He is still human...

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"Because I need to punch him towards the sun for making my sister cry!"

 Nymerial wasn't expecting that. She didn't understand how could he know about that. But then it hit her and she knew who to look at. She turned her head and shot a glare at Legolas. She saw that he was trying to escape but Nymerial jumped after him and grabbed the back of his shirt. She said to him

"You started it and now you're coming too."

Legolas tried to struggle but her grip was like iron. She saw Aragorn leaving and followed him, with an Elf in her hands. She tried to stop her brother by yelling but it didn't work, he just kept on searching Delsin. Seeing that nothing would change his mind. Nymerial followed Aragorn's trail. The three of them must have travelled through the whole of Helm's Deep when they found themselves back by the entrance.

As Nymerial and Legolas leaned their backs against the stone wall, Aragorn suddenly ran off towards the door that led up onto the wall. Nymerial sighed as she followed him, still dragging Legolas with her. When they climbed the final step, they were greeted by a gentle breeze and a man's screams. Nymerial followed the noise, letting finally go of Legolas, but it didn't matter because he went after her anyway.

When Nymerial found the source of the screams, she was shocked. There, in front of her, was her brother, holding Delsin, by the collar of his shirt, against the wall. He was trying to find out what he had said to Nymerial

"What did you say to her?! What did you say to my sister?!"

But Delsin didn't say anything, only laughed to himself quietly. Nymerial could clearly see that Aragorn was pissed. But then he did something that neither Nymerial nor Legolas expected. Aragorn had gotten to his limit and he raised one of her hands. He brought it down and his fist collided with Delsin's left cheek. The bastard's face whipped to his right but when he looked at Aragorn again, a grim hand appeared on his face. He spat at Aragorn's face

"I only told her the truth!"

Aragorn hissed

"About what?!"

"About her being a HER!"

Aragorn was about to punch him again but his hand had stopped. He turned his head, his eyes filed with anger. But they softened a bit when he saw who was holidng his hand. Nymerial was looking at the ground as she held her brother's hand. She closed her eyes and whispered only two words

"Please, stop."

He looked back at the grinning Delsin and his gaze grew cold again. He asked, clearly furious

"WHY?! Why should I? He is a sad excuse for a human!"

"But he is still human..."

Aragorn turned his glare away from the man in front of him and looked at his sister, who had still had his hand in hers. But then she lifted her head and opened her eyes. She looked him in his eyes and said


He looked at Delsin for a second and then let him go. He growled silently


He turned his back at his now most hated enemy and started to walk away. But when he had stepped only  four steps, he heard rushing behind him. He turned around and saw a fist coming towards his face. Before he could react or move, he saw Delsin stopping his punch and grabbing his right cheek. Nymerial, who hadn't moved a muscle, was surprised because she saw what happened.

When Delsin was going to punch Aragorn, Legolas had moved for the first time. He had raised his fist and punched Delsin before he could hit his friend. The Elf then leaned near his face and said only so he could hear

"That was for my friend and my g..."

But he stopped in the middle of his sentence, he didn't know who Nymerial was for him. Delsin notcied that and asked mockingly

"What? Your girl? She is my girl! Remember that!"

"No, she is not!"

"Not yet. I will make her mine, whether you like it or not!"

But before Legolas was able to say something back, a loud yelp of pain filled the air. Everybody looked at Nymerial. She had kicked Delsin, who was now laying on the ground, in the ribs with her leg. She crouched down and said to Delsin

"There is only one man who can call me his girl. And it ain't you. You are never going to be either. And that is worth remembering!"

She stood up and looked down at the bastard. She spat in front of him before leaving. The men were looking at everything she did, not believing it. When Nymerial reached them, Aragorn put his arm around her shoulders and grinned

"That is my girl!"

"That is right, you did teach me everything I know so I better be."

He laughed and both of them started to go towards the door that led off the wall. Before exiting, Nymerial yelled after Legolas who was still standing near Delsin

"You coming?"

Legolas only then noticed where the others had went and ran after them. The went towards the King's rooms but as they reached the door, Nymerial realised one of her small knives was missing. She said to the men

"You go on, I will be right back. Just lost something."

They nodded and Nymerial turned her back to them. She followed their trail, hoping to find her blade. And her hopes were filled, she found her knife right in front of the stables. As she picked it up and put it back in its strap, she decided to visit Amani, because she hadn't seen him since the battle with the wargs.

When she entered the building, she saw most of the horses were asleep. She went to the very end and looked at Amani. He also was sleeping so Nymerial didn't want to disturb him, a big battle was ahead. She patted his nose lightly and left. She headed towards the King's rooms again and opened the doors. Inside, the table from before, were the King, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli. They were in the middle of talking when she walked in. But she motioned to continue and Théoden asked from Aragorn

"A great host, you say?"

"All Isengard is emptied."

"How many?"

"Ten thousand strong at least."

Nymerial sat down onto a bench near her when she heard that. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Théoden was shocked as well

"Ten thousand?!"

Aragorn said with a grim voice

"It is an army bred for one purpose: to destroy the world of Men. They will be here by nightfall."

Théoden King thought about what Aragorn had said for a minute and then announced

"Let them come."

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