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hi everyone!

well, that is officially, the end of the zombie series!

I loved writing these books too much and I'm sad for it to be over! BUT, new books are in order. I have a bunch of exciting ideas for new books that I'm dying to share with you all. 

in fact, if you don't know, I have two other books on my page already if you'd like to check those out! they're just sappy romance books, you know the drill!

but, before we go, I have to say this;

thank you all so much for supporting me through this!

I hope you all loved reading it as much as I loved writing it. my writing career has been changed for the better and it's all thanks to you guys!

I loved Elle and Paxton's story as well as Riley and Dakotas. I don't know what I would have done without these guys. I never expected the amount of love and support I got and can't thank any of you enough.

thank you thank you THANK YOU! 

happy reading.

love, your author. 

- a. x

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