I ate four...

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Nymerial woke up to Aragorn's shaking. She pushed his hand away and snuggled up with her pillow. The next thing she knew, she was picked up into someone's arms. Nymerial opened her eyes quickly and looked at the mystery man. It turned out to be Aragorn. Nymerial started to trash around because she knew what would follow next. And not a second later, Aragorn yelled

"Legolas, catch!"

And then suddenly Nymerial was thrown into the air. She screamed as Legolas barely caught her. Nymerial whispered into his pointy ear, threatening

"If you do not put me down now I will personally take care that your journey will be a living hell."

She was let go right away. Nymerial looked up to Legolas who was holding his hands up in defeat. She then turned to Aragorn who had a terrified look on his face. He then took off down the stairs with Nymerial in his heels. As Aragorn made it to the bottom, Nymerial jumped onto his back and he fell down onto the soft grass. She then pinned Aragorn down and said

"If you say you are sorry I might let you get up."

"Alright, alright I am sorry. I will not do it again."

Nymerial then got up and pushed Aragorn back down as he was getting up. She then turned around and saw Legolas and Boromir. Boromir then said with a wide smile on his face

"One can immediately see that you two are siblings."

Legolas smiled also but his gaze wasn't on the pair. It was more focused on one person.

They then walked to the river near them where boats were prepared. Galadriel and Celeborn were waiting them, the rest of the Fellowship was already there. The Lady turned to the Fellowship and smiled kindly. She then went to Legolas with a bow in her hands and said

"My gift to you, Legolas, is a bow of the Galadhrim, worthy of the skill of our woodland kin."

Legolas took the gift and thanked her. Galadriel then turned to Merry and Pippin with two daggers

"These are the daggers of the Noldorin. They have already seen service in war. Do not fear, young peregrin Took. You will find your courage."

They took the blades. The Lady of Light then turned to the next Hobbit, Sam. She said while handing him a rope

"And for you, Samwise Gamgee: Elven rope, made of hithlain."

Sam took it. He then looked at his two friends who were admiring the daggers and said

"Thank you, my Lady. Have you run out of those nice, shiny daggers?"

Galadriel laughed quietly and turned to the next member of the Fellowship. It was Gimli

"And what gift would a Dwarf ask of the Elves?"

He grumbled back through his thick beard

"Nothing. Except to look upon the Lady of the Galadhrim one last time, for she is more fair than all the jewels beneath the earth."

Galadriel giggled and walked forward. Gimli turned to leave but turned around and said silently

"Actually, there is one thing-ah, agh, that is quite impossible. Stupid to ask."

Galadriel turned to Aragorn and placed her hand upon the Evenstar around Aragorn's neck. She said

"I have nothing greater to give, than the gift you already bear. Am meleth din. I ant e-guil Arwen Undómiel...pelitha. (For her love, I fear the grace of Arwen Evenstar...will diminish.)"

They shared a sad look and Aragorn answered

"Aniron ie broni atha ar periatham amar hen. Aniron e ciratha a Valannor. (I would have her leave the shores, and be with her people. I would have her take the ship to Valinor.)"

"That choice is yet before her. You have your own choice to make, Aragorn...to rise above the height of all your fathers since the days of Elendil, or to fall into darkness...with all that is left of your kin. Namarie. Nadath na imoe cerich. Dan...ú-'eveditham, Elessar. (Farewell. There is much you have yet to do. We shall not meet again, Elessar.)"

She then turned away from Aragorn and went to Frodo. She gave him a teardrop shaped vessel and said

"Farewell, Frodo Baggins. I give you the light of Earendil, our most beloved star."

Galadriel turned to Nymerial and told her in a quiet voice

"I have nothing to give you that you have not already received. All I had to offer you got yesterday."

"And I am grateful for everything you gave me."

Galadriel then went back and Celeborn stepped forward with nine cloaks in his hands. He fastened them around the members of the Fellowship with leaf-like brooches. He said

"Never before have we clad strangers in the garn of our own people. May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes."

The Fellowship then went to the boats and started to pack to leave. Legolas came with a small piece of bread and said

"Lembas! Elvish Way-bread. One small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a grown man."

Nymerial asked from Pippin as the Elf left them

"How many did you eat?"

"I ate four."

He answered. Nymerial put her bag into one of the boats and looked around to see if anybody needed any help. But she saw Aragorn and Celeborn walking into the misty forest so she decided to follow them. She heard the Elf Lord speak

"Every league you travel South, the danger will increase. Mordor Orcs now hold the eastern shore of the Anduin. Nor will you find safety on the western bank. Strange creatures bearing the mask of the White Hand have been seen on our borders. Seldom do Orcs journey in the open, under the sun, yet these have done so! Le aphadar aen. (You are being tracked.)"

Nymerial then heard a blade being pulled out. 'Celeborn must have given him a dagger.' she thought as she went to the rest.

She got into a boat with Gimli and Legolas. They then pushed themselves away from the shore with everybody else, Aragorn had already arrived back. Nymerial took her paddle and started to row. As they made their way through the foggy river, they heard the Elves singing

Ai! Laurie lantar lassi súrien,

Yéni úntime ve rámar aldaron!

Yéni ve linte yuldar avámier

Mi oromardi lisse-miruvóreva

Andúine pella Vardo tellumar

Nu luini yassen tin tilar ieleni...

(Alas! Like gold fall the leaves in the wind, long years numberless as the wings of the trees! The long years have passed like swift draughts of the sweet mead in lofty halls beyond the West, beneath the vaults of Varda wherein the stars tremble in the song of her voice...)

As they sailed, the daylight grew brighter and the fog disappeared. Gimli then said, breaking the silence on the boat

"I have taken my worst wound at this parting, having looked my last upon that which is fairest. Haugh, henceforth I will call nothing fair unless it be her gift to me."

Nymerial and Legolas asked at the same time

"What is it?"

The Dwarf answered

"I asked her for one hair from her golden head. She gave me three."

Nymerial laughed. She them looked over to Legolas in the front part of the boat. His light hair was shimmering in the sunlight, it seemed like it was filled with thousands of tiny raindrops. The Elf looked back at Nymerial and smiled. His eyes were sparkling as if they were stars taken from the night sky. Nymerial then thought while looking at the clear blue sky 'Maybe Pippin was right in Moria. Maybe I am in love with that Elf lad...'

I don't bow to crowns LOTR/Legolas love story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now