The enemy knows...

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The Fellowship had travelled through forests, over the open fields and hillsides. It was well after midday when Gandalf let them rest. They had reached a small hilltop where everything around them was seen. Nymerial set her bag down and looked around. All she could see were empty fields and a silhouette of a high mountain behind her. 'Why is Gandalf leading us there?' she thought as she helped Sam with the fire.

When the fire was going, Nymerial looked around what everyone else was doing. Gandalf was reading a map, mumbling to himself, Gimli was near him, thinking. Legolas was watching at the horizon and Aragorn was watching the Hobbits as Boromir was trying to teach them sword fighting. Nymerial went to her brother and sat next to him. Pippin and Merry had their swords held high as Boromir was teaching them the basics. At the moment, he was fighting with Pippin, Merry was watching them from the side. To make it easier, Boromir was saying what he was going to do next.

"Two, one, five. Good. Very good."

Aragorn noticed something Pippin wasn't doing right. He said while smoking his pipe

"Move your feet!"

After a while Pippin got the hang of it. Nymerial said to him

"Looking good, Pip."

He replied


She heard Gimli and Gandalf in the distance, arguing. Gimli wasn't happy they were taking the long way to Mordor

"If anyone was to ask for my opinion, which I note they're not, I would say we are taking the long way round. Gandalf, we could pass through the Mines of Moria. My cousin, Balin, would give us a royal welcome."

Gandalf then said with a serious tone

"No Gimli, I would not take the road through Moria unless I had no other choice."

Nymerial turned her attention again to the fighting Hobbits and Man. But to her surprise she caught herself glancing from time to time towards a certain Elf. 'No, I cannot think about that. We might die here, I am not in love with him. Right?' Her thoughts were interrupted by Pippin's scream of pain. It seemed that Boromir had knicked his knuckle by accident. 'Boromir, you should never trust your enemy.' And as she thought, Pippin kicked him in the shin and Merry came to help.


They jumped onto Boromir as Merry yelled

"Get him!"

Nymerial joined in with the shrieking

"Hold him down!"

Aragorn then went to help his friend because he knew that the Hobbits weren't as light as a feather. But the halflings pulled him down as well. They pulled him from his legs so he fell onto his back. But Nymerial didn't join in with the laughing. She noticed the look of horror on Legolas' face. Sam aked from him

"What is it?"

Gimli said instead of Legolas

"Nothing, it is just a whiff of cloud."

But the Elf knew it was more than just a simple cloud

"Crebain from Dunland!"

Everybody started to panic. Aragorn was trying to hide the Hobbits, Boromir was putting the fire out and Nymerial was collecting the things so nothing would be seen by the crows. They hid under a rock that was connected to the mountain. They waited.

Suddenly, the sunny sky became darker and a giant flock of black birds flew over them, shrieking loudly. They circled the hilltop and after, what seemed like forever, they flew back towards their master. The Fellowship came out from hiding and Gandalf said

"Spies of Saruman! The passage South is being watched. We must take the Pass of Caradhras."

Nymerial said under her breath

"The enemy knows."

I don't bow to crowns LOTR/Legolas love story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now