I bow to no titles...

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"Nymerial, stop. It's not too late to cancel the duel. You do not have to do this."

Aragorn was trying to stop Nymerial as she was running to her room. She either didn't hear him or didn't want to hear him. In her room, she went straight over to a small chest under the bed. It contained the most dearest items in her life: a pair of daggers that her father put with her when she was left in the woods. The daggers were simple, it had a black handle with silver lines. But the blades were still razor sharp. Nymerial took a dagger in each hand and went out of the room. Furious, she walked towards the field. She wasn't looking where she was going so she ran into someone and fell. She didn't even bother to look up when she heard that silky voice

"Mankoi lle uma tanya? (Why did you do that?)"

It was Legolas. Nymerial stood up, brushed the dust off of her answered

"Because I have my pride and he will not take it away."

"But do you even know how to fight?!"

"Well, you just have to wait and see. By the way, if they start to bet on who would win, I recommend to bet on me, if you want to win."

With that, Nymerial left a worried Elf behind.

When she arrived at the field, quite the audience had gathered. She saw the Hobbits, Gimli, Gandalf and even Elrond. Her brother and Legolas came in after Nymerial. Boromir was already there, he came over to Nymerial and said

"You still have time to back down. I do not want to fight a woman."

Nymerial replied, quickly

"Shall we start?"

Boromir was a bit surprised at that response but followed Nymerial to the centre of the field. He took out his sword as Nymerial was spinning her daggers. Boromir said, a little mockingly

"I promise, I will go easy on you."

Nymerial ignored his remark and said to Elrond

"Will you do the honour, Elrond?"

He replied

"Fine. I wish to see a clean duel. No faking. And let the duel begin!"

Nymerial stopped spinning her daggers, pressed the blades near her arm and waited for Boromir to make the first move. But he just stood there, his sword lifted and a smug look on his face. He said

"Do you even know who I am? If you bow to me, I might cancel this duel that you started."

Nymerial said, fiercly

"Sorry, but I have my pride to keep. Oh, by the way, I bow to no titles!"

That set Boromir off and he charged towards Nymerial. 'He's holding it back.' thought Nymerial as she dodged a light swing of the sword by doing a perfect backflip. Boromir was surprised by that but recovered quickly and attacked again, this time the swing was harder. But Nymerial saw it coming. She put her daggers in an x-shape and stopped the sword easily. Her opponent was taken aback by it. He lifted his sword and aimed for the stomach. 'What a cheesy move.' Nymerial did a quick back handspring, knocking Boromir's sword out of his hand in the progress. He then knew that he wasn't up against some silly little girl. He took his sword off from the ground and charged again, this time with full power. He tried to hit her from the right, but Nymerial blocked it. He then attacked from the left. That was blocked too. 'This is getting boring.' thought Nymerial as she dodged yet another swing. She decided it was her time to shine. She swung one of her blades towards Boromir's chest from the left. Then followed a swing from the right. Boromir did block those, but with difficulty because they were lightning fast. Swing from the left, right, towards his stomach, near the neck. He had never seen a man nor woman fight like this. The swings of her daggers were never unnecessary. All of them were fast, strong and aimed perfectly.

As Nymerial and Boromir were fighting, the audience was silently betting on who would win the fight. Gimli, Frodo, Sam and Merry were betting on Boromir. But Pippin, Aragorn and Legolas were betting on Nymerial. Legolas asked quietly from Aragorn

"Where did she learn how to fight like this?"

"That is the thing, no one knows. She just knows how to from the start."

Back at the duel, Nymerial was letting Boromir attack herself. She had a plan but for that, she needed her strength and a distance between them. She dodged every single sword swing that was directed towards her, backing further and further away from Boromir. When she saw that the distance was big enough, she charged towards him. He didn't know what was going on, the girl was just running towards him, she didn't even have her daggers lifted. Nymerial just ran and when she was about a sword's length away from Boromir, she jumped high in the air, doing a flip and landed behind Boromir. Before he could turn, she had one of her daggers near his throat. She whispered in Boromir's ear

"I think this duel is over. Do you now think that I can handle being in the Fellowship?"

Boromir just nodded, shocked that someone had beat him. Nymerial removed her dagger and walked towards Aragorn.

The ones who had bet on Boromir now had sour faces. But Pippin's, Aragorn's and Legolas' faces were lit up. Nymerial didn't know how much they had bet but she could tell it wasn't a simple coin. She heard Boromir coming behind her. She turned around and said

"You fought well, it was an honour."

He simply replied

"The feeling is mutual."

Nymerial then went to her brother and asked

"So, how much did you bet?"

But before he could answer, Legolas asked

"Where did you learn to fight like that?"

"If you wish to know, I will be practicing this evening. You can come and ask as many questions as you would like." answered Nymerial simply and walked away with pride.

I don't bow to crowns LOTR/Legolas love story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now