Open war is upon us...

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(The guy in the picture is Delsin)

Théoden sent Nymerial down into the town to get some kind of food to the two children, he had heard that the she-ranger was faster than the Northern winds. And with good reason, Nymerial ran to the nearest tavern and slammed the door open. She rushed towards the counter but stopped when she saw who was behind it. There stood Delsin, his grey eyes looking at her. His little brother was nowhere to be seen. 

Nymerial waved slightly as she said

"The King asked me to bring some food and this was the closest tavern..."

"What do you need? I will do anything in my power to help Théoden King."

Nymerial thought for a second, the King didn't mention anything specific, so she asked for the first things that came into her mind

"Well, let us see... Some bread, maybe a piece of meat and some kind of soup or porridge..."

"Coming right up!"

announced Delsin as he went to the back room, probably the kitchen was there. Nymerial sat on a chair near the counter but stood up quickly when she heard a loud crash where Delsin had went. She peaked from the door and saw the man on the ground, covered in some liquid, it reminded her (the liquid) of wine. She tried not to laugh but a chuckle did escape from her lips. The man looked up towards the sound and as he saw who it was, his cheeks went a tone redder.

Delsin stood up and shook himself like a dog after a heavy rain. That did it for Nymerial:she started to laugh openly, but stopped when she remembered why she was there. Delsin understood the sudden mood change and took a basket from the corner. He put two loaves of bread in it, some small apples and a big piece of meat, it looked like chicken. He then asked from Nymerial in a serious tone

"How much soup do you need?"

"For two people."

He got out two wooden bowls and two spoons. He poured some soup into them and put them onto the table. Nymerial looked at the food and said to Delsin

"I cannot carry them alone, do you mind helping me with them?"

"You mean me, going into the King's Hall? I am just a simple innkeeper, I cannot possibly just walk into the Golden Hall!"

But Nymerial picked up the basket and gave it to Delsin while responding 

"You are not going to walk, You are going to run, now come on."

She got the bowls and started to run out of the tavern. Her pace was slower due to two reasons: Delsin was behind her and she had two bowls of hot soup in her hands. It was hard to keep up with Nymerial but the man was moving as fast as he could. Some people stared after them as they ran, it wasn't everyday that one would see two adults running like little children. When Nymerial made it to the stairs, she yelled to the guards as she was climbing up the steps

"Open the doors!"

She heard Delsin closer behind her as she ran through the doors. She changed her pace to a quick walking in the Hall. Nymerial went to the table next to the columns, the boy and the girl were sitting there. She placed the bowls in front of them, and before anyone could say something, they grabbed the spoons and started to eat. Delsin placed the basket onto the table and got out the rest of the food. He then went towards Théoden and bowed before him

"I must apologize for my actions but Lady Nymerial tolde me that she was in a hurry."

Nymerial was shocked a little, nobody had ever called her Lady Nymerial. The King stood up from his throne and smiled at Delsin. He said

"I understand, I just hope Nymerial did not cause you much trouble. What is your name?"

"I am Delsin, son of Delon. I am the innkeeper of the White Horse tavern. I hope you will excuse my appearance, as I was looking for some food, a bottle of wine fell on me."

"You can go now and clean yourself."

Delsin bowed one more time and left.

Nymerial took two apples from the basket and threw one at Legolas who caught it. She then sat down next to Aragorn who was smoking his pipe. Gimli was eating the chicken when Éowyn walked in. She taked to the girl quietly and then said to the others

"They had no warning. They were unarmed. Now the Wildmen are moving through westfold, burning as they go, every rick, cot and tree."

The girl asked from her

"Where is Mama?"

But Éowyn hushed and patted her back. Gandalf went to Théoden and sat down next to him. He explained

"This is but a taste of the terror that Saruman will unleash. All the more potent for he is driven mad by the fear of Sauron. Ride out and meet him head on. Draw him away from your women and children. You must fight."

Aragorn lifted his head and added

"You have two thousand good men riding North as we speak. Éomer is loyal to you. His men will return and fight for their King."

But the King stood up and argued back

"They will be three hundred leagues from here by now! Éomer cannot help us. I know what it is you want of me. But I will bring no further death to my people. I will not risk open war."

There was a short silence. Nymerial stood up also and said back in a clear voice 

"Open war is upon us!"

Aragorn said in a serious tone, finishing Nymerial's thought

"Whether you risk it or not."

But the King didn't like that. He walked towards them and spat back

"When last I looked, Théoden, not Aragorn nor Nymerial, was King of Rohan."

Silence filled the Golden Hall once more. The only thing heard was the munching of the kids and Gimli's occasional burping. Gandafl was the first one to speak. He asked

"Then what is the King's decision?"

Théoden thought for a while and then said his decision

"We must empty the city. We will seek shelter in Helm's Deep!"

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