What is this feeling?...

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Nymerial took all of the weapons she was needing with her as she was going to go to the practicing field. She had her sword, knives, a slingshot and a bag full of throwing darts. When she got to the field, Legolas was already there, waiting for her. He spoke to her

"Hi. That is a lot of things. You can wield all of them?"

Nymerial replied

"Basically, one is better than the other."

Nymerial set all her weapons down except her sword. She started to swing it, saying the combinations silently to herself. Legolas just kept watching.

"Left up, right up, middle, right down, left down, legs, neck, left block, right block, bottom block, bottom block, behind. Hey, Legolas, do you mind practicing with me?"

"Not at all, what do you need me for?"

"Just attack me with something."

He took one of his Elven swords and went over to Nymerial.

He then started attacking her, with the same combinations she just did. She blocked all of them. Legolas did those from all angles, they were all either blocked or dodged.

"Thanks! I now recommend to stand back."

Legolas took a few steps back while still watching every move Nymerial made. She took her six knives between her fingers and stood in the right stance. She then, without warning, swung herself towards an invisible enemy, did a cartwheel without hands ans swung her hand as her feet touched the ground. If there were an Orc, it would have a sliced throat. She then did a front flip followed by a somersault and a final stab. She then asked from Legolas

"Those flips, were they any good?"

"They were perfect, but if you do not mind, where did you learn all of this?"

"Well, Aragorn taught me sword fighting. Fighting with knives and daggers is inspired by my family, a pack of wolves I lived with. The blades are like a wolf's claws. And the slingshot and the darts you see over there are just for passing the time. And so are the tricks."

"Wait, you lived with a pack of wolves?!"

"Yes, but you will hear about it later."

Nymerial picked up her slingshot and started to look from some little rocks. She picked one up and searched for a target. She saw her brother on a balcony eating an apple. She yelled to Aragorn

"Aragorn, could you please put your apple on the balcony and stand back?"

Legolas turned towards Aragorn as he put his apple down and took a step back. Nymerial put the pebble into the slingshot, pulled the rubber back and aimed. When she was a hundred percent sure it would hit the fruit, she released the rubber. Not a moment later, the apple fell.

"Wow!" was all Legolas could say. They then saw Aragorn going inside, probably to get another apple. To end the practice, Nymerial got five throwing darts out and said to Legolas while pointing to the target

"Would you do me a favor and run around with it? I like a moving target."

Legolas picked up the target, a bit prudently, and started to jog around the field. Nymerial then started throwing darts at him, always getting the bullseye. When all of her five darts were gone, Legolas stopped running and looked at the target. Nymerial could tell that he was impressed.

It was late so Nymerial said to Legolas

"Quel du. (Good night.)" and went to her room, picking up her things on the way. Legolas didn't reply. He just watched as Nymerial went away. The moon was high in the sky and it shone on Nymerial's dark hair, making it look like it was filled with thousands and thousands of diamonds. He couldn't see her eyes, but he knew that they were sparkling like minty stars. 'What is this? I have never thought about a girl like this. What is happening to me? What is this tingling feeling inside me?' he heard Aragorn say behind him

"You're in love with my sister, friend."

I don't bow to crowns LOTR/Legolas love story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now