They are not gone...

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Nymerial was sitting on a wooden bench and looked forward. The sun was setting and it gave everything a warm tone. The sea was still and calm. By the water were rushes, they had gone yellow and lightly swinging in the wind, making a silent noise. The grass was also swinging and the sun made the water drops on it glisten. Trees around her were old and tall but were still looking green and full of life as well as wisdom. Birds were singing in the distance. 

Nymerial knew  she was dreaming because there weren't any shadows nor could she feel darkness around her. She looked at the ground and saw dandelions, the flowers were everywhere. She smiled, looked up and closed her eyes. Nymerial wanted to stay there forever, there with no shadows, no wars, no pain, no harm. A warm feeling filled her soul, that made her feel even better.

Nymerial opened her eyes when she felt someone sitting next to her. She instinctively moved her hand towards her boot, trying to grab her dagger. But her hand didn't find her anything. She then looked up at the stranger and saw who it was. There was sitting Gandalf, smiling warmly. Nymerial blinked, she couldn't believe it, why was she dreaming about him? She asked

"Why are you here? Go back to your own dreams!"

Gandalf laughed. He looked into her eyes and said merrily

"Hello to you too. I would be happy if a friend would visit me in my dreams."

"Wait, are you real? Isn't it supposed to be my dream?"

"It is your dream and I am real. I am here to give you some advice."

"So you can travel to people's dreams whenever you want?"

"Yes, I am a wizard after all. Now would you once in your life listen to me?!"


"Nymerial, you are the Dragonborn and a part of the Dragonkind. You hold the blood and soul of dragons inside of you. The wings, claws might not be seen but they are not gone. You cannot fly or breathe fire but that does not mean your soul cannot fly or breathe fire. And wherever the soul goes, the body follows."

With that, Gandalf started to vanish into thin air. Nymerial stood up and yelled


Gandalf looked at her, his body almost transparent. Nymerial asked

"What is this place? I have never been here in my dreams nor the real world."

"I do not know, it is your mind. But if I had to guess, I would say this is the place your heart wants to be the most..."

Nymerial woke up to someone shaking her. She grabbed one of her knives from its strap and pointed it at the mystery person's neck. When her eyes adjusted to the light, she saw that Aragorn was holding up his hands in defeat, his eyes were fixed on the knife. Nymerial removed the blade and put it back. She looked around and saw people packing their stuff. She stood up and stretched her aching limbs as Aragorn spoke

"We are setting off in about ten minutes. If you want something to eat, there is some stew left from yesterday."

Nymerial laughed

"Thanks, I am not hungry."

She rubbed her eyes and looked at Aragorn. He seemed... happier than usual. His face was serious as always but there was something in his eyes, something was glittering there. It was like a small ray of sunlight in a thick forest. Nymerial asked

"What are you so happy about?"

Aragorn remained silent but a small smile appeared on his face. His hands moved up to his neck to the Evenstar, a necklace Arwen had given him. He then left. 

Nymerial understood, she wasn't the only one that had a visitor that night. But thinking about that made her remember what Gandalf had said. She didn't get what the White Wizard wanted to say. 'Why does he always want to speak in riddles?' thought Nymerial as she prepared Amani for the rest of the journey. She then went to wake Freda up, she had been sleeping beside her and still was. As she made her way to the little girl, she noticed two apples near them. She picked one of them up and shook Freda. The kid stirred and opened her eyes only to shield them from the light with her hands. As she sat up, Nymerial handed her the apple. Nymerial then took the other apple and broke it into two pieces. She went back to Amani and gave one half to him.

She then leaned against him and slid her free hand through her dark hair while waiting for Freda. Her hand found a flower in her hair, the flower that Delsin had given her. She took it and looked at it: its white petals were now withered and dirty. She thought about Delsin's blueish-grey eyes, they were pretty but something was hidden in them, something that made her feel uneasy.

Nymerial threw the flower away when she heard Freda walking towards her. She smiled at her and asked

"Ready to go?"

The small girl nodded because she was eating her apple. Nymerial lifted her onto Amani and finally bit the other half of her apple. She led her horse to Aragorn and the others. No words were exchanged between them and Nymerial fell into her thoughts...

She was snapped back to reality by Amani's neigh. She looked around her and saw they were far away from the camp site. She also noticed Éowyn walking with them and that Legolas was missing, probably watching that any Orcs or Uruk-hais weren't around. The silence was broken when Éowyn asked, looking at the Evenstar

"Where is she? The woman who gave you that jewel?"

Aragorn didn't answer but a smile crept onto his face. Éowyn didn't understand and asked

"My Lord?"

The smile on the man's face almost left as he said

"She is sailing to the Undying Lands with all that is left of her kin."

Éowyn then was quiet, she must have then realised what Arwen meant to Aragorn. They walked on and were soon travelling beside a hill. Delsin came running towards Nymerial and she thought that something serious was going on. But when he reached her, he only said

"Hi! Just wanted to see you."

That angered Nymerial slightly. She whispered at him fiercely

"Don't you understand, we are in a war right now so do not come just running at me. I thought that something was happening, something important."

"But seeing you is impor..."

"You are a grown man, you should get it what is happening..."

"What could happen now, we are almost at Helm's Deep."

"You idiot, Orcs could attack any minute now and..."

Delsin's voice rose

"You have no right talking to me like that, w..."

Before he could finish, a yell was heard


It was Legolas. The King asked back

"What is it? What do you see?"

"Wargs! We are under attack!"

I don't bow to crowns LOTR/Legolas love story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now