thirty seven

287 20 2

Riley Murphy


When Alex said that my heart dropped, "I locked it and everything. I checked twice, I swear." 

I shot up, seeing his deepening frown as he jingled the keys in his hand, "Okay, just making sure." He mumbled, "Wait, why? Alex." I stopped him, grabbing him by the elbow.

"Because Paxton was just down there and said that it was wide open."

My eyes went huge, "We have to go back and check that everything's okay!" I said quickly.

"What for?"

"Because Alex when I left that Warehouse, everything was in check and I promise you, I locked that gate!" 

Alex took the stairs two at a time as I rifled through my bag that was laying on the floor, clicking a belt onto my waist as I strapped two loaded guns into the holsters.

"What's going on?" Dakota asked me.

I gave her a lopsided smile, "Nothing too serious. We're just going to make sure that everything's okay at the Warehouse." I said, kissing her briefly.

"Be careful okay? I want you to come back home."

I held her face in my hands and brushed a strand of hair away, "I promise."

After closing the bedroom door and heading outside, Alex and Paxton were waiting for me, with Gage and Levi already in the car.

"Are the girls okay here?" I asked.

Paxton nodded, "Elle and Megan obviously wanted to come but I don't think Elle can handle it today." He said, mumbling the last part.

"It's gonna be okay dude." Alex comforted. I nodded, "Yeah, totally."

* * * 

After arriving at the Warehouse, I could tell we were all on edge.

I gripped my guns tightly, prepared for anything as we all jumped out. 

I eyed the broken gate, "Is this normal?" I asked, pointing to the chain that had been snapped in half."

Alex shrugged, "I'm not sure what did that, actually."

"Ew, it's slimy." Levi grimaced, wiping the weird juices onto his shirt.

We approached the door, it making a creaking sound before we forced it open.

It was dark, and the dust particles settled before I felt around for the light.

I pulled the string down and the light flickered on. And we all audibly gasped.

A can rolled on the shelf, empty and broken.

The aisles, shelves and coolers have been open and tampered with. I felt anger surge through me, "You don't think this could've been one of Mason's cronies do you?" I hissed.

Alex and Paxton gave each other a look briefly before Paxton shook his head, "Nobody aside from us knows where this place is, I swear. And besides, they're all dead."

My hand went to my neck, where I felt a tiny scar the size of a grain of rice where a tracker had been in my skin all those years ago.

I stared at the scar on Paxton's back, and Alex's.

"What?" Pax asked when he caught me staring, "Nothing."

We looked around a little more, seeing nothing out of the ordinary.

But my mood was completely gone as I realised all of the food was gone. No preservatives, no fruits, vegetables, nothing. Everything was wiped out.

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