
334 22 10

Riley Murphy


Car chases...

That's what my brother calls them.

When one car is chasing another, usually to overtake or kill.

And right now... I'm experiencing the second option.

"What the FUCK do we do?" Gage screamed, ducking down.

We took off our seatbelt and ducked down, to prevent ourselves from getting hit from any bullets that try to hit us. 

Thankfully it's just hitting the windows and falling to the floor.

I winced when I looked down at my feet and saw more bullet shells then I could count on one hand, "Do these guys have a fucking machete?" Levi yelled. I was driving 140 now, going as fast as I can. My only issue... gas.

"Guys, we need a plan." I say, "We could go home?" 

"Too far, we don't have enough gas for that." All three heads whip around to me, "We don't have enough gas to get back home? It's 3 hours Riley... how long do we have left before we all fucking die then?"

"Don't say shit like that Levi." Dakota said, "Don't stress him out." She ordered. I could feel her staring at me. "DUCK." I screamed, squeezing my eyes shut as the car rammed into the back of us. We jolted forward, the tires turning slightly.

It gave me an idea...

"Hold on and whatever you do, do not open your eyes."

"Oh my god he's going to kill us. I knew this was a suicide mission." I could hear the boys say.

"Thanks for believing in me guys, really appreciate it." I roll my eyes.

I still speed down the roads, crashing into things. It's so loud, I feel my eardrums ringing. 

Just as an intersection is coming up, I turn right, a sharp right.

The car swerves and I hear the tires give out on me. But we're still going.

The car that is chasing us is in the distance, but I can see it slam on the brakes and do a U-turn, "We have about 7 seconds before that car starts chasing us again so we have 2 options, we wait it out, or we drop and roll." 


"Second option it it. Grab your guns- GO."

All four doors were swung open as we dropped and rolled onto the road, the car was still going for a few seconds before it lost control and crashed into a tree nearby.

The car that was chasing us stopped when the car crashed, two crash impacts, two engines?

Two gas fires.

I heard an engine sputter and knew that the car was close to blowing up. I saw Dee in the distance, rolling onto her stomach. Levi and Gage were huddling behind a tree together.

I got up, limping and clutching my shoulder whilst running across the road. I grab Dakota and meet the boys behind the tree.

Thankfully, the tall, overgrown grass was our cover for now. 

Dakota's breathing was heavy. She placed a hand on her heart and closed her eyes. We all sat on the balls of our feet, kneeling just enough so we could see what was happening.

Nothing has happened yet.

The snap of a tree branch had me frozen in my spot. My hand reached instinctively for Dakota's and she grasped mine, clenching her fingers around mine. 

I slowed my breathing, my heart beating out of my chest. I glanced at Gage and Levi who were staring at me, wide-eyed.

Once we heard footsteps retreating, I breathed. 

"We have to stay quiet." I whispered in a quiet voice, placing my index finger up to my lips. They nodded, agreeing with me, "But we have to move. If they find us... we will die, understood?" 

I glared at Gage, who nodded innocently, "Good, let's go then." 

I slowly stood up, walking with my head low. The others followed behind.

I saw a flash of orange and that's when the explosion went off.

I covered my ears, closing my eyes as bits of glass and metal went everywhere. I heard it clatter on the road and land in the grass. "Be careful." I yelled over the noise, before quickly running into the grass.

"What the hell do we do?" Dakota asked, panting and out of breath as she looks between me and her brother, "Don't look at me. Look at Mr Bigshot over here with his car skills." Levi spat, glaring at me.

I scoffed, "Why are you angry at me? I saved our asses." I spat back.

"From a mess that could've been handled if he had stayed at home." Levi threatened, shoving me backwards. "Hey- stop it, Levi. You too Riley." I bunched my fists as my sides until my fingernails dug into my skin.

"Whatever. You didn't have to come, you know. I gave you that option, you chose too." I said back. Gage rolled his eyes, "Here we go."

"Don't you start either." 

He put his hands up in surrender, "Leave me out of this."

My eyebrows furrowed, I glared at Levi, "What is your problem man? Do you wanna go back? I can take you back." His mouth we sewn into a straight line as he started directly at me, "If we die... you better believe that I will haunt your ass." He said, a slight smirk lifting his lips.

I pulled the finger at him, "I hate you, let's go!"

* * * 

We were still walking through the grass, but the strands started to get smaller. 

"I'm hot." Levi complains, fanning himself, "Really? I had no idea, can you tell us again for the fifth time?" I said, snapping back.

"Would you calm down? Jeez, no wonder my sister thinks you're high maintenance." He says.

I hesitate and feel Dakota tense from beside me. I hear a slap and smirk slightly, covering it with a frown. Does she really think I'm high maintenance?

"All of our clothes, food and other shit is in the car that is now blown up."

I stop in my tracks, I never thought of that.

"SHIT." I yell, tearing at my hair, "Shit fuck, you're right."

Gage smirks, "I know I am."  

"You have such... a punchable face." I say calmly. His eyes widen just a fraction and he looks at Dakota who just smirks, "Refrain him!"

She laughs and takes me by the elbow, "It's okay, look- we'll find a grocery store and find non-perishable items and then we'll find a motel or a house or something but we need to go now before it gets dark."

As we were walking, I couldn't help but listen in on Gage and Dakota's conversation.

"...- You don't really think he'd hit me... right?" 

Before Dakota can say anything I jump it, "Yes, I would." 

"But you're my best friend." He defends, Levi looks to him, obviously offended.

"I'm also your uncle... there's nothing wrong with a little family brawl am I right?" I offer, indicating to Levi.

Gage crosses his arms over his chest and stares at his feet, "You're a jerk."

"I know."

* * * 


would y'all be mad if I added in a new character?!

also, QOTD, where are all of my beautiful readers from?

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