
369 26 11

Riley Murphy


We snuck out as soon as the others went to bed. We said goodnight and hugged them each a little longer. I didn't let go of Alex until he started to question me. Even Elle asked if I was alright. I just said 'yes' and went to bed.

We were wandering down the roads, the moon the only source of light we have.

I had my pack on my back, carrying everything I need. 

It was silent. Nothing but the sound of our feet crunching on the ground and our steady breaths. It was getting colder now. As the days were getting darker before dinner and the sun rose after breakfast.

This was the most dangerous time of year, Alex told us. 

Because of the way the wind changes and the air settles. It rains harder and snow falls easier.

I'm not trying to sound like I'm writing a book, but there is something peaceful about not having anyone to tell us what to do or say. I know as soon as they wake up, they'll be looking for us.

And we've all come to an understanding that no matter what happens, we will continue on this. 

We have to find a car, or some form of transportation. Because we can't keep going on foot.

Gage, Levi and Dakota were trailing behind slowly as I kept on my foot. The tension was thick between Dakota and I, but only we could feel it. After last night... I can't get my mind off her. The way her body felt against mine.

It was as soft as silk. Lush and comforting. And she smelt good too. Like roses and vanilla. Subtle with a hint of sexy

I know it's bad to think of her like that but I can't help it. She's beautiful.

"Okay guys what's the plan here? Because I have no idea how we're going to do this?"

He's right. We haven't thought about it. It's probably 5 o'clock in the morning right now and we've been walking for hours. My feet are sore and my back is aching.

"I suggest we find a car. It'll get us places quicker, and we can store stuff in the trunk." Gage said, I nodded, "I agree. My only issue is that it'll draw attention to whoever is following us." 

He shrugged, "Well when we were attacked at the house, we didn't see or hear a car." Levi said, "That's true, but remember when we saw that car drive away after that fire?"

"It doesn't matter anymore. They either have a car or they don't. Either way, it'll be rather easy to find them." Dakota blurted out.

I locked eyes with her, bright green eyes shining into mine. She pulled on her lip with her teeth, something she does when she's nervous. I looked away, my mind instantly going to our shower together.

"How is it going to be easy sis? Do you know how big Canada is?" Levi mumbled.

Dee rolled her eyes at her brother, "I realise that, idiot. But what I mean is... if someone was walking down the street, it's not like we'd drive past them? Or if we hear the rumble of an engine? Or even see a car? We're the only people left on Earth it's not going to be hard."

Levi stayed quiet. Gage was arguing with himself. His brows were furrowed and he had a frown on his face, "Look guys, Dakota is right. I know Canada is huge, especially for a bunch of teenagers who have never been left alone before. But we need to do this. If we want to live."

Dee thanked me with a nod, and I smiled.

"Fine. But we're getting a car."

* * * 

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