Last day in Rivendell...

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It was the Fellowship's last day in Rivendell. Nymerial went to the dining hall, no one was there yet because it was before daybreak. But luckily the table had been set with delicious looking food. She sat down and put a fried egg, some slices of apple and a piece of bread onto her plate. She poured some water that was flavoured with freshly picked berries into her goblet.

When she started eating, Aragorn and Legolas came in. A silent "Quel Amrun (good morning)" was exchanged as they sat across Nymerial. There was a comfortable silence as they ate. For some reason Nymerial couldn't help but glance over to Legolas from time to time. Something seemed so intriguing about him. It wasn't his silky long hair nor was it his star coloured eyes. No, Nymerial was intrigued by what was beyond that. Like what goes through his head and why does he look like he's hiding something? Nymerial then realised what was going through HER head. 'No, this can't be. Not now. I cannot be in...LOVE! Not with Legolas, my brother's best mate.'

Nymerial's train of thoughts were interrupted by Gimli who entered the dining hall while yelling

"Morning lads! Hope this place has some decent food!"

He sat down with a loud thump nest to Nymerial and started to stuff his face. Pieces of food got stuck in his beard. That made Nymerial snicker quietly but she got a glare from Aragorn so she stopped.

As time passed, more members of the Fellowship came. Boromir, the four Hobbits and, lastly, Gandalf. Pippin and Merry were happily talking with Nymerial about how they would show her the Shire when they would get back. As she was listening about the mushrooms near the forest, she noticed from the corner of her eye that a silver pair of eyes were staring at her. Nymerial then turned to see but he was talking with Aragorn. 'My eyes must have played tricks with me.' Nymerial soon excused herself and went to the stables. When she got to the wooden building, she went in and let Amani out. She knew that he wouldn't be helpful since he refused to wear a saddle. She decided to let him be free. Nymerial said to Amani

"Go and wait for my voice to call you home. Aa' menle nauva calen ar' at hwesta e' ale'quenle. (May thy paths be green and the breeze on thy back.)"

She watched as her shadow coated partner galloped away into the wild. Then she went back inside to change and get her things for the journey.

Nymerial checked her bag for the last time before going. 'My lock picking kit, some dried meat and mint, an apple, my slingshot with some pebbles, cloth, waterskin' She had all of her things. She then put her sword into the sword belt, her knives were in the straps of her arms. She had a small pouch attached to her sword belt, it had her darts in it. She then put her daggers into a special place that she had made. Nymerial made a small compartment in her boots for her blades. She didn't even feel them there and when it was time to fight she could easily get them.

Nymerial went out to the old stone arch where the Fellowship said their last goodbyes. Everybody else was already there, preparing their things. Elrond then came and all stopped. He spoke to them

"The Ring-bearer is setting out on a quest for Mount Doom. On you who travel with him no oath nor bond is laid, to go further than you will. Farewell. Hold to your purpose. May the blessings of the Elves and Men and all the free folk go with you."

He then spread his arms and Aragorn and Legolas bowed with their hands upon their hearts. Nymerial just flashed a light smile as she turned away towards Frodo

"The Fellowship awaits the Ring-bearer."

He turned to the path beyond the arch and walked forwards. He then asked with a voice that was almost as light as a whisper

"Mordor, Gandalf, is it left or right?"

Gandalf thought and then answered with the most calm voice he could use at that moment


The Fellowship left the Elves behind and walked through the neatly cut stone. 'That might be the last time I see this place.' though Nymerial as she followed Gandalf towards the unknown.

I don't bow to crowns LOTR/Legolas love story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now