I bring news...

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After what seemed to be hours, Nymerial finally managed to fall into a dreamless sleep which she had been waiting. But she was awoken by a gentle hand soon. She opened her eyes quickly, ready to attack because at that time you did not know who was upon you: a friend or an enemy. She quickly calmed when she saw a slightly scared Merry in front of her.

Nymerial sat up and glanced at the empty bed next to her, Legolas must have gone out. She turned back to the Hobbit and smiled

"You are here because?"

He thought for a moment as if he had forgotten his purpose. Merry then remembered and replied

"Ah, yes. The King asked you to come to his tent. He said that you have a visitor. And I was told to hurry so it must be important."

"Who is it? Who is stupid enough to travel here in the middle of a war?"

Merry shrugged

"I do not know, I was not told and could not make out from the shape of the shadow."

Nymerial nodded and stood up from her seat, slipping her daggers inside her boots- Legolas must have taken them just in case. She stepped out and looked around, there were hundreds of Men sitting by small fires, trying to get warm and cam for they knew they were clearly outnumbered. She walked towards the tent Merry had pointed because himself went to the blacksmith to get his sword sharpened.

The tent seemed bigger than the rest with guards near the entrance. She could see the dim light of candles with two figures around them. Nymerial walked past the men guarding their leader and pushed away the cloth covering the doorway. The walls were covered in different flags and banners of all the villages and towns that were in the camp. There were some chairs and tables and behind one of them was sitting a cloaked man. Théoden called Nymerial over to them and motioned her to sit on the free chair. He then excused himself as he walked out of the tent.

Nymerial narrowed her eyes at the man as she moved to sit. As she sat, she saw who was before her. Elrond nodded as a greeting to her as she asked

"Elrond? What are you doing here? Has something happened?"

There was a moment of silence before the reply was heard

"Nymerial, I fear I am not here for my own doing. I am here on behalf of my daughter to deliver something to your brother."

"But, why did you ask to see me then?"

"Because I bring news to you about your family, the pack in Rivendell."

Nymerial's breathing stopped as she felt her heart sinking

"Are they alright? Please tell me that nothing has happened to them."

"I fear I cannot deliver such news. Nymerial, they have been killed. They died in a battle of victory."

"What happened to them? I mean, they just had pups, they never go out and look for a fight!"

Nymerial felt tears threatening to fall from her eyes but tried to stop them as she waited for an answer

"A few stray Orcs were exploring outskirts of Rivendell. They had passed both my and your family's border. The wolves got to them first as the Orcs tried to capture one of the little ones. The pack attacked and fought to their last breath, defeating the shadow in their forest. No one old enough to fight survived. The smallest ones are deep in the heart of Rivendell."

The tears were now on her cheeks s she stood up from her seat, slamming her hands on the table before her. She could not believe what she was hearing, she did not want to believe it. It was not possible, they took her in, they brought her up, protected her from all. Nymerial's eyes lifted from the ground to stare at Elrond, her sadness turning into fury

"But where were you? Where were you when your land was being attacked?! Did you not hear the cries of my family?! Were you deaf to the growls of my brother and the roars of my sisters? Was the wind that carried the howl for aid too weak to reach your ears?!"

Elrond stood up, Nymerial's eyes never leaving his as she waited for an answer that she knew would not satisfy her. The Elf spoke in a cold tone

"We were outnumbered! I wound not have sent my own men into certain death. There are only a few warriors left in Rivendell, we have all left for Valinor."

"So you just let someone else lose their lives for the sake of yours? They were outnumbered as well, mybe even more greater than you would have been. The children are now without their mothers and fathers. They fought with the hope that help will come for it was not only their home, even in their last breath they believed you will arrive! Maybe if-"

Nymerial was cut short by Aragorn appearing in the tent, silent and shocked to see the two arguing. Nymerial took a deep breath in and stormed out of the tent, tears still slowly running down her cheeks and landing on the trampled grass. She rushed past the masses with their head low, past Merry, past Alice, past each of her friends. She had to get away, even for just a moment.

Nymerial walked up on the path they had first come here. After some time, she stopped and looked at the camp before her, the small flickers of the fires making the whole place glow. She sat on the edge with her feet dangling towards the ground underneath, her eyes pointed up towards the starless night sky. Everything was clouded with a shadow here, stealing the beauty from all the living.

Nymerial let her head fall on her palm as she let the silent tears fall, her hair sheilind away from the rest of the world. The footsteps nearing her did not bother her for she did not care at the moment. Someone stood besides her

"Nymerial, I heard what happened. I am sorry."

"What is there to be sorry about, Legolas? It is not going to bring them back, nothing is. The only one left in my family is Aragorn, everybody else has disappeared."

She felt a hand on her shoulder as a breeze blew through her hair. Nymerial laughed sadly as she remembered

"You know, they always told me long fur is only useful in the snow. That I would get tangled in the branches and while running, they would only slow me down. And they were right, I cannot even count all the times I have been stuck. Perhaps it is time to take their final advice, for the last time."

Legolas looked down at Nymerial, puzzled. She stood up, grabbing one of her daggers in the progress. She gently took her braid in her left palm and let the edge of the blade run through her hair. Nymerial's hair fell loose on her shoulder but only til that point. The rest remained in her hand. The Elf watched in surprise as she let her braid drop into the dark abyss next to the camp.

He took her free hand in his as they looked at the horizon in silence. Nymerial then turned away, Legolas following her lead and they walked back down. The tears were only a dried streak on her face, barely visible. She would have mourned but knew there was no time for such. All of her family died while protecting their homes, it was her turn- even if it meant walking straight into certain death.  

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