I am sorry...

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Everything seemed to slow down before Nymerial's eyes. All of the death, all the suffering, the fighting- it all moved as if it was now covered from head to toe with water. She felt all of her life energy slowly crawling out of her, leaving an empty shell onto the battle field. With all she could muster up, she lifted her dagger up, blocking an axe that was soaring through the air towards her. The Orc was killed by a stray arrow, making it fall near Nymerial. But she couldn't hear the thump, everything around her was muffled, the sight, the noise, the scent, the touch.

Blood was still oozing out of her wounds, the dragonblood inside of her seemed to be weakened by the lack of sleep, food and everything needed for a life. Her knees suddenly gave out underneath her, making her fall limp onto the blood-soaked ground. She could still see the faint figures of Théoden King with the Witch King but there was another man there. No, it was Éowyn. And Merry.

And right there, before her clouded vision, the King of Rohan fell with his niece who was like a daughter to him then there to avenge their death. The beast stood high and sonn had Éowyn's neck in its hand. Nymerial saw the Lord of the Nazgúl being wounded slightly by Merry's blade but that was all the little Hobbit could do. But in that short amount of time where it was crouched down, Éowyn got free from its grip and stared at it with anger and fury she had never felt before. The Witch King spoke, tearing through even Nymerial's ears

"You fool! No man can slay the Lord of the Nazgúl! Die now!"

The helmet that covered Éowyn's face was now on the ground next to her and she replied as she lifted her blade, voice dripping with fury and bloodthirst

"I am no man!"

The sheildmaiden of Rohan brought down her sword right into the middle of the dark hole where the Witch King's face ought to have been. A loud screech echoed through the battlefield as the creature lay now with his army, crumbled into a heap on the ground. Éowyn then fell as well, next to Théoden, where they shared their final words.

Nymerial couldn't take it anymore and shifted her misty gaze somewhere else. But she wished she hadn't. Her eyes landed on Alice, the one who had brought her into her true world, introduced her to somewhere where she felt like she belonged. Her long light hair moved in every which way as she made her way through the battle she was fighting. As she thought it was through, Nymerial saw a figure behind her. She wanted to scream out but all she could manage to whisper out was


The girl luckily managed to dodge the oncoming mace and Nymerial smiled faintly, glad to see her friend on her feet and in the middle of the battlefield. But her eyes couldn't take anymore of the sword swings and bloodfilled screams, she felt she had seen it too much. The sky was clouded with a grey colour which reminded her of the keeper of her heart. She was almost certain that he was with Gimli, throwing comments between each other and having a good time. She could almost hear the Dwarf complaining about the Orc's heads being too high up for their own good.

But the ghost of a smile was gone when a bloodcurdling scream rung through the air and the voice was familiar, too familiar for her liking. To her dismay, Nymerial saw Alice's body fall onto the red ground near her.

She would have screamed, she would have trashed around and cried even if she had the life force to do them. But all of her draining energy and clouded vision let her was a single tear than ran across her cheek and sank into the dirt. She mumbled, hoping that her friend somehow would hear her

"I am sorry, Alice. I should have been there for you..."

Nymerial was slipping in and out of the darkness that lay before her. As she prepared to glance at the outside world for the last time, she felt someone kneel next to her and pick her up. She held her eyes open, using up the very last amount of might she had left in her body and whispered

"I am so sorry..."

Her eyes closed for good and she felt another tear run down her scarred cheek. Her mind fell into the shady abyss which she had tried to steer away for the whole time. But there she was, body limp and barely alive, in Legolas' arms.

I don't bow to crowns LOTR/Legolas love story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now