The battle of Amon Hen...

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Nymerial saw that those weren’t all Orcs. There was some kind of new Orc, one that wasn’t so protected from the sun and they seemed bigger, stronger and faster. But not smarter. Boromir and Nymerial had their swords against their foreheads as tens, maybe even hundreds of Orcs ran towards them with loud screaming. Then Nymerial heard something behind her. She looked back slightly and saw that the beasts were coming from there too. She then knew that they wouldn’t last here if no help comes. Boromir blowed his horn again as the first Orc came to Nymerial. She dodged the first swing and cut the beast in the back of its knee. She then sliced its throat, killing it.

But she couldn’t rest because two more Orcs attacked her. Nymerial pulled one of her daggers out from her boot and blocked one of the blades. With her sword, she blocked the other. She then stabbed one of the beasts in the eye and beheaded the other. Nymerial left the dagger where it was as she made her way to the biggest Orc, it seemed to be the army’s leader. But more and more creatures came. Nymerial noticed that Merry and Pippin were still there, throwing rocks at the Orcs. She yelled at them


But the Hobbits didn’t move and kept on throwing rocks, which actually hit their target. She kept fighting but a sharp pain in her leg made her stop for a moment. She looked down and saw that one of the Orcs wasn’t dead yet and it stabbed her in the thigh. The cut wasn’t deep but it wasn’t just a scratch either. She killed the Orc once and for all and continued to fight through the army of Orcs, limping lightly.

After killing the fifth Orc, Nymerial started to get weary. The blood loss wasn’t helping either. But luckily it seemed that no more Orcs were coming. But there were plenty on the battle field. Nymerial then heard something coming towards her, fast. She looked at the leader of Orcs just in time to see an arrow coming towards her. She stepped to the side and got one of her knives from the straps of her arm. She threw it right at the beast, into the heart but it didn’t do anything. It just got another arrow and put it onto the bow. It aimed and released it.

Nymerial gaze followed it. The arrow was coming towards Boromir but he didn’t see it. Before Nymerial could say anything, the sharp arrow head hit Boromir in the left shoulder. He jerked back from the blow. The Hobbits stopped throwing rocks and looked at their friend with shock, Nymerial as well. Boromir fell and began to breathe deeply. But he then rose up with a battle cry and fought on. Nymerial couldn’t help him because she was surrounded by Orcs. She got out her dagger and started to fight against the creatures. 

She stabbed one in the heart and sliced another’s throat with the dagger, killing them. But three Orcs attacked her. She crouched down and one Orc fell onto her back. She then stood up again, the Orc fell onto the ground on its neck and died. Her sword then chopped off a leg off one of the Orcs. Nymerial blocked a sword swing with her dagger and stood quickly up. She stopped another swing and then stabbed her sword into the beast’s face.

Another whistle of an arrow went past her. She looked back and saw the arrow in Boromir’s stomach. He dropped onto his knees again and looked at the Hobbits, gasping for air. He then looked at Nymerial, as if searching for some strength from her, and stood up. He stopped the Orc’s blade and stabbed it into the chest. Nymerial started to run towards him but another Orcs came running towards her. She fought it with such strength she had never felt before. But she didn’t think about it, she had to get to Boromir before it was too late. 

Another arrow went flying towards Boromir. It hit him into the chest and he fell onto the ground onto his knees. His breaths became short and sharp. The Hobbits then grabbed their swords and ran into the fight. But they were lifted up onto the Orc’s shoulders and were carried off. Nymerial was still fighting with the Orc but she did all to get to either Boromir or the Hobbits. But that Orc was stronger than the others. She then saw from the corner of her eye that the Orc leading was standing in front of Boromir, with its bow lifted. She beheaded the Orc and started to run towards Boromir.

Before she could reach them, Aragorn jumped onto the giant Orc’s back, falling down with it. That arrow that was on the bow, ready for a final blow, flew off into the distance. Aragorn stood up and the beast followed. Their swords crossed and Aragorn pushed the Orc-like creature back. Nymerial then joined in, bringing down her sword. But it was stopped by a shield. The beast then pushed Nymerial down with great force. Aragorn was backed against a tree and the creature threw its two-prong shield at him, trapping his head between the prongs. The orc raised its sword and striked but Aragorn slipped beneath the shield.

Nymerial then stood up and stabbed the thing into the back as Aragorn stabbed its leg with the dagger Celeborn gave him. The dagger’s blade went straight through. Nymerial pulled back her sword as the beast pulled out the dagger and licked the blood from it. It then threw the dagger at Aragorn but Nymerial threw one of her knives at it, stopping the blade’s journey towards Aragorn.

Nymerial then ran to the Orc and attacked it. But all she could do was clash her sword against the other one. She then spun her blade and with that, the Orcs’ leader lost its sword. Aragorn came next to Nymerial and chopped off one of the creature’s arms. He then stabbed it into the chest. But the Orc pulled the blade even deeper than it was and snarled into his face. Aragorn pulled out his sword and Nymerial lifted hers. She then beheaded the Orc. It finally fell into the darkness.

They looked around, panting. Aragorn then ran to Boromir with Nymerial in his heels. The both kneeled next to their friend and Aragorn said silently 


Boromir said to him

“They took the little ones.”

Nymerial knew that and said to Boromir

“Be still.”

But he asked from Aragorn

“Frodo! Where is Frodo?”

“I let Frodo go.”

Said Aragorn. 

“Then you did what I could not. I tried to take the ring from him.”

But Nymerial said to him

“The ring is beyond our reach now.”

“Forgive me. I did not see it. I have failed you all.”

Nymerial argued back

“No, Boromir, you fought bravely.”

Aragorn added with a gentle voice

“You have kept your honour.”

He then reached for the arrows but Boromir stopped his hand and said

“Leave it! It is over. The world of Men will fall, and all will come to darkness…and my city to ruin.”

Aragorn looked him right in the eye and said

“I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you, I will not let the White City fall…nor our people fail!”

“Our people? Our people.”

Said Boromir as he reached out his arm. Nymerial placed his sword into his hand and Boromir lifted it up to his chest. He said to Aragorn with a smile

“I would have followed you my Brother…my Captain…my King!”

Nymerial then said to Boromir

“And I would have followed you if you were my King.”

She then did something that brought a slight surprise into the man’s eyes. She got onto one knee andd bowed before Boromir. He then died. A single tear fell from Nymerial’s eye onto the dry ground. Aragorn touched his own forehead and lips with his hand in respect. He then bent down and kissed Boromir’s brow while saying

“Be at peace, son of Gondor.”

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