The Balrog...

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The Fellowship ran through the long hall of pillars. Nymerial could hear the loud footsteps of Orc behind them as she ran after Gandalf. She could also see some Orcs climbing down from the ceiling like some dark spiders. She was stopped by an army of Orcs were in front of them and soon they were surrounded. Everybody had their weapons out, ready to fight once more, even if their bloody faces showed weariness. The Orcs must have seen that because they were snarling and leering. But suddenly a deep rumble was heard as the end of the great hall lit up with a fiery colour. The Orcs ran, looking scared, and Gimli laughed at them, thinking he was the one who scared them off.

The Fellowship was left in the silence. Then Nymerial felt something powerful. It was like a wave in the stormy sea. She felt like a small child and and she asked from Gandalf

"What is this new devilry?"

Gandalf didn't answer right away. Instead he closed his eyes, concentrating. Another violent rumble was heard and the wizard opened his eyes. While staring down the hall, he said

"A Balrog-a demon of the ancient world."

The thing growled again. It was still hidden behind the corner but the fiery light was coming closer, painting the pillars fire-coloured. Nymerial could feel another wave of ancient power hit her. Legolas must have felt that too because both of their eyes widened with fear. Gandalf said to the Fellowship

"This foe is beyond any of you...Run!"

The wizard lead them to a small doorway. They went through it, Gandalf being the last. He took a last look behind him and followed the rest. Nymerial saw a flight of stairs in front of her and followed Boromir down them. As they started to reach the bottom of one flight, a flight was missing, but Boromir didn't see it and had almost fallen if it wasn't for Legolas who had pulled him back. The torch he was holding fell into the darkness below. Nymerial looked at Gandalf as Aragorn asked


"Lead them on, Aragorn! The bridge is near!"

They looked at the end of the stairs and the beginning of the bridge that would lead them out of Moria. Nymerial could hear the Balrog roar behind them. Gandalf said again to Aragorn

"Do as I say! Swords are no more use here!"

He then looked over to Nymerial and said with a gentle voice

"I am truly sorry that I will not be the one who would tell you the truth."

Nymerial's eyes showed confusion but before she could ask anything, Gandalf pushed her to the stairs next to them. They hurried down but were again stopped. This time by a huge gap between the stairs. Legolas jumped easily to the other side, so did Nymerial. The Balrog rumble but this time it was a lot closer.


Yelled Legolas as Gandalf jumped. Nymerial and Legolas caught him.

But as he made it to the other side, a whistle of arrow filled the air. It went right past Legolas' ear. He shot an arrow back but his hits the target. Nymerial got out her slingshot because her enemies were too far for darts. She then picked up a pebble and shot. It hit one of the Orcs right in the eye and he fell into the vast underground. Boromir jumped to the other side with Merry and Pippin in his hands. Aragorn then threw Sam and Boromir caught him. Aragorn then reached out to pick Gimli up but he held up his hands and said angrily

"Nobody tosses a Dwarf."

He jumped but not far enough and almost fell into the emptiness. Luckily Legolas caught him by the beard. Gimli then yelled at him

"Not the beard!"

As the Elf pulled up the Dwarf, Nymerial could hear an arrow being released and it was coming straight at Legolas. She pushed him aside next to Gandalf but she herself couldn't get out of the way fast enough and the arrow wounded her left arm. It didn't go through it but it did pierce deep enough to show some flesh. She put her other arm on the wound, trying to stop most of the bleeding. Little did she know, that the sight broke Legolas' heart and immediately he shot an arrow into the Orc's throat, killing it.

Nymerial soon understood that she couldn't stop the bleeding here so she let go of her arm, hoping that the dried blood would stop some of the bleeding. She looked back at her brother and Frodo who were trapped. Some of the stone stairs had fallen so they couldn't jump. The bottom of the rock beneath Aragorn and Frodo began to break. Nymerial then knew what they should do. She yelled to them

"Lean forward!"

Aragorn and Frodo did as they were told and the parts of the stairs clashed against each other. They then jumped next to the others and began to run to the bridge.

As they reached the bridge of Khazad-Dum, a wall of fire appeared behind them. Gandalf turned around and faced it. The Fellowship stopped but Gandalf said to them

"Over the bridge! Try!"

All of them, except Gandalf, fleed to the other side. Nymerial looked back with the others to see a massive figure forming from the black shadows and red fire. It was the Balrog, a creature made from fire and shadow. Its bull-like horns were curled around his head and the demon's eyes were glowing with a white flame. It opened its mouth roaring. A strong wave of heat was pouring off the Balrog's body. Gandalf turned around and ran closer to the rest but stopped soon and turned around. A big foot stamps onto the bridge as the Balrog made its way onto the bridge. Gandalf yelled at the demon with such power he had never produced

"You cannot pass! I am the servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the Flame of Anor... The dark fire will not avail you! Flame of Udun!"

He then lifted his staff that blocked a sword swing from the demon. It had created a sword out of the fire around him but now the blade was broken. The staff glowed as it was hit. The Balrog was surprised by that but soon stepped onto the bridge, making a whip from the flames. Aragorn ran a bit forward but stopped, he knew that he couldn't do anything to help.

Gandalf yelled at the ancient creature once again, while lifting up his staff and sword

"Go back to the Shadow! You shall not pass!"

He then brought them down, creating a bright flash of light blue light. The Balrog stepped one step but as it did that, the stone beneath it, broke. The Barlog fell into the darkness. Gandalf turned around and supported himself on his staff, exhausted. But as he started to make his way to the Fellowship, a fiery whip appeared and snaked itself around Gandalf's ankle. It dragged the wizard onto the now broken bridge. Nymerial started to run to help him but she was held back by somebody. She saw that Frodo was trying to do the same but was being held back by Boromir. The little Hobbit yelled


But all the wizard said was

"Fly, you fools!"

And with that, he let go. Nymerial screamed and trashed around but the strong hands wouldn't let go. Instead they pulled her to the exit. Right now Nymerial didn't even care if she was caged, she wanted to Gandalf one more time. Arrows whistled past her ears but she didn't care, she had just lost someone very dear and close to her.

When she smelled first air, she collapsed into the arm that was holding her. She inhaled the scent and realised that she was being held by Legolas. No one else would have his foresty scent. But she didn't care who it was. She just let all of her tears come out.

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