Amon Sul...

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Nymerial and Aragorn stopped as they noticed ruins on the top of a tall hill. Nymerial knew that Amani didn’t enjoy that place so she said to her horse

“Run around it and wait for my call.” 

She watched as her horse ran like a shadow towards the hill and behind it. The four Hobbits had made their way to Aragorn, who said

“This is the great watchtower of Amon Sul. We shall rest here tonight.” 

The Hobbits, tired from their journey, went slowly towards the hill, with the two rangers behind them. They made camp in an overhang near the hill’s summit. The halflings started to take a well-earned rest while Aragorn and Nymerial prepared to investigate the nearby lands, in hope to catch something for dinner. Aragorn opened one of the bags, took out four small swords and said to the Hobbits

“These are for you. Keep them close. We’re going to have a look around.” 

Nymerial added

“And stay here!” 

With that, they took off.

Nymerial took off towards the hill top, Aragorn towards the bottom. She found nothing, not even a soul. ‘That’s odd, usually this place is filled with mice and bugs.’ She sat down on the ground and closed her eyes. She tried to hear either the cries of the Riders or the hooves of their horses. Nothing. She heard nothing. Nymerial decided to look for Aragorn, maybe he had found something. The sky was dark when she got down from the hill. She found Aragorn looking in the distance, trying to find something, anything.

“Did you find anything, Aragorn?” 

“No, not even a tiny bug. They must be closer than we thought. We must get back to Frodo.”

As he finished his sentence, they heard a shriek of the Nazgul and the screams of Hobbits. Nymerial and Aragorn grabbed their swords and ran back to the camp, hoping to find their friends. But all they found was a lit fire. They both took a flaming stick and ran towards the top. 

Nymerial made it there before Aragorn and saw as one of the Nazgul stabbed Frodo with his sword. The girl lept over to Frodo and attacked the Rider with her sword. She blocked a sword swing from it and used her chance to light it on fire. It ran towards the end of the hill and fell. Nymerial looked over to Aragorn, who was fighting with the Riders, as another one tried to stab the she-ranger. Luckily she heard it coming and blocked the attack. Two other Nazguls came over to her and she had to take them all by herself because Aragorn had the same problem. She set fire to the two of them but the third one had disappeared as she was fighting. Nymerial looked over to the four Hobbits and saw that the last Rider was heading in their direction so she threw her torch in the hood of the beast. It shrieked and fell off the hill. 

Nymerial and Aragorn ran over to Frodo and looked at his wound. Aragorn picked up the blade and said

“He’s been stabbed by a Morgul blade.” 

The blade turned to ash.

“This is beyond my skill to heal. He needs Elvish medicine.” 

He picked Frodo up and carried him down the hill, the others behind them. As they reached the bottom, Nymerial whistled and after a couple of seconds, Amani came. Aragorn put the Hobbit onto the horse’s back. They could hear the Nine Riders in the distance.


Nymerial could see the worry in Sam’s eyes as he said

“We are six days from Rivendell. He’ll never make it!” 

Aragorn panicked

“Hold on, Frodo.” 

Then Nymerial thought

‘Yes, hold on ,Frodo. Please hold on.’   

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