thirty eight

305 20 3

Riley Murphy


Elle had burst into tears when we told her the news, pulling Paxton aside and telling her how we're going to survive now without the food.

The cupboards seemed empty now, knowing we couldn't just go to the Warehouse when we ran out of pasta. This is all we have. 

"Oh my God what happened to you?" Dakota gasped when I entered our room.

I shrugged, "There were a bunch of zombies that attacked the Warehouse. There's no food left." I sighed, sitting on the end of the bed.

Dakota leaned her head on my back, "What do you mean no food?" I felt her breath through the fabric of my shirt, "The zombies raided the whole place. We have nothing left except what's in the cupboards." 

Dakota shivered and I nodded, "I have no idea what we're going to do." I mumbled, running my hands over my face.

"Why don't you first, go and have a shower and then come to bed, okay?" She hummed. I agreed with her statement and pulled my shirt over my head, wincing when my shoulder moved too quickly.

"Oh my God Riley, what the fuck?" Dakota said, "What?" I asked her quickly, alarmed.

"Your shoulder..." Her eyes were the size of saucers as she stared at me, "What about it?" I looked down at my chest, seeing nothing wrong with it, "It's bruised!" She ushered me over with her fingers.

I sat down in the spot I was before and Dakota brushed her fingers over the sore patch of skin. It was when she applied pressure that I realised it hurt.

"It's bigger than my palm." She said, indicating to the bruise. 

"Can I test how far down the pain goes?" Dee asked, "What does that mean?"

"Just lie on your stomach and I'll basically just press on your back." She shrugged.

I did what she said and got comfortable on the bed, leaning my head on my shoulders. Dakota climbed onto my back, straddling my waist as I felt her wobble a bit.

"Are you okay?" I asked, "Yeah, just dizzy!" 

Her fingertips were cold as she started to lightly press down my back.

"Ow." I said every time it hurt.

She got half way down my back until it stopped hurting and she was just giving me a massage now. Once she'd finally stopped all of her 'tests' she hopped off.

"So, what's the verdict, doc?" I smiled, Dakota smiled shyly at me, "I'm not sure, but your shoulder and back is heavily bruised, I suggest telling Elle so she can have a look at it." 

"Okay, I promise. But I'm having a shower first." Kissing her quickly, I hopped off the bed and started down the hall, hearing small chatter come from downstairs.

* * * 

I was awoken the next morning by the sound of a car engine revving. 

My eyes popped open and my heart calmed down when I realised what the sound actually was. Nonetheless, I was awake and fully opened my eyes, yawning before I stretched.

Dakota wasn't beside me, but I felt her side of the bed and realised it was still warm, meaning she must have left only a few minutes before I woke up.

Frowning, I got up and went downstairs in search for her, seeing her standing at the sink in the kitchen, "You're not supposed to be walking." I said.

She jumped, the dishes in the sink clattering, "God Riley, you scared me!" She said, a hand on her heart.

"Sorry." I shrugged, "I woke up and you weren't there." I wrapped my arms around her waist, nuzzling my head in her neck and she giggled. I could smell the coconut shampoo in her hair and kissed her cheek, "Get a room you two, please!" A voice interrupted.

I glared and turned around, seeing Megan enter the kitchen.

"Sorry." I shrugged, not really sorry.

"Hi Mom." Gage smiled, yawning as he slumped into the kitchen as well, "Whats the time?" Gage asked, "Around 9 I'm guessing." 

The air was a little chillier now and the sun was rising and setting quicker than we all liked. 

"Did you boys sleep okay after last night?" Megan asked us, looking between me, Gage and Levi who had also appeared in the kitchen.

I nodded, as did the others.

"Where's Dad and Uncle Pax?" Gage questioned. Megan hesitated for a second, "They've gone to look for uh- stuff." She nodded, sipping her cup of tea, "You're lying. But I'm not going to ask you again because you scare me." Gage joked, earning a glare from his Mom.

After eating breakfast and getting changed for the day, I decided to take Dakota on a drive down to the array of shops that were littered around our house.

I discovered them after my breakdown the day I found out Dakota wasn't waking up.

"She was a little hesitant to get in the car but I assured her that we would be fine.

I held her soft hand as we walked aimlessly along the cracked footpath.

It's obvious that the shops used to be beautiful. With wilted signs, chipping paint, rusty metal chairs that used to be carved into some unique shape. 

"This is amazing." Dakota said, her voice echoing in the small space as we walked through a square, the open air rushing through us as we gazed on the old places with shattered windows.

"Imagine if we could refurbish these places. Add another coat of paint, fix the floors." Dakota smiled, "Wouldn't that be fun!"

I nodded, "Absolutely. It'd give us a project to do, at least!" I shrugged, tightening my grip on her hand.

We tried to guess what the shops used to be, bakeries, delis, book stores, that kind of stuff. 

My favourite part was when I had picked a small yellow flower from the ground and placed it in Dakota's hair. She looked so beautiful.

He eyes, that changed colour whenever the sun hit her face, the mousy shade of hair that seemed to get lighter in the summer and darker in the winter. 

I can't take my eyes off her.

And just like that time in the mall, we marked another spot where our bodies had collided in a way that almost felt naughty, and dangerous.

But in a way made me feel free and alive at the same time.

And Dakota lay in my arms, on the grass with a jacket draped over us she giggled and bit my skin, "You really need to tell Elle about your shoulder."

I smirked, "Yeah, I know." 

* * * 




second of all; the next few chaps will be... idk how to describe it? mean >:)

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