't feel like a stranger in my own house. I feel unwelcome.

I looked at the dust on the floor and the slight shoe prints from going back and forth.

I smiled at the converse marking.

"There must've been a pressure plate or something, or a trip wire." I hear Gage butt in. I look up slowly, seeing them fully engaged in a conversation.

"I think it's Mason. He definitely did something. I can't be this easy for us to kill him and go on living civil." Elle shrugged, although I sensed a twinge of anger that floated in her eyes.

"I felt the car move a little before we heard the tick. So something must have been set off." Gage shrugged, "Where's Levi?" Alex asked, looking around.

It was then I noticed neither Levi or Dakota were anywhere to be seen.

"Upstairs with Dakota. He was a little shaken up so she's calming him down." Alex added, briefly looking at me.

I ignored his pleading look before turning on my heel and walking out the door.

* * * 

here you are: the long awaited chapter!!

first off: happy new year!!! lets hope and pray this year isn't as shitty as last year.

I hope you all had a happy and safe christmas/New Years and I hope you all got to spend it with your families!

sorry for the wait, I've been busy with family! and I go back to work/school soon.

BUT, new chapters soon.

also, if u read these, comment a heart under this chapter so I know ur an active reader!! 

love u all x

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